Monday, December 21, 2009

Ever feel like a missed opportunity?

I suspect most people have this feeling many times in their life.  The feeling comes from having lived a life with a story to tell and others really not caring.  

I worked for a company selling laboratory information management systems.  I could have designed, developed and marketed the system, but I was hired to sell.  No one really cared what I could do, they only wanted me to sell.  It was most profitable for the company, but not so much for me.  I was a missed opportunity...

There was a time when I was trained how to sell my faith.  My teacher didn't appear to really care about how I lived my life or how much I loved Jesus, the person just wanted me to sell my faith.  I thought about drawing circles on a white board and inviting all my friends and family over.  I didn't because I really didn't feel confident about my ability to sell my faith.  I was great at selling other stuff.  Just not so good at selling my faith.  I was a missed opportunity.

Recently, I've discovered something about myself.  I love Jesus, but that is not what I discovered.  I discovered I love Jesus for what He did for me, not for what I am expected to do for Him.  I am learning to live life according to His terms, not other people's term.  I am a much happier person, although still feel much like a missed opportunity.  Why is that?

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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