Friday, September 25, 2009

Sin waits. Don't look. Keep walking.

Solomon found favor in the sight of God.
King Solomon became wiser and richer than all the kings of the earth.
But, King Solomon was obsessed with women.
King Solomon openly defied God in worshipping other gods.
God was furious with Solomon.
Things didn't end well for Solomon's family.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Coloring outside the lines can be beautiful...

Some think coloring outside the lines is wrong.  It seems out of place to them.  It even seems counterproductive.  But consider the crippled handicapped child and how beautiful it is to even see the child pick up the crayon.  Any color is good.  It matters not where the color goes.  It is just beautiful to see the color at all. 

David colored outside the lines.  In his experiences and with God's wisdom, he developed some rules to live by.  These rules give insight into his life and can be applied to those like him.  

You stick by people who stick with you, 
you're straight with people who're straight with you, 
You're good to good people, 
you shrewdly work around the bad ones. 
You take the side of the down-and-out, 
but the stuck-up you take down a peg. 

"I am but a crippled child.  There is beauty in the colors I pick and the place I lay them down."  ~the janitor

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Whatever! With God, bad might turn good...~the janitor

Everyone knows David as the man after God's heart.  He was king and a good king he was.  God loved David and blessed him many times over.  Blessings on David was not unusual.  It was a way of life for him.  Wouldn't you have loved to live the life of David?  

But wait! What about the time Absalum, his son rose up in rebellion against the David and set out to kill him and crown himself king.  That surely was not a good time in David's life.  Or what about another son of his dieing because of David's sin with Bathsheba?  Or what about the time...  The list goes on.

It seems obvious to me, life is meant to be what it is.  Sometimes events make us happy.  Sometimes events make us sad.  We need to remember, events are nothing more than happenings.  They do not define who we are or who God is.  They are just events.  

In the good and bad, thank God for what you have and look forward to the next day with Jesus.  Who knows, maybe God will see the trouble you are in and make something good out of it?

"And who knows, maybe God will see the trouble I'm in today and exchange the curses for something good." ~David

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Eye Witness Report - Burkina Faso

Natalie Rizvi 

Yesterday, I got to see an area damaged by the flooding. There are people who lost everything, no one really knows the death toll, and thousands are living with no medical care, food or clean water. There is worry about a cholera outbreak which could be fatal esp. to children (you basically die of dehydration). I feel so helpless to help these people. There are children who have been refused medical care bc they can't pay and in one place 5000 people are staying incl 600 children under 5 yrs. They have been given 50 mats to sleep on and 40 sheets and there is a problem with gov't officials stealing food meant for the flood victims. I'm doing good though, we start teaching on Monday, so I'm excited about that. Anne-Marie is enjoying a pair of your boxers that you left.

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Will you give your life for 25 Bibles?

Muslim Militants Slay Long-Time Christian in Somalia
Omar Khalafe
Omar Khalafe
Al Shabaab extremists shoot 69-year-old after finding Bibles on him at checkpoint.
The faith journey of a long-time underground Christian in Somalia ended in tragedy this week when Islamic militants controlling a security checkpoint killed him after finding Bibles in his possession.
Leaving Mogadishu by bus at 7:30 a.m., Khalafe was carrying 25 Somali Bibles he hoped to deliver to an underground fellowship in Somalia. By 10:30 a.m. he had arrived at the checkpoint controlled by al Shabaab, a rebel group linked with al Qaeda that has taken over large parts of the war-torn country. 
A source in Somalia who spoke on condition of anonymity told Compass that the passengers were ordered to disembark from the bus for inspection. The Islamic militants found 25 Somali Bibles in one of the passengers’ bags; when they asked to whom the Bibles belonged, the passengers responded with a chilled silence.
As the search continued, the militants found several photos in the bag. The source told Compass that the militants began trying to match the photos with the faces of the passengers, who were all seized by fear as they knew the inevitable fate of the owner. 
The Islamic extremists saw that the elderly Khalafe resembled a face in one of the photos, the source said. They asked Khalafe if he was the owner of the Bibles; he kept quiet. They shot him to death. 
Khalafe had been a Christian for 45 years, sources said.

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Church on Tap - hmmm...

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What is your claim to fame?

I once spent the day touring New York City with Mr. Ned Patterson, the previous son-in-law to E F Hutton.  It was a God ordained time in my life.  In our conservation, he asked me what my claim to fame was.  He said his claim to fame was having once married the daughter of E F Hutton.  What is your claim to fame and where was God in it? 

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"The heart, your soul, the essence of your being...Jesus" ~the janitor

God's anointed prophet Samuel was obedient.   He was in touch with God.  Samuel heard from God.  Samuel reasoned with God.  Samuel obeyed God.  In Samuel's obedience, he went to Bethlehem looking for the one God would choose as leader of the nation of Israel.  Samuel did the obvious.  Samuel check resumes and observed the obvious physical characteristics.  He was looking for the outstanding man that obviously fit the profile of leader.  

Samuel picked Eliab.  He was obviously king material.  But God had someone different in mind.  The story goes like this...

"But God told Samuel, "Looks aren't everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and stature. I've already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.... 

Jesse presented his seven sons to Samuel. Samuel was blunt with Jesse, " God hasn't chosen any of these."  Then he asked Jesse, "Is this it? Are there no more sons?"  "Well, yes, there's the runt. But he's out tending the sheep." Samuel ordered Jesse, "Go get him. We're not moving from this spot until he's here."

Jesse sent for him. He was brought in, the very picture of health— bright-eyed, good-looking.  God said, "Up on your feet! Anoint him! This is the one."  Samuel took his flask of oil and anointed him, with his brothers standing around watching. 

The Spirit of God entered David like a rush of wind, God vitally empowering him for the rest of his life."

Likely, the job you currently hold is because you fit the profile of Eliab.  Your resume met the needs of your company.  Your profile was perfect for the job.  But is the job really the right one for the you?  

Could it be God has looked in your heart and sees a different man.  Might God see a man willing to foolishly and fearlessly fight Goliath in His name? Might you be that man....

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Does God make mistakes?

So i am praying about about provisions to go to Burkin Faso Africa.
God gives me a word about going in front of the emerging church. I
ask myself did God make a mistake or is His word and my prayer
related? Is there an emerging church in Africa that God wants me to be
a part of? Pray if God wants you to be a part of this adventure.

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

What is it about an unplanned smile?

A friend and I made a quick overnight trip to Port Aransas.  I am 55 years and some think a bit out of touch with my age, because why in the world would a grandpa sleep on the beach under the stars?  How long has it been seen you didn't act your age?  lol

I have a friend named Fred.  He is my friend for lots of reason, but I think mainly because he doesn't question my "out of the box" attitude on life.  This the picture of him waking up on the beach.  I called him spur of the moment.  He packed up and enthusiastically accompanied me.  Is there a Fred in your life?  There needs to be.

As for the God Spot, I don't know the story, but I know the event.  I was threading the line in my fishing pole the morning after a night sleeping on the beach.  From a distance a older woman and young woman walked by along the water's edge.  I looked at her and she waved and smiled.  A very pleasant warm smile as she kept her pace and kept walking.  I don't know.  There was just something about the smile...

God bless and may you also be greeted by a chance unearned smile...

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"And then his hair began to grow back..." ~Samson

Life is tough.  Sometimes it is really tough.  Remember the time in your life when you were totally defeated?  For Samson, there was a time when he was betrayed, taken prisoner and had his eyes gouged out.  It was a depressed time in his life.  But then his hair began growing back...

"The Philistines grabbed him, gouged out his eyes, and took him down to Gaza. They shackled him in irons and put him to the work of grinding in the prison. But his hair, though cut off, began to grow again.... 

and Samson cried out to God: 

Master, God! 
Oh, please, look on me again, 
Oh, please, give strength yet once more.

With one avenging blow let me be avenged 
On the Philistines for my two eyes!

Then Samson reached out to the two central pillars that held up the building and pushed against them, one with his right arm, the other with his left. Saying, "Let me die with the Philistines," Samson pushed hard with all his might. The building crashed on the tyrants and all the people in it. He killed more people in his death than he had killed in his life." Judges

There was a time in my life not so very long ago when I was totally defeated.   I was a broken man.  And then my hair began growing back and I cried out to God.  Maybe it is time for your hair to grow back and see what God has planned for you!

Claim victory!  Be the person God designed you to be...

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Friday, September 18, 2009

"God's Spirit came upon Jephthah." ~Judges

Has God's Spirit ever come on you in such a fashion you are willing to risk all in exchange for the fulfillment of God's will and purpose on your life?  If you just read this sentence and you scanned over it with no impact, you need to read it again.  Pray God will reveal truth...

And if you have risked all for the fulfillment of God's will and purpose, what price did you pay? 

And if you have paid the price in times past, are you willing to pay the price again?

If so, then "Go!" 

~ the janitor

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

God says, "Go". So, I wait...

Andrew in life group this evening had an "Ah Ha!" moment.  The knowledge of God, the Word and Jesus  made it from his head to his heart.  It was inspiring to see his face light up as the knowledge became wisdom.  Thank you Andrew.

There comes a time and for some many times, when God says, "Go".  He wants you to go and scope out the territory He wants you to conquer.  But even more than scope it out, he wants you to map it (as in document what it is you find).  Then, bring it back in His presence.  He will provide further instruction... 

Why all the trouble?  Abundance waits on the other side.  

"Go. Survey the land and map it. Then come back to me .... in the presence of God." ~Joshua

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God continues to amaze!

Joseph had a coat of many colors. Joseph was in close communication
with God. Joseph had brothers that thought it profitable to sell him
to slave traders. As Joseph sojourned across the desert in shackles
and his tongue swelling from thirst do you think he wondered where God
was? Was his prayer one of thanks or one of remorse? If you truly
believe God is who you have been led to believe He is. There is but
one answer. You are oblidged to give thanks in all things. Go

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I don't need you telling ME what to do!

Have you ever felt that way?  Early in my marriage I made a mistake.  Cora thought I should be doing one thing and I thought I should be doing something else.  I don't even remember what it was all about.  Although you can bet Cora remembers...

Anyway, in the discussion I angrily said, "You are not my mother!"  

It is difficult for me to have a boss.  Is it just me or is it tough for everyone to have a boss? I ask, because I really don't know.  I just know it is tough for me.  I also know it was tough for the the Jews  and probably still is.  God gave them strict rules as to what they could do and what they could not do.  Their actions determined God's blessing or curse.  

The Word says, "God, our God, will take care of the hidden things but the revealed things are our business. "  There were clearly some guidelines and laws the Jews were to follow.  There were things they didn't understand because God kept them hidden.  They were not to worry about the things they did not understand.  God would take care of the hidden things.  They were to be obedient to the things they did know.  

Is that the way it is for you at work?  Let God care for the things you don't understand and just be obedient with the things you do understand.  Then watch God work for your good.  

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Sorry. Don't want to be offensive, but...

If you could hear God, what do you think He would say? Would  He say to take a stick and cover up your excrement?  Sorry.  Even the thought of God saying this is a bit repulsive and offensive. And yet, that is exactly what the inspired Word of God says.  If you get past the stench and picture you have in your mind, what was God really saying?

God wants to visit you in your garden of Eden.  He wants to spend time with you enjoying the beauty of His creations.  The last time He dropped in on you, did He smell a sweet fragrance or was there a stench present in His nostrils.  It is unlikely God will spend a whole lot of time where the smell is offensive.  It is likely, He just might rid the area of smell.  

So the thought is, what are you doing to prepare your garden for God?  What sweet fragrance of love are you adding to attract and encourage God to hang out with you?  Cover up the stench and go buy yourself a fresh bouquet of flowers.  Then, invite God to stay awhile.  The visit will be memorable.  

"Mark out an area outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourselves. Along with your weapons have a stick with you. After you relieve yourself, dig a hole with the stick and cover your excrement. God, your God, strolls through your camp; he's present to deliver you and give you victory over your enemies. Keep your camp holy; don't permit anything indecent or offensive in God's eyes." Deut

God bless,

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Monday, September 14, 2009

"Jesus Walks" ~ Kayne West

"So here go my single, dog, radio needs this
They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus
That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
But if I talk about God my record won't get played, huh?"

What do you think?  Does Jesus walk in a rapper?

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"God hates the proud, loves the humble." ~yep

There is the story of how God gave an incredibly fruitful land to Israel after they escaped from Egypt.  This happened a few thousand years, ago.  In this adventure God's character is revealed and helps us understand the mind of Christ.  It is wise we apply this understanding in our lives today.  The message is not just for the Jew.  The message is sent to the believer in "The Way" with just as much impact.

The message is this:  God loves you like He loves His son.  He has a place of abundance waiting for you.  Because of His love for you, He will not allow you to enter His chosen place without humility and obedience.  To that end, He will love you and discipline you until you become a person willing to return His love and obediently follow Him.  The path to a good and fruitful life is really that simple.

A warning is this: Mankind is proud and forgetful.  This character problem will likely bite us many times during our lifetime, just as it did the Jews in their lifetime of walking with Moses both in the desert and in the promise land.  Moses is referred to as the humblest man in the world during his lifetime.  Yet, he struck the rock and was not allowed to enter the promise land. 

The challenge is this: You and I must become humble to enter God's place of rest.  We must stay humble to remain there.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Grace Point Church test launches

It's been a year or so in the works, but Grace Point Church is preparing to launch a new website.  I with the help of others have been working diligently toward this goal.  Today, the site was announced to the church for its' review, appraisal and input.  It can be seen at .  Be encouraged to click on the "CONTACT US" in the top right part of the main page.  I look forward to hearing what you have to say and features you'd like to see.  

Also today, you honored me with the gift of a new camera lens to show your appreciation.  I thank you Grace Point Church!  You are awesome to serve and work for.  It was awkward for me to accept the gift from the stage (evidenced by my red face), but I appreciated your thought immensely.  May God richly bless you in all you do and thank you for the gift.

It is my hope, the new web site is honoring to God and the message of Jesus Christ is proclaimed to the world.  

Thank you again,
archie aka ~the janitor

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Some cravings are best left unsatisfied..." ~the janitor

I was chatting with Andrew from my life group. He has been sober since he was 26 years old.  That was some 17 years, ago.  He knows what it is like to be a drunk.  He knows what the evil one will do in seemingly satisfying his cravings.  He still hears that whisper ever once in a while that says, "Just one beer won't hurt".  

" A wind set in motion by Godswept quails in from the sea. They piled up to a depth of about three feet in the camp and as far out as a day's walk in every direction. All that day and night and into the next day the people were out gathering the quail—huge amounts of quail; even the slowest person among them gathered at least sixty bushels. They spread them out all over the camp for drying. But while they were still chewing the quail and had hardly swallowed the first bites, God's anger blazed out against the people. He hit them with a terrible plague. They ended up calling the place Kibroth Hattaavah (Graves-of-the-Craving). There they buried the people who craved meat." ~Moses

"Some cravings are best left unsatisfied..." ~the janitor

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"So, do you think I can't take care of you?" ~God

I'm convinced, our lives here on earth are purposed to bring Glory to God.  In the process of God's purpose, we experience life specifically crafted by the Holy One to prepare us for spending eternity with Him.  

Consider today is the 1st day of the rest of your life.  There is a day in the future that will be the last day of your life on earth.  Everything that happens between these two events are custom designed to bring you close to God and prepare you for spending eternity with Christ.  Sometimes, we wonder if God can handle the in between parts of our lives  Moses did.

"Moses said, "I'm standing here surrounded by 600,000 men on foot and you say, 'I'll give them meat, meat every day for a month.' So where's it coming from? Even if all the flocks and herds were butchered, would that be enough? Even if all the fish in the sea were caught, would that be enough?"
God answered Moses, "So, do you think I can't take care of you? You'll see soon enough whether what I say happens for you or not."

Look with anticipation toward God proving His love for you in the "in-between"... ~the janitor

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Friday, September 11, 2009

"Life is not what i thought it would be, it is so much more..." ~the janitor

Growing up the son of a poor preacher, made an distinct impression on me.  I promised myself I would never be poor and I would never be a preacher.  It seems with God as my guide, I have accomplished what I never dreamed I would.  I have become poor and God called me to pastor a number of years, ago.  His calling on my life was apparently different from many preachers.  God called me to pastor, but didn't say anything about preaching.  

When I distinctly heard God impress His calling on me, I obediently walked down the aisle and shared it with my pastor of a rather large church.  I was serving as deacon at the time.  He said, "if I had heard God call me to be a pastor I should go to seminary".  I instantly said, "God didn't call me to seminary.  God called me to pastor."   So in my obedience I do the best I can following my dad as a poor pastor... although not a preacher.  

Truly, "Life is not what i thought it would be, it is so much more". ~the janitor

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"To miss your calling out of fear is to not have lived at all." Beth Moore

Surf to:  for more God Spots...

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Can you spot an opportune moment for either good or evil? It's your choice...

Suppose you have been wandering in the desert for 40 days.  You have had nothing to eat for the entire time you wandered.  Now suppose you were a SUPER hero and you could turn rocks into bread.  You had spent this time of fasting to recharge your SUPER hero batteries.  It is now 40 days later and you are ready to kick the enemy through the goal posts of life!  

Even as you are contemplating the creation of a nice hot loaf of bread, some evil villain comes up and begins taunting you.  He begins egging you on with trash talk like, "Come on big guy.  You're hungry.  Do it.  Go ahead. Do it.".  So, why don't you?

Sadly, what was an innocent thought and surely within your capability has become a prideful thought.  The thought of how good God is to provide you with SUPER hero power, has become the thought that you deserve to teach this evil villain a lesson in manners.  After all you have not eaten in 40 days and this guy is laughing at you.  What do you do?

I'll tell what you do.  You recognize that the evil one has been waiting for just this opportune moment.  You grin to yourself and walk away thinking the evil one is not so tough after all.  God is pleased with your choices.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is your fear of God an insignificant holy reverence?

There was a time when God was not nearly as full of grace as He appears today.  In the time of Moses, He gave specific instructions on how He required His temple to be built and its' ordinances to be observed.  Some thought they had a better idea and died for their creative genius or stupidity.  It just depended on which side of the flame you stood as to your attitude.

"That same day Nadab and Abihu, Aaron's sons, took their censers, put hot coals and incense in them, and offered "strange" fire to God—something Godhad not commanded. Fire blazed out from Godand consumed them—they died in God's presence." ~Moses

The priest had a tremendous responsibility to get things right before God.  There was a price to pay for "errors".  Today, as believers in "The Way", we are individually held as priests.  We seem to goof up a lot of the time.  It is truly by the grace of God, we are allowed each a new day to try and do better at what God has entrusted.  

I pray today will be the day, we each bring a satisfying fragrance before God and He is honored by our thoughts and deeds.  

~the janitor

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Monday, September 7, 2009

Burkina Faso, Africa - 1/4 annual rainfall in 1 hour

Burkina Faso is the 5th poorest country in the world.  The capital city last week they got 1/4 of their annual rainfall in 1 hour.  Needless to say, everything is flooded.  People have died, 150,000 people are displaced, their only hospital is closed and the damage is catastrophic.

I plan on travel to the capital of Burkina Faso, October 5th to speak at a men's conference.  I had no expectation God had a flood planned in preparation for the event.  It makes me wonder what experiences I will have while there.    Here is the news article....

"OUAGADOUGOU, 7 September 2009 (IRIN) - Recent floods have shut down Burkina Faso’s main hospital, interrupting dialysis treatments, preventing HIV diagnoses and overloading health centres ill-equipped to take on surgical cases, according to the Health Ministry. 

To date, there have been seven reported deaths and more than 100,000 people made homeless by the storms. Most of the displaced have sought refuge in dozens of sites throughout the capital Ouagadougou.

The Health Minister Seydou Bouda told IRIN on 7 September that the three wards still open at the hospital – maternity; ear, nose and throat; and eye care – are only taking emergency cases. “Even in normal times, Yalgado [hospital] needed heavy repairs,” said the health minister. “Now this situation has come, which has made the renovations more pressing.” 

Bouda told IRIN the hospital must suspend its activities in order to rebuild and replace equipment. “There is no use in rushing to reopen as if nothing had happened.” On 1 September, the city received one-quarter of its typical annual rainfall in an hours-long deluge. "

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Thinking about throwing a "Social Network" party for a "Social Cause".

I am floating a thought balloon skyward and seeing if there is any interest.
I've been thinking it might be a lot of fun to throw a party for social networkers like you and I.  We could meet some place on a Friday or Saturday night in San Antonio that has great party food and free WiFi.  Then, we spend the evening expanding our network, putting faces to names and just a great time.
As it would be a social network party, we should probably build into the party some worthwhile social cause that we could contribute toward.  I'm thinking of some way to help those less fortunate than you and I.  Possibly, take donations, get a kickback from the restaurant, sell tickets or whatever for a selected socially conscious cause. 
I obviously have not thought this event through, but I think it would be fun and wondered if you might, also?  Drop me a comment via FB, Twitter, Linkin, MySpace, Blogs or wherever you run across 37stories.  That will be me!  lol.
Decipher this for my email address:  37stories at g mail dot com  lol


look, i've found this forex trading system on John's website.

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"Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy," ~God

There was a time not so long ago that there was a thing called, "The Blue Law".  Today's younger generation probably doesn't have any idea what the blue law was.  Do you know?  Oddly enough, it was a law that required businesses to close on Sunday.  There was a general opinion that Sunday was meant to be a day of rest.  Wonder where anyone ever got that idea?
I've begun thinking about how I might incorporate God's instruction of rest on the Sabbath in my life.  I have not figured it all out, but I know one thing for sure.  Sunday is meant as a day of replenishment.  It is a time to reflect on the things of God and make adjustments to my life that better incorporate and acknowledge the blessings of God. r
I don't think the Sabbath is necessarily on our day known as Sunday.  The Hebrew calendar and ours don't perfectly align, but I do believe everyone has a Sabbath.  It is that seventh day of your week, when you don't work and refocus on who it is that provided for you on the previous six days.  I suppose if you work on modern day Sunday, that is ok but probably you run a risk of neglecting your Holy Day just because you are not in sync with the rest of the world.  Make sense?
So take note of your Sabbath and make sure you keep it Holy.  God really values His seventh day and I believe He is honored by observing you observe the day He gave you in a manner that is pleasing.  The Sabbath is meant to be a Holy Day not a holiday. 
"On a holiday, one might choose to raise hell.  On a Holy day, one should choose to raise heaven." ~the janitor 
Look what i've found, forex expert. Never seen it before.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Make a new plan Stan...

" planned evil against me but God used those same plans for my good..."  ~Joseph
I'm sorry but it took me 55 years to begin to appreciate that God has a plan.  Really! His plan is to bless our socks off and we say, "THANK YOU!"  It is such a simple thought and yet 55 years later I am just beginning to appreciate how God works.  So listen up if you dare.  Here is the process...
Consume the Word.  Listen for God's voice.  Write His thoughts on your heart.  Wait for Him to create the scenerio in your life that authenticates His thoughts.  Then, ACT! God's Revelation requires action. 
Get off your Lazy Boy recliner.  Turn off the TV and get after it!  Life is too short to wait for the next train.  There will be no better train to hop on then the one God has waiting at the station.  There is a ticket with your name on it.  Go get it and get it punched!
~the janitor


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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie...

Let your mind drift back to the days when you dreamed.  You innocently looked to the future and believed in the sunshine, lolly pops and rainbows everywhere.  You believed God cared and would not only provide, but would provide abundantly.  He would make the difference in your life.  You believed in your dream and had every reason to believe life would be grand.  What happened to that dream?
Joseph had a dream.  He got laughed at.  He got knocked around.  He got thrown in a well to die.  He was sold as a slave.  He was put in prison.  What happened to his dream?  Did God forget about the boy Joseph? I think not.
I think we innocently expect a dream to be fulfilled the next day in some miraculous fashion.  It seems to me God uses dreams in an entirely different manner.  It is as if God gives us a glimpse in a dream of what our future holds if we choose a path of faithfulness and obedience.  What we may not see is what lies between where we are today and where we will be as our dream unfolds.
The thing that got between Joseph as a favored son and Joseph as right hand to the king was a thing called life.  We all experience life, but we must not let our dreams be killed by life.  Life is the "connector" between the birth of a dream and the fulfillment of a dream.  It is by God's grace, we experience life and enjoy the fulfillment of God's dream.
Now, what was that dream you once had?  Pray that God will breath new life in it.  Be encouraged that the experiences of your life (good, bad and ugly), have prepared you for the fulfillment of your dream.  Trust in God for His completion of His dream in your life.  He is the I AM.

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"Quotes of the Lost" my Pet Peeve

A pet peeve of mine....
I am a fan of reading biographies and autobiographies of successful men.  My favorite are men who have achieved much while living outside the box.  I have read the life of Einstein, Edison and Tesla several times.  My favorite was Tesla.  This guy defined "out of the box" experiences.  There was the time he shut down all the power in Boulder, Colorado.  That was memorable.  But as far as I can tell they were lost as a goose spiritually. 
I could quote these great men of recent history or I could go back to hundreds of others who have achieved much in secular man's eyes.  But why would I want to?  What value is there to patterning my life after someone who has not patterned their life after God?  Give me a break.  Have you not spotted any good men of the Bible with something worth quoting.  I am confused and peeved at the whole deal of "Quotes of the Lost" (my title for a new book).
I don't desire to be successful in other man's eyes.  I desire to be successful in God's eyes.  I believe God is comfortable with the life I have led.  Maybe someday someone will find value in quoting ~the janitor. 
But until then from today's Bible read...
Quote of the living: "And everything you give me, I'll return a tenth to you." Abraham

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Lion Chaser's Manifesto

"Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. Set God-sized goals. Pursue God-ordained passions. Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention. Keep asking questions. Keep making mistakes. Keep seeking God. Stop pointing out problems and become part of the solution. Stop repeating the past and start creating the future. Stop playing it safe and start taking risks. Expand your horizons. Accumulate experiences. Enjoy the journey. Find every excuse you can to celebrate everything you can. Live like today is the first day and last day of your life. Don’t let what’s wrong with you keep you from worshiping what’s right with God. Burn sinful bridges. Blaze new trails. Criticize by creating. Worry less about what people think and more about what God thinks. Don’t try to be who you’re not. Be yourself. Laugh at yourself. Quit holding out. Quit holding back. Quit running away. "

Mark Batterson

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

One Hundred Year Old Man Makes Baby and Janus Joplin waits for delivery!

"Abraham and Sarah were old by this time, very old. Sarah was far past the age for having babies. Sarah laughed within herself, "An old woman like me? Get pregnant? With this old man of a husband?" God said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh saying, 'Me? Have a baby? An old woman like me?' Is anything too hard for God? I'll be back about this time next year and Sarah will have a baby."

Have you ever been impressed with a thought from God?  The thought being as laughable as Abraham and Sarah having a baby in their old age?  Or maybe the thought was not laughable at all.  It was just a thought that you believed was from God? God certainly desires to chat with us.  I wish I had a better ear to hear.

My problem seems to be a bit like Abraham's.  God spoke to Abraham.  He might have heard the message, but it would be months before the message was authenticated by Sarah's bulging stomach with child.  It would be many life times before there would be people of Abraham lineage more numerous than the stars.  I wonder if Abraham was sure he had heard from God as he the waited for God to authenticate His message?

What has God spoke to you? Do you also wait for authentication?  

Much like the Janus Joplin song of old, "...I wait for delivery each day until three.  Oh Lord.  Won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?"

Thanks for visiting with Archie and all his friends.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

God loves a cheerful giver, but a liar not so much...

"...a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira, his wife, sold a possession, and kept back part of the price, his wife also being aware of it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles’ feet. But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back part of the price of the land? While you kept it, didn’t it remain your own? After it was sold, wasn’t it in your power? How is it that you have conceived this thing in your heart? You haven’t lied to men, but to God.”

Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and died. Great fear came on all who heard these things." 

I am a giver.  I like to give.  Today at the red light, I was going to give the professional beggar a buck.  The police ran him off before I had a chance.  But I had reached for the money and wanted to.  I was a bit disappointed at the lost opportunity.

There was a time when God's Spirit came down and believers gave it all.  There were no beggars among them.  Everyone's needs were met.  It must have been an awesome time. The uniqueness of the time was such that even nonbelievers wanted to be a part of the movement, but they just didn't quite get it.  They sold what they had, just like their believer friends.  It is just that they kept a little money back for themselves.  After all it was their money.  Right?

Sadly for Ananias and Sapphira they did not realize or appreciate the God of the Angel Armies was actively involved in the revival.  

I think ignorance today can be just as deadly.  Many times facts can be easily twisted or misrepresented with expectations of gain.  It seems an easy thing to do at face value.  After all, there is much to be gained and the likelihood of being found out is minimal.  But God is alive and well with every right to judge.  Ananias and Sapphira felt the tip of God's sword.  Will you?

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Noah did everything just as God commanded him.

"Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God." Genesis

And you know the rest of the story... Noah builds a boat big enough to hold a pair of all the animals and food to feed them for a few months.  Noah built this ark at a time when the world around him did not know what rain was.  He accomplished this seemingly ridiculous task, wasting an equivalent of millions of dollars and likely the locals said should have been used to feed the homeless.  Likely, Noah was the joke of the town.  And then it started raining...

This story should be a common story for each of our lives.  We should walk with God and be found blameless among the people of our time.  In our walk, we should hear God and be willing to step way outside the box.  It is in these steps that we will seem ridiculous to some and wasteful to others.  We will not fit into the normal lifestream.  It is a walk of faith.  Have you ever walked down the narrow path of faith?

The faith walk is a path less traveled.  It can be lonely and the only encouragement may be from God himself.  As for me, my walk of faith is encouraged by God in heaven and my wife here on earth.  Following me is not an easy thing for Cora.  Her walk of faith may even be more challenging than mine, because she trusts that I am hearing correctly from God and is willing to follow me regardless.  I hope your mate is as supportive.

Something I have discovered in walking by faith is that God is ever present.  That doesn't mean there is not significant pain along the way.  It just means that God is there to help bare the burden.  He does not bale out when I have contracted to build the boat and my friends begin laughing.  God is there handing me the best hammer for the job.  He is smiling and nodding His head in approval at the end of the day.  He sees me totally exhausted and is happy to see one more plank has been firmly attached.  He is God.

I think it highly unlikely you can live a life of obedience without building your ark.  I believe there is a boat inside each of us waiting to be built.  Pray God reveals His "out of box" experience designed for you and get on board.  Only then will you have opportunity to experience His abundance.

God bless,
~the janitor

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