Saturday, April 30, 2011

I am not trying to convert anyone to 'my' viewpoint...


Guest post: Jim Taylor

It frightens some people to even think of questioning their beliefs. I am not sure why. I know in myself, though I question the things I believe I don't question Him! I have come to know Him as Love. I have come to see His character as kind, extremely patient, willing to give everything for me! He has never gotten angry with me when I walked away or denied Him. He has never cast me off when I made wrong choices - even when I knew I was making wrong choices. He has not gotten discouraged with me or given up on me in the many many times He could have.

So when I question beliefs, I am not questioning Him.

I do not know the answers to the eternal questions about the afterlife. Those who are assured that they understand it all do not bother me. I am not trying to convert anyone to 'my' viewpoint, for I am not sure I have one at this point, other than God's character is such that - in the end - no action of His will ever be judged by anyone as being wrong. 

I do know that Papa God is good .. All the Time! I know He is kind and loving .. much more so than earthly dads. And I know that He is right. I choose to bow my knees and willingly say that Jesus is my Lord. I trust my life to Him. Literally. I have no problem putting everything I have in His hands and going any place any time He wants. I have no problem selling all that I own and following Him. My life is His. I don't have to know or understand in order to live in Him. All I have to do is quit trusting in everything but Him ... let go and live in Him. 

I don't question Him. I choose to live in Him.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Some things will just have to stay UNKNOWN..."~Teri

 Guest Post by Teri Undreiner
For the last few days I've been in a few discussions where the Bible has been under fire. The discussions were on women and men, heaven and hell, baptism and not, saved, and unsaved, health and sickness, demonism and mental illness, etc. etc. etc...These were all great discussions and of course I have my own views and consider them "right". But...when it really comes down to it, no one really knows for sure. 

The Bible was written in a far off land in a whole different set of circumstances and languages. We can't REALLY know if Hell is literal or symbolic because we've never been there. We can't REALLY know if women and men should have different roles in the church because we can't exactly talk to the original authors of the letters. I use to be a person who took EVERYTHING literally (except the things I didn't want to;) One of these things was healing. 

When I read the Bible, Jesus seemed VERY sure that I could and should heal the sick and raise the dead. Well..He said that those who couldn't did not have faith. So...I wanted to be faithful. Hmmm, a couple people were actually healed ( or so it seemed) but still dead came back to life. That made me mad cuz I gave it my ALL! My argument was, " If you told me to do it, GOD, then you have to follow through. I did my part!". And all it caused with stress and anger in me. I finally gave up trying . ( to the sadness of some friends on their deathbed. ) I couldn't take the stress anymore. 

I began looking at all our favorite belief systems in the christian church. What i found is that we all have our faves that we take literally and we throw others out because we don't see them happening, thus...not literal. I recall a verse where Jesus said, " what is easier to say, They sins be forgiven you, or, rise take up your bed and walk?" It's easier to say "your sins are forgiven you", than it is to heal somebody. I think it's because we can't SEE sins being forgiven but we can SEE whether someone is healed or not. 

Throughout all these controversial issues that surround us, I have come to a place in my life of realizing that we do pick and choose. Most all of us. "This is literal and this is not", depending how important we think something is to faith, to us, to OUR ministry or gender etc, to salvation, to others. This has cut me to the chase in my own life and beliefs. I realize how much I pick and choose and will defend something to the death of what I believe if I have to. But, there is something else. Some things are worth fighting for to me, except when it pulls people apart. 

NOW... I know that there were divisions in the Bible and many would say that it is good to divide so that the "true" and "false" followers would be revealed. When I look at the people that I love and know in the Christian Faith...I can't say that any of them are "false". Even when I disagree with them and their belief system makes me mad. I still know that they are doing the best they can with what they know and believe. JUST LIKE ME. And to be honest, I'm not willing to judge them or LOSE them from my life. They are IMPORTANT to me. I'm ONE OF THEM and they are ONE OF ME, regardless of our differences. 

That's just where I am. Some things will just have to stay UNKNOWN for sure until we get there. BUT, for right now? I got people. I'm not willing to let anyone go for the sake of differences in beliefs. I'm just being honest. AND, I'm not willing to allow strife and turmoil hinder the relationship with people I love, no matter what it is about. Beliefs come and go. Church politics come and go. But, my friends are here right now and I want to continue with them until they or I go. This has brought me to a place of peace. 

I have so many different types of friends and I like it that way. My world might be easier if we all believed the same or were the same, but that wouldn't be very colorful. What i have come to is this: The world will know we are christians by the love we have for one another. NOT by any other thing. Not by what we believe about Hell and Heaven, Women and Men, health or sickness, THIS or THAT. They will know me by how I love and honor others. 

So..I guess I'm becoming a MODERATE. LOL! Doing all things with moderation. I still have my STRONG beliefs that I feel very confident in, but not to the exclusion of others. I just can't do it. I want the fragrance that comes from my life to be sweet and uplifting, encouraging, and loving. I hope that I can be accepted for that, even if that is all I have to offer. In the end, when I'm dying and someone can't raise me from the dead, they can at least know how much they will miss me because of that fragrance when they were around me. 

So, here is my verse for the moment: 2 Cor: 6: 3-12 " we give no offense in anything but commend ourselves as ministers of God"..and then he goes on to say OUTRAGEOUS things! Paul and Jesus offended people all the time but it wasn't intentional. In this verse I am amazed at what things he wrote down that he would not give offense in. The hardest things! I can't even imagine. 

In that vein, I will probably offend people from time to time but know this: YOU are much more important to me than ANYTHING we could ever talk about or disagree about. YOU are who I love. Not pet peeves that I can't prove or disprove . It's all about YOU and it's all about Christ in ME and YOU. And to those who are reading this that do not want to be in's all about YOU as well, for me. 

It's this simple, at least for me. Life is a journey and it's like being on a Potters wheel...we aren't finished till we're finished. We are all going to look so different than we look right now. We are going to be stretched and twisted, kneaded and baked and the outcome will be beautiful in it's time. Until then....GRACE to all.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

People are willing to die for their beliefs. How about you?

GUEST POST by believer in "the way":

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I am deeply moved this recent month that the mainland government start a new wave of persecution....... in Beijing and all over China (except HongKong of cause) .....
I kindly ask for your precious pray for the Beijing Watchmen Church, the biggest underground church in Beijing. It faces a great persecution in Beijing. Pastors and church leaders are being custody in home. The government does not allow them to use their church building for service so they could only worship the Lord in the street. Then, the police catch them and put many of them in jail...... A few days ago, I have got a message from a sister from my Beijing church. She said that the situation their was very intense. Even my church pastor was called by the police.  Luckily the police do not make trouble to him.....
The underground church in Beijing now is starting a prayer and fast for BJ Watchmen Church. I kindly ask for your prayer support for standing together with our mainland Chinese brothers and sisters.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, April 11, 2011

Is there no higher calling than priest?


Guest post by my friend...
Luis Rey 
Most of the time, people are "alert" to the major doctrines that lead people down the obvious path of destruction. We often see "doctrines of demons" as the things that lead people to live radically different from what we view as "normal Christianity."

I would say that the most difficult false doctrine to discern is the one that actually enforces a "typical Christian life." In other words, the teachings of much of the Church today tell people that the typical Christian life is based on following certain steps to be a more effective Christian. It may sound good and even spiritual, and may even be used with Scripture to support it, but it in fact, has more to do with Spiritual self-help or works-based sanctification than as something that is accomplished through Jesus alone.

If there is still "work" for us to do regarding our salvation, righteousness and sanctification, then we can never fully rest in what Jesus has accomplished, and here is the danger. There are many men, who continue to preach what man must do to be "right" with God, and it usually involves pointing out problems in people's lives, and then giving the answer. It is a constant state of self evaluation, instead of a man or woman pointing to the constant state of beholding Christ. These teachings force people to constantly look at themselves in the mirror instead of beholding Christ.

As long as I can get you to look at yourself, you will always need me to tell you when and where to look, and how to fix it. In doing so, I have enabled you to live your faith in a form of voyeurism through what I believe, in which you are looking to me, and living your faith through what I am telling you should and shouldn't do. This makes faith passive, and relegates our faith to: going to church, tithing, joining a small group, serving in the church, trying to be a good person, etc. These things in themselves when understood are not bad, but they are not the totality of our faith.

Whenever a pastor or priest or whomever sees himself as the "bridge" between people and God, or when we see these men or women with "higher callings" than ourselves, then we have fallen to a form of man-made philosophy that is found in the doctrines of demons. These doctrines leave people watching someone else in front of them "perform" the service for God, while they sit and either applaud or complain. 

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Saturday, April 9, 2011

There is a road less traveled and it may be to India...

  • Ann Johnstone Back in 2009 God told me clearly to go to a remote village in India and stay with a woman there who, with her two sons, was starting up house churches in many of the surrounding villages. This was in an area where there is much persecution. I only knew of the woman via emails we had been sending each other over the previous year. (She found my name on a U.S. based House Church resource website). You can imagine how people thought I was crazy, but I just knew I had to go.

    My son works in South India but had been holidaying in Australia so I decided to travel back with him. I then went on my own by train to the nearest station to the village (about 4 hours away), not knowing if there would be anyone at the station to meet me. The people on the train thought I was a bit mad too when I told them I was going to meet someone for the first time. They all put their heads out the train window to see what would happen. Well, I stepped onto the platform and looked around at a couple of hundred people. Wasn't sure what to do next when a voice in the crowd called out, "Hello Maam, this is Babu". Mother and adult son were there to meet me.

  • Well, to cut it short, God did amazing things during my time in the village. People came streaming up to the 2-roomed house where I was staying (very basic - no plumbing etc) and wanted prayer. Even Hindus came. Little children kept following me and wanting to know more about Jesus. From morning til night I was praying for people (for salvation, healing, marriage-breakdowns, etc etc) and speaking to the crowds that met on the roof-top. It was an amazing time of God working in that village - and of me learning to trust Him to do the impossible.

    I learned that other people's opinions, circumstances, etc, were all secondary. When God wants you to step out and do something that seems impossible, we can trust Him to be in control every step of the way. The opinions of others, circumstances, and barriers are all secondary ... and will change. God's faithfulness never changes. And all the glory is His.

  • Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Men yelled, women sobbed, two babies on board were screaming.....

    Guest Post by Bonnie: I apologize in advance for the length of this... you have asked me to tell you what happened last Friday night and it took me a day or two to process it, and write it down. I pray when you read this you will fall to your knees and thank God, as I do every time I think back to what he did. My puny words fail to accurately describe how I feel about Him...  I will just tell you what happened as best I can.


    I have a chain that was given to me in Israel by God through a shopkeeper that has on it my promise from the Lord: “When you go to the left or the right, your ears will hear a voice saying ‘This is the way’, walk in it.” (Is 30:21) I never take it off. It is my proof that I am where He wants me,  that He sends me where He needs me to go.


    Friday I was getting ready for the day in the office at the HEA mission center, after which I would take a bus to go about 5-6 hours away to Coatzacoalcos, the city where I grew up and my parents ministered, in another state.  As I was blow-drying my hair I heard in my spirit“Take off the chain, don’t wear it tonight.”

     Even as I reached up to take it off I wondered why and the voice came again “Leave the chain, take my promise.” 


    Later as I slipped on sandals there was that voice in my mind, again “You will need more than that. Thick socks. Tennis shoes.”


    I could have wondered, but for some reason, I didn’t. The entire day I was following instructions from Him and I finished my work and prepared to leave. Once on the bus at 6:30 in the evening I reached for my throat where  I usually wear my chain and thought again, “Leave the chain, take my promise.”

    I sat in the seat to the right of the bus driver, immediately by the door. After an hour or so it was dark and I began to listen to Francis Chan’s sermon ‘Crazy Love”.  I rested and closed my eyes as I listened, about 9 pm the bus was silent as everyone seemed to doze and I heard Francis Chan say:   "If I really believe that God values treasures others,  wouldn’t my life be about giving away all I have and even DYING so they can hear His message? Do I believe Romans 8 that God Himself lives inside of me and I am DIFFERENT from the people on the earth? That I must be radically different because this is HIS reputation, and I have this supernatural being in me... would I even be afraid of dying, if I truly believed this, so that others would know Him and spend eternity with Him?.... "


    That's when I heard the Lord say “My child, It’s time. And I am with you.”


    I sat up quickly and pulled out my earpieces, looked out the window. The night exploded into lights and I heard “Pop! Pop Pop!”;  realized our bus was being shot at. Heard the glass of the bus door shatter,  felt the shards as they covered us. Felt the swerve of the bus as the driver tried to control it, turned to the lady next to me and woke her up and said "We are being held up but God is with us. Spread the word.” Women screaming, the men climbing on board yelling “This is a hold-up, we will not kill you if you do as we say.” It was an explosion of sound and assault: Their faces covered by scarves, tearing at our jewelry, watches, grabbing our purses, thrusting their hands down our blouses to search for money, guns waving, dragging the bus driver out of his seat, driving the bus into the the bush, past trees, down down into a ravine and up up up about two kilometers into tall grass and trees. Men yelled, women sobbed, two babies on board were screaming.


    All the while, inside of me: peace. A knowing that He is there. "This is what you meant all day, Jesus. That I am not lost somewhere, you know where I am and I am safely in the palm of your precious hand."


    The bus careened to  stop. As I searched for my wallet to give them my money and they tore off my earrings and screamed and poked to see if I had more , I heard Him say, very distinctly “Say yes, say yes, say yes. I will tell you when it is time to say no. I am with you now and I will be with you then.”


    The bus finally came to a stop. As the men were going through the bus they dumped out backpacks to fill them with whatever they wanted of value, cell phones, money, jewelry, cameras. Pretty soon a big guy with a black bandanna around his face who seemed to be the ringleader told all the men to get up and go out and all the male passengers  followed them out. I couldn’t see what was happening outside, I heard one man grunt in pain, I assume they hit him when he didn’t do what they said quickly enough, I heard a shot and I prayed it was a warning and no one got shot. Eventually they told all the women to get up and leave the bus.  We stood in front of the bus, in the lights, we saw the male passengers  on the side of the bus, hands on the bus, spread eagled. They pushed us down into the dirt, made us lie down, faces in the dirt, hands at our necks. They frisked us and as they did that the girl next to me began to throw up. “Calm down," I said, “Don’t draw attention to yourself ."

    "I’m pregnant," she moaned, "I can’t stop as long as I am lying on my stomach.”


    I raised my head and told the two men with the guns on us. “She’s pregnant. Will you let us get up and hold our hands behind our head? She could choke.” After  much swearing from the men, they allowed all the women to get up as long as we held our hands on the back of our neck.

    Feels better.

    We can breathe.

    The moon was amazing.

    We were glowing in the moonlight.


    “Time to speak," He said.

    They ran over to the male passengers. Someone had tried to run, they made them undress from the waist down to keep them from running. You could hear them kicking the man who tried to run.  Women were sobbing.


    “Time to speak.“


    "Do you see the moon? It is amazing! ' I said to the women, " We didn’t know we would be here tonight but He knew and He prepared this place for us, and gave us this amazing light.”


    "He is up there, looking down on us." One of the women said.


    "No, that’s the best part, He is right here. In some of us and walking through and around us.” We had our hands on he backs of our neck,  guns pointed at us, I began to pray out loud. For His protection, for the the protection of His blood over each and every person there. Over and over again I prayed for His peace, peace that only He can give, and His blood around us, protecting us. Someone started singing down the line, a Catholic song, most joined in. Someone said Hail Mary's....


    "Pray for the men."

    (Gulp. Really, Lord? )


    "Do you believe me? Pray for those who persecute you."


    I looked at the now three men in front of us holding guns on us and I began to pray for them, out loud.  I prayed that God would have mercy on them, no matter what they did this night. As I prayed I l began to love  them and I knew it was Jesus loving them through me. I prayed "It was never supposed to be like this, God, you wanted us to have a relationship with you, but we sinned... and the bond was broken. And you  sent your son Jesus, to die for our sins, mine and theirs, to pay the price...." I went all the way through to "You have a plan for these men, and this is not it. Even at this moment you love them and you are making sure I say it so that they hear it, that you are knocking on the door of their heart and all they have to do is say "yes," to you and they will be forgiven and be set free of this life of sin....." Once I was done praying this way for the 1st man, I did the same for the 2nd man, "Father I ask for the man with the blue shirt, I ask for mercy and blessings for him and his family. You want him to know you love him and you have a plan for his life. That it was never supposed to be this way...." When I got to to the third he got mad and yelled "Don't pray for me!" and he got back on the bus to help the others as they ransacked everything. I kept praying, three times, in prayer, the entire plan of salvation was laid out...and everyone heard. The male passengers still standing on the side of the bus with their arms on the bus ... the men guarding them, and the ones guarding us.


    The man in the gray bandanna that had told me not to pray came back off the bus, and screamed at me " I told you to stop!" and I did.


    Then he pointed his gun at the women and said "Undress, all of you. Everything off."


    "It's time to say 'No'.  I am with you." I heard Him say.


    I took about a half step forward and said, " We aren't going to do that. We have cooperated fully in everything you asked, we have given you everything we have, but won't undress."


    He screamed at us "Take off your clothes!" I heard sobbing behind me. Pleading.


    I said, "No, we aren't going to do that."


    He grabbed my hair on the right side of my head and pulled, and put his gun under my chin and screamed "Get undressed or I will kill this woman."


    Someone behind me began to pray out loud.


    I said "No, don't. God says we don't have to do that. Don't do it." Calmly. Firmly. (those of you who know me well know how amazing THAT is! Supernatural grace.)


    He let go of my hair and he was holding the gun with both hands, pushing it under my jaw line and he was furious. He was a couple of inches shorter than I am and I had my head way back and I was looking in his eyes. Sweat pouring down his face into the bandanna, he screamed "I will kill you right now!"


    "My life doesn't belong to you, it is God's, and only He can take it. God told me to say no and that He would take care of me."


    The man was screaming something and I heard the whisper "Watch me."

    I remember a chill running through my body.

    I remember thinking: This is it.

    I will either see the hand of God in a miracle, or in seconds I will be looking into the precious face of my Jesus.


    As I write this, this is the only part of the story that makes me weep. I knew I was a second away from being face to face with Jesus. In spite of all the evil all around, that moment was unbearably precious.


    He glared at me and I heard the gun click and push hard against my jaw. And nothing else.


    His fury seemed to turn to terror. He pulled down the bandanna off his face and examined the gun, over and over again to see why there had been no shot. While he was doing that, the big  man in the black scarf had heard what was going on and he stormed off the bus roaring like a bull. "No seas cochino!" He yelled. "Don't be a pig! I told you to check the women, I didn't tell you to undress anyone and I never said you could kill anyone!" He pushed him away and backhanded him and the man fell back and as he did, a shot rang out, hitting no one.


    It was as if a line had been drawn by the Holy Spirit, past which they could not cross.


    I told the men, "You can check us but don't get funny. We have given you everything we have, there's no need to insult us any further." They nodded and checked the pockets but never touched us as they had been trying to do earlier. When it was time to check me none of them would, so I turned my pockets inside out so they could see they were empty. The big man said to me, "You can get on the bus now." I told him I would be last, after all the women. I asked him to please return all the clothes to the male passengers on the side of the bus, he nodded and went to tell someone to do that. We got on the bus and they told us to wait 10 minutes before backing out down the mountain. The bus driver waited a 1/2 hour and it took us about 1/2 hour to back out. At one point it was so steep and dark that we most of us (those that could) got out to lessen the weight of the bus.


    As we did, the women were telling their husbands that God had saved them from having to take off their clothes and perhaps being raped, that God had spared my life, that the gun hadn't worked. "Did you know we prayed for mercy for them? I heard them ask. "Did you know God has a plan for our lives and even for theirs? Tell them about God's plan,' They told me.


    When we got on the bus I prayed with many of them to accept Jesus, and  together we prayed for each of the 7 men that had attacked us.


    When I calmly relayed what happened to the police a couple of hours later they said " I believe you are in shock." Later, when I told part of the family over the phone, I was calm and clear and I thought "Maybe I am in shock. Four days later I know the truth: I am walking in grace. When He gives you grace, you don't need courage because there is no fear. I'm in grace, and I am in awe of a God who cares about  such details as my Israel necklace, reminds me of His promises, walks with me, talks to me and stops bullets when He decides.


    I lost my iPad, iPhone, iPod, all the money I had with me, digital camera, etc...

    in the place of this 'stuff'  I have a new awe of God. Words fail me to describe the sweetness of His presence and the far-reaching consequences of His grace. For two years I have said I live and walk in a miracle and today I know I am a miracle. 


    I must also admit I have a new longing: the one to see Him face to face as I briefly thought I would the other night. I know that one day I will. In the meantime, He has called us all to be His light in the darkness  we are the element of change in this world. We walk in His promise that we will walk in the world but not be of the world, and the we will be protected from the evil one:


    John 17:15-19, in Jesus' prayer for us: 

     My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.  Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.  As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.  For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.


    I pray as you read this you are touched with the awe and wonder I have been living in since that night: God SHOWS UP. He STILL shows up. He has an amazing plan and even though He djoesn't have to, He still uses humans to accomplish them. I am in awe of this privilege!  


    Thank you for your love and your support, and for making it this far in a long email.... How can I NOT proclaim His wonders???


    Fully His and in absolute awe of what He's doing.....


    El Señor cumplirá en mí su propósito. Tu gran amor, Señor, perdura para siempre; ¡no abandones la obra de tus manos! 
    Salmo 138:8

    The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever— do not abandon the works of your hands.
    Psalm 138:8

    Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream