Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This may be the most important blog I have ever posted. What will you do with it?

How long does it take to write a blog post? After writing about a
thousand. I don't know. Sometimes the thoughts just kinda ripen with
age. Other times they pop out of the microwave. This post is one
that has been ripening with age. I'm not even sure what to write....

A few weeks back, a friend named Mike came in my tiny janitor's office
and began sharing about God's love. It was one of several times our
paths have intersected and we have talked about God's love. I
appreciate his passion. It's not difficult for you that know Mike to
figure out who I am talking about, when you put the word Mike and
passion together. They fit.

Keep love in the forefront of your mind, but for a minute ask yourself
the question: "Why love?" Consider from the beginning of time and
before there was mankind. God was God and He likely did a pretty good
job of being God. What was He thinking when he created you and me?
For what purpose was the idea of mankind birthed?

The answer comes to me in a struggle. I have become aware that I do
not know how to adequately express my appreciation for who and what
God is. I believe my praise of God is inadequate. I want to tell God
thank you for all His creations, but it doesn't seem like that is
enough. My inadequate expression of praise for the creator brought me
back to my friends passion for God's love.

I believe in a very limited way of understanding the makeup of God,
that in the beginning of time and before mankind, God must have been
bursting at the seems with love. He was like a balloon totally filled
with love and stretched to the max. Love was the most important part
of who He was. It was the essence of His being. He was bursting with
Love and so passionately wanted to share in His experience. Even the
rocks would cry out, but that wasn't enough. It was time to give

It was time for God to create mankind in His image. How else would
His creation be able to experience the Love He so desperately wanted
to share? Do you get it? God had this incredible thing called Love
that He wants you to experience! It likely was the very reason you
were created.

There is nothing more important in life than Love! Think on it.
Dwell on it. Don't just flippantly click to the next blog. You for a
moment have been brought to a place at the feet of God and have been
offered the opportunity to experience God's greatest gift, Love. What
will you do with it?

For me, Love answers a question. I now know the missing component to
my praise of the Holy Father. Love.

surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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