Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SuperChick Song - "Stand in the Rain"

Awesome!  Click on "Stand in the Rain" for a "God Spot" story of faith.

Stand In The Rain

"I don't know how many people have actually heard an amazing song by SuperChick called Stand In The Rain. Here are the words.

She never slows down.She doesn't know why but she knows that when she's all alone, feels like its all coming downShe won't turn aroundThe shadows are long and she fears if she cries that first tear, the tears will not stop raining down..."  Michelle's blog: http://sunshine-2fast2furious.blogspot.com/

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Is God Sufficient?

This guy thinks so and his life depends on it...
"Good morning and happy day!

Yesterday I had to see my vascular surgeon because my fistula had collapsed. (The fistula is the area of my body where I receive dialysis). So, he will be putting a new fistula in, in a different part of my body. Fistula's do not "mature", that is, they are not ready to be used for about 6 weeks. Because of this he will be putting in a heart catheter so they they will be able to dialyze me through that in the meantime. If I cross your mind I would appreciate your prayers.

Jesus is my healer. I know that for a fact. The Bible tells me so. For those of you who believe, please stand with me in faith. Thank you all for your prayers and concern.

I love you,


How important is God in your life?  Think on these things...

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Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm an idiot!

"And who do you think made the human mouth? And who makes some mute, some deaf, some sighted, some blind? Isn't it I, God? So, get going. I'll be right there with you—with your mouth! I'll be right there to teach you what to say." Moses said, "Oh, Master, please! Send somebody else!"  God got angry with Moses.
Many will jump all over this verse as something that justifies their belief that their is no God.  After all, why would God make some deaf, some sighted, some blind? Why is that? I don't have an answer and God is not required to answer.  It is interesting that God proved His existance to Moses by claiming responsibility for creating handicap people. 
I'm a bit like Moses.  God said it.   I don't understand it.  I believe it.  The nonbeliever would say I'm an idiot.  But I have a physics degree and have worked as a physicist and research scientist.  That creates a problem for the nonbeliever.  How can I be creditable and yet believe the Word of God?  It's all a bit confusing to the believer and the nonbeliever.
But it is worth considering what is truth? 

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Vegetable Garden - Bumper crop of Bust!

How do you like my vegetable garden?  If you are reading the question and looking at the picture, that's not my garden.  I'm laughing.  Definitely not my garden!  The most I've even grown was some radishes and one tomato about 40 years, ago.  I smashed the tomato accidently with a baseball and the bugs got the radishes.  I quit quick.  Too depressing.
So today is a new day.  My son and family grow an awesome garden.  I figured why not.  I am giving God plenty of opportunity to work a miracle.  My yard has little sun.  The ground is full of left over construction material and I could only afford one bag of fertilizer.  I got manure.  I figured if you can only get one bag, you might as well get the best.
If I understand the concept, you take this little dead looking thing called a seed.  Shove it into the ground.  Pile manure on top.  Add water and in a few days, you have an awesome salad.  I'm going to prove my faith by purchasing a fresh bottle of ranch dressing.  Now I'd call that miraculous and will qualify for a "God Spot". 
I'll keep you informed of what God chooses to do with this adventure.  I still can't get by the thought of a seed wanting to poke it's head up through manure?  Oh well.  Speaks a bit to what life dishes out sometimes.  Hmm....
Claim your blog at:  http://www.allthingschurch.org.  Join the family!

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Las Chiladas - Best mexican food in the Southwest!

Tell them Patrick sent you!

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It's time to pray

There is a beautiful young lady trapped in a hospital with incredible pain.  The doctors seem confused with what is going on.  The suffering has extended from days to weeks, from weeks to months and now into the years.  How long before God intervenes?
I believe God can heal instantly.  I personally had God heal me from terminal cancer.  Was dieing on Friday and healthy on Monday.  His grace resulted from simple prayer by a few people.  We prayed.  God heard.  God healed.
The Word says sometimes it takes more than just simple prayer.  Circumstance sometimes dictates persistant prayer.  Sometimes even fasting is required for answers to come.  I don't understand why, I just know that is the way prayer works.  So it is time to step up the pray activity for Michelle.
People from all over the world will read this blog posting.  I ask as God leads, please pray for Michelle.  Pray for healing such that God's presence is authenticated and He is Gloried in His actions.  Michelle desires to run the race to win with God at her side.  It is difficult to run, trapped by pain in the hospital. 
Pray God frees her of the circumstances that she might run.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

God Works in the Circumstance

My mom and dad invested many years of their life sharing Christ with those locked in prison.  There were a few people confined that had a significant impact on my parents.  Larry was one of those inmates.  I've really lost track of how many times Larry was mentioned in a family gathering when they talked about God's work in prison.  My dad had the honor and pleasure of leading Larry to a personal relationship with Christ.
Last week Larry and his wife visited my mother.  It was a very encouraging time for mom as she is unable to get out much.  In the conversation about church it was discovered that two of their grown kids go to Grace Point (the church my family attends).  The dad greets people coming in the door.  I've shaken his hand coming in the door and one thing that stands out about the guy is his incredible smile.
I am impressed with the God Spot (God authenticating His presence).  My attention is drawn to the circumstance of us both ending up at the same church.  God works in the circumstance, it our responsibility to be faithful in the response.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happiness comes from a bottle of Port

C. S. Lewis, author of the Narnia series and Christian apologist, once observed, I haven't always been a Christian. I didn't go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don't recommend Christianity.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Without Trust, Love can't Survive

Supposing someone says, "I love you brother".  You appreciate it.  It makes you feel good.  It affirms that you have value.  You recipocate the expression of love.  Then, he kicks you in the shins.  Ouch! That hurts!  Yeah but, "I love you brother". 
The next day, the same person comes up to you and says, "I love you brother".  Again, you feel appreciated, good, affirmed and of value.  Then once again, he kicks you in the shins and it hurts, but you still return the love. 
The cycle repeats.  Load, wash, spin.  Load, wash, spin.  Load, wash, spin.
The question becomes, how many times will you be kicked in the shins before you kick back?  When will the love being expressed become devalued such that there will no longer be trust.  How long will love survive with no trust?
Without God, there is no hope.  Without trust, there is no love. 

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Snake bite nets FREE room!

Ship wrecked, snake bit and mistakenly identified as a convicted felon, The guy shakes off the tragic circumstances in his life and walks in the favor of God. What?  Is that crazy or not?  Read this...
"Once everyone was accounted for and we realized we had all made it, we learned that we were on the island of Malta. The natives went out of their way to be friendly to us. The day was rainy and cold and we were already soaked to the bone, but they built a huge bonfire and gathered us around it.

Paul pitched in and helped. He had gathered up a bundle of sticks, but when he put it on the fire, a venomous snake, roused from its torpor by the heat, struck his hand and held on. Seeing the snake hanging from Paul's hand like that, the natives jumped to the conclusion that he was a murderer getting his just deserts. Paul shook the snake off into the fire, none the worse for wear. They kept expecting him to drop dead, but when it was obvious he wasn't going to, they jumped to the conclusion that he was a god!

The head man in that part of the island was Publius. He took us into his home as his guests, drying us out and putting us up in fine style for the next three days. Publius's father was sick at the time, down with a high fever and dysentery. Paul went to the old man's room, and when he laid hands on him and prayed, the man was healed. Word of the healing got around fast, and soon everyone on the island who was sick came and got healed." Acts 28

Think about Paul's life as a believer.  He suffered much and God took care of the details such that others might know the truth.  It took imprisonment, a life threatening ship wreck and deadly snake bite to bring the attention and credibility to Paul so that others would listen to the voice of God.  In the listening created faith for the lost and the sick were healed. 

Did Paul suffer? Yes. 

Was God's Word shared? Yes. 

Did God periodically step in and meet Paul at possibly his breaking point? Yes. 

Consider this in your life.  If you did not suffer, would you have opportunity and credibility to share the truth of God's Word in a dead and dieing world?

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Adventures of Janette - Missionary to the Didinga

You must read this. It is the most interesting story, fresh, real
life adventure of a missionary helping a small African tribe known as
the Didinga.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Go! Take on the Day!

"All this time Saul was breathing down the necks of the Master's
disciples, out for the kill."
A couple thousand years ago, Saul was authorized to kill or imprison
believers of "The Way". Nothing much has changed. Why would it. The
earth still exists and satan with his henchmen still running rampage
over the earth. The way I see it there are probably a few million
evil ones doing their nasty deeds.
Is there any hope for the world? Sure! The hope is in knowing that
after every storm there is sunlight. The evil ones of the world
create suffering and God creates the light.
Suffering: "Down the road a way in Joppa there was a disciple named
Tabitha, "Gazelle" in our language. She was well-known for doing good
and helping out. During the time Peter was in the area she became sick
and died."
Light: "Peter put the widows all out of the room. He knelt and prayed.
Then he spoke directly to the body: "Tabitha, get up." She opened her
eyes. When she saw Peter, she sat up. He took her hand and helped her
up. Then he called in the believers and widows, and presented her to
them alive."
As a believer, you are guaranteed suffering. The evil ones are alive
and well. They are master manipulators of circumstance. They have
had thousands of years to figure out how the human race works or
doesn't work. They have been watching you. They know your weakness
and based on successful strategies in their past they know how to work
your weakness against you.
But as a believer who loves God, you are guaranteed by God's personal
Word that He will turn the bad in your life to good. I believe there
are twice as many Godly angels at work kicking the evil ones in the
mouth and preventing you harm. At the same time God is constantly
stepping in and turning the bad that confounds you and creates good
that blesses you while bringing Him glory.
It is an incredible dynamic to consider. It is not all about you. It
is all about what Jesus did for you on the cross. Now. Go take on
the day, knowing that the forces for you are far greater than the
forces against you. It doesn't mean you won't feel the sword pierce
your heart. It does mean that ultimately the victory is yours through
Jesus Christ.
So quit whining. Quit being a wimp. Be bold in Christ!
Side note: As I typed the above sentence, "Go take on the day", my
wife came out of the shower boldly proclaiming, "Go take on the day".
So, tell me. Is God's Spirit alive and well? Does He communicate?
Did you get the message? Listen!
Go! Take on the Day!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, March 23, 2009

In response to "Where was God..."

In the beginning was God. Even before the beginning was God.
Sometime after, there was sin. Sin has plagued mankind ever after.
Sin creates suffering in body, soul and spirit. God's end game is to
use whatever sin throws His way and turn it into motivation for us to
grow closer to Him. God can heal. Sin can distroy. It seems the
outcome of the day is determined by who has the ball. The outcome of
the game is chosen by each of us. God provides all we need for the
outcome to score "ONE" for Jesus.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I ask God with expectations to receive but...

Yesterday, I prayed for miraculous healing for a friend. The person
went to the hospital. I prayed for a restored marriage for a few
friends. The friends separated. I prayed that my wife's terrible
headache would go away. It did. I thank God that He made short work
of the headache.
It is easy to thank God when He answers my prayers. It's not so easy
to thank God when it is not obvious He did anything, much less answer
my prayer. What is God thinking when it appears He doesn't answered
our prayers?
I'm told God answers all prayers. He will either answer yes, no or
maybe later. But it is still an answer. I suppose this may be true.
But it doesn't seem to make life any simpler or less sufferable when
He says no or maybe later.
What about my friend in the hospital? God could have wiggled His nose
or whatever He does to speak a miracle in existance. But instead, the
person is in incredible pain and likely wondering the same thing I am.
 Where is God when you ask expecting to receive and the answer is no
where close to what you expected.
It appears God many times trumps His promise. For example: He first
says, ask and you shall receive. That's true, but He also qualifies
His promise with the thought that we must pray according to His will
to expect miracles. He plays His trump. So, what is the will of the
Father that I might receive? Is it for my friend to suffer? Maybe,
but I don't think so.
Much of God's will is easy to discern. Simply, read the Bible. It is
God's will in written form. Things such as: Don't kill, don't covet,
etc., That's all God's will and should be adopted in our lives.
I wonder if I should pray according to the business start-up advice I
recently gave a friend. Pray expecting a miracle, but be prepared to
suffer calamity. It's in the suffering that God plays another trump
card. He promises to turn bad into good for those that love Him.
I guess my thought in conclusion is that the wisdom of God's
answering, yes, no or maybe later is really over simplified. God's
answer is really individually tailored to fit our specific needs such
that we have opportunity to bring glory to Him and continue to grow
into His image.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

where is God when He doesn't show up?

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Men and Women Dragged off to Jail

"Saul just went wild, devastating the church, entering house after
house after house, dragging men and women off to jail. Forced to leave
home base, the followers of Jesus all became missionaries. Wherever
they were scattered, they preached the Message about Jesus. ... Many
who could neither stand nor walk were healed that day. The evil
spirits protested loudly as they were sent on their way. And what joy
in the city!" Acts
Life is full of struggle. Things just don't go as planned. I wonder
why we even bother planning. Maybe life would be less frustrating if
the plan for life was to create no plan. Then when struggles come our
way, our plan is not disrupted. We would be able to more easily adapt
to the circumstances.
Let me look at your life and tell me if this isn't true. One day, you
chose to follow God. You rejected the evil of the world. Then, all
hell broke loose. Literally! You had to choose. Do I continue to
follow God or do I return to the evil I just ran from. Some do. Some
Choosing God. Life's plans completely changed. Maybe you were thrown
out of your house, job, family or whatever, but life as you knew it
before Christ totally changed. In the midst of this dramatic
struggle, you fell deeper in love with God. Circumstances no longer
mattered or controlled your plan. You were free.
"The evil spirits protested loudly that day as they were sent on their
way. And what joy there is in your life." Acts
Check out and create your own “social network blog” at
http://welcome.allthingschurch.org. Enjoy!

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick was Missional

St. Patrick was missional long before it was fashional, somewhere around 500AD.  We celebrate on the day he died.  Is that a good thing?
"Patrick recounts that he had a vision a few years after returning home:
"I saw a man coming, as it were from Ireland. His name was Victoricus, and he carried many letters, and he gave me one of them. I read the heading: "The Voice of the Irish". As I began the letter, I imagined in that moment that I heard the voice of those very people who were near the wood of Foclut, which is beside the western sea—and they cried out, as with one voice: "We appeal to you, holy servant boy, to come and walk among us."
Saint Patrick proved that any Christian could live out the Scriptural commandment to spread the word of God while “exalting and confessing his wonders before all the nations that are under the heavens.” Patrick’s example would inspire later missionaries to undertake great missions to evangelize abroad in later years."  thx Wiki.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

When does God know to save you?

Growing up in the Sierra Nevadas, we had to be creative about simple things like swimming.  There were not in close public swimming pools.  As I remember it, the closest one was pretty creepy.  There was green moss growing on the bottom of a concrete pool.  I wasn't much into sliding into the concrete pond.
What we did have was a gravel pit with nice clean naturally filtered water.  The bottom was smooth pebbles and the water fresh.  My dad would run us kids over there in his '59 VW.  As I remember it, my sister was not much of a swimmer.  Considering she became one of the first female park rangers in the US, seems a bit of a contridiction.
Anyway, the story is told that my sister was coaxed into a swim.  My brother or I may have pushed her in.  I don't know.  We weren't very tolerant of Lou Lou Belle.  Sorry sis.  Just had to throw the nickname in there.  Ha! 
She went under and started taking on water.  I don't know how many times she went under, but they say it was a miracle she survived.  I just wonder how many times God let's us go under before He steps in and saves us.  Any thoughts?

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Snow Chains Required

I took my mother to the doctor today and it got me thinking about my dad who has passed away.  Then my mind "spider webbed" to my childhood home of Gold Run and joined my dad in the memory.  My dad worked hard as a mission pastor of a very small church in a very spiritually cold part of the world. 
It not only was cold spiritually, but it got down right weather cold in the winter time.  Going the road toward Donner Pass many times required snow chains.  My dad would get out on the side of the road and offer to put the "city slickers" tire chains on their cars.  It was cold hard wet work. Many people were happy to pay someone else to freeze their backside off. 
When traffic died down or dad was sufficiently frozen, he would come home and hang his money over the furnace to dry.  I remember feeling so sorry for dad and how cold he was, but very proud of him to suffer while providing for his family.  If he were here, I'm sure he would refer to those times as the "good ol' days". 
And then there were those on the bus to California that professionally work the social programs.  Hard work quickly translated to hardly work.  Sad...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Love is the Greatest Commandment

A week later with vacation time burned and several hundred dollars from friends and family, I am back from a round trip bus ride between Texas and California.  It was great having Freddy with me.
I was asked what was the most memorable experience? Several things come to mind, but seeing Freddy's grandmother's face light up when she saw Freddy is at the top of the list.  It is an incredible passionate love that is unconditional.  The grandmother is 96 years old and wise.
If I were asked what benefit did I gain from the trip, I believe it is a deeper appreciation for the greatest commandment of all, "Love one another".  It is easy to love my wife, Cora.  It is easy to love my son and others in our family.  It is not so easy to love those on a bus.
Most get on the bus with a protective impenetrable shield about them.  It is selfish and filled with hurt and dashed dreams.  Most feel like life has not treated them fairly and probably rightfully so.  They are ok with letting you experience and take part in their frustrations.  When someone is shouting vulgarities at you, it is tough following the greatest commandment of all.  Love.

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Why did I do it?

I have invested a week of my vacation time riding in a greyhound bus full of smelly people with destinations.  Oddly, Freddy and I had no destination.  Sure we hoped to go back to the place of our individual childhoods, but the trip had its own value.  If we made it to our destination, ok.  If not, ok.  It was all about the experience.
When I failed to turn in my ticket and got on the bus anyway, the bus driver threatened to throw me off.  I had broken rule #1.  "Don't make the bus driver mad."  It's funny.  To everyone else on the bus, being tossed off would be considered catastrophic.  For me, I was ok with it.  Being tossed off was just one more event in my journey.  Not good.  Not bad.  Just an event.
I wonder if life should be a little more like my bus adventure.  Buy a ticket with a destination in mind, but be ok with change that creates the uniqueness of the experience.  Enjoy the adventure wherever you are, for the time God gives you.  Regardless whether you planned being there.

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Climbing the Socio-Economic Ladder

I remember in an economics class, the professor said each generation at best will only climb one rung on the socio-economic ladder.  I refused to believe it.  My dreams were big.  I would be the next high techology shooting star.  I would grow stronger and faster than any other company.  I was willing to pay the price.
Forty years later, it seems I have wore out the rungs of the ladder.  I've climbed some rungs and seen people at the top.  I've fallen down some rungs and seen people at the bottom.  Today, I wonder if I chose the wrong ladder.  Just because there is a ladder to climb in gaining riches, does it mean you are obligated to step on or "if on" are you obligated to climb?
Maybe a better ladder to climb is one that has love as the top rung?  The bottom rung is all about self.  Each step up the ladder is dieing to new selfish ambitions and living a deeper rich life expressing love for others through obedient acts.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

What's in the word - Mankind?

Was there a time when man deserved the descriptor, "kind"?  Is that the source of the word "mankind"?  I am the kind of guy that looks at a glass of water half full not half empty.  I tend to want to think the best of people.  Traveling by bus is challenging to find the "kind" in man.  Maybe it should be "mankindless"?
As a rule, humanity seems indifferent as a whole and down right rude at 1st blush.  Sometimes, ever so infrequent, someone steps up and does a kind act and everyone looks.  Maybe a person is helped with their luggage or boarding questions are answered.  Simple, yet so impactful are acts of kindness.
Freddy has a passion for the underdog.  He sincerely goes out of his way to help those less able to help themselves.  More times than not, it was Freddy helping an elderly with their bags or telling someone what bus to get on.  Freddy's natural inclination is to want to get in the face of anyone taking advantage of another.
Admittedly, you can't fix the world but you can influence mankind in your world as you experience it. 
Thanks Freddy.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Bus Survival Techniques

Rule #1 - Don't get the bus driver mad.
Rule #2 - Refer to rule #1.
Many of the bus drivers must go through bus driver attitude school.  They make the rules of the road.  Sit down and shut up.  Follow the rules.  Let me see if I can remember...
"This bus is going to Bakersfield, Tucson, Phoenix, blah, blah and blah.  Find a seat and be quiet.  If your neighbor can hear you talk, you are talking too loud.  Don't take your shoes off.  I don't want to smell your feet.  Use head phones.  If your neighbor can hear it, it is too load.  There is a toilet in the back for your convenience.  Guys don't wizz all over the seat.  Do not smoke.  I will throw you off the bus.  You ladies in back.  You are talking too loud.  Quiet down or I will remove you from the bus.  No alcohol or drugs of any type.  I will toss you from the bus." 
And did I say, "FOLLOW RULE#1!"  Oh yeah.  Enjoy your trip and thanks for choosing Greyhound.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Right Every Wrong

Ich.  This ones for you...
Back from a 6 day bus trip from Texas to California and back.  I slept 17 hours in my own bed.  Coffee tastes and feels particularly good this morning.  I woke up thinking about all the anger in the world and wondered.  How much wrong are we responsible for correcting in the world? 
It would seem like an easy answer, but it's really not.  Suppose, you see a bus driver verbally abusing a fragile old lady.  Do you stop it?  Probably.  Suppose you see a mother yelling at her baby.  Do you stop it?  Maybe.  Suppose, throughout out the day you continually see bad things happen.  Everytime you step up to correct a wrong there is risk to yourself and your family.  How many times do you step up?
You get tired.  You only have so much energy.  How many wrongs are your responsibility?

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's Time to Pray or Hitchhike

There was a built in weakness in my travel plans. I had only bought
round trip bus tickets between San Antonio, TX and Salinas, CA. I
hoped to make it to my childhood home of Gold Run, CA. It was 5 hours
further north by car. It meant I'd need to rent a car, hitchhike or
sweet talk the bus nazi to stop at a stop that didn't exist or
whatever else I could figure out.
I don't have a credit card. I only have a bank debit card and it had
about $80 in it. I hoped that wouldn't be a problem. We got to
Enterprise Rental and they didn't have any cars. They had one truck
that they would rent me for $90 / day and I'd have to take it for two
days. That wasn't going to work. I thought it was time to pray.
Fred's stepbrother Robert took us to the next rental place at Hertz.
I didn't have much hope. Typically, Hertz is more expensive than
Enterprise. It was worse than that when the agent explained he didn't
have any cars and had a waiting list.
I politely listened and prayed. His attitude softened and he
volunteered that maybe he could find a car. I gave him my bank card
and he said his system couldn't find me. I gave him my driver license
and social security # and he said I didn't exist.
Oddly, I am comforted to know I don't exist in the credit industry.
That is probably a good thing. The agent did find a car. Federico
stepped up and put it on his card. Fortunately, he exists so we got a
car and headed for Gold Run.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Mike the Homeless Guy - Take Two!

The first thing I noticed about Mike as I sipped my hot coffee in
Starbucks was the sign on his grocery cart that said homeless. It was
good marketing. Easily communicated a message. As I approached him,
I noticed his sunshades, earphones and a single tooth when he smiled.
Mike's cart was full of cans. He seemed a bit apprehensive as I
approached or maybe it was I that was apprehensive. I was surprised
at my eagerness to talk to Mike. There was no conversation with God
about obedience. I didn't struggle with the typical, "Why me? God."
There was an eagerness on my part to meet Mike and hear his story.
Mike sees God in the simple things. He sees God when he finds a
particularly good stash of cans. He says seeing God is in the simple
things is like being slapped in the face to get his attention. The
simple things remind Mike of God's presence.
Even as odd and out of place Mike was picking through the garbage in
front of Starbucks, there was something even more odd. I shook his
hand and it was strong and affirming. The strength of his grip was
not fitting the circumstances of a homeless man picking up cans.
Mike blessed me.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Starbucks Supports the Homeless

I met Mike the homeless guy outside Starbucks today. He was looking
for cans in the Starbucks trash. Oddly, I didn't think twice about
grabbing my camera and running outside to talk to Mike. He had his
grocery cart, cans and sign. He wore headphones and hat. He had one
tooth showing as he smiled.
You can view his video at http://isrv.org/?p=2094.
I asked if he could use a couple of bucks for lunch. He quickly
agreed he was starving. Then looked at his stomach and said he was at
least hungry. It seemed perfectly natural to tell him I was writing a
book and would he like to be in it? He said sure and I explained my
book was titled, "God Spots". Did he ever have God authenticate His
presence in his life?
Mike didn't even have to think about it. He didn't need multiple
takes in front of a camera to get it right. His response was sincere,
easy and real. He quickly gave his "ONE" minute testamony. I was
amazed. Here was a guy picking up cans for a living and he is more
articulate than me. Federico recognizes where he said he grew up as
being affluent.
We as affluent believers with every opportunity, struggle to craft a
believable one minute testimony. Mike with no opportunity or lost
opportunity doesn't even need a script. He loves God and eagerly

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Inconsider Behavior

It's night on the bus. I tend to write in my journal at night. It is
tough sleeping and there is little opportunity to talk. There are
I am ashamed for the East LA ladies at the back of the bus. They are
talking loud and vulgar. There are children on board being exposed to
far more than they or anyone else should be. Federico says he'd like
to shut them up. I suggest he pick his battles. I don't know if that
is good advice or not. It avoids conflict but the ladies are still
Culturally or socially, do they think their inconsiderate behavior put
them in a position of power? Do they feel stronger when in the
world's face or they just clueless? It seems even the bus driver
sometimes ignors rule #1: "Don't make the bus driver mad."
It is a bit odd. Rosa Parks took a stand for equal rights on the bus
and chose to sit up front. These ladies chose to sit in the back of
the bus and make a statement, also. Sadly, I suspect the statement
they make is an embarrasment for Rosa Parks.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Jesus FREAK!

It is late at night or early morning on the bus. It is dark except
for my light overhead. Everyone wishes they were asleep or somewhere
else. The bus incessantly groans on...
The moon is bright. The desert stars are twinkling. I am impressed
to gaze and ponder life's journey.
As I have journeyed through life, there have veen times when I bumped
into a Jesus Freak. It was that unique person that seemed obsessed
with God. He was always an encouragment, but still seemed a bit odd.
Being a Jesus Freak was ok with me for them. But not for me. I just
didn't have the passion and they were a bit odd.
Today, I sense a continued transformation of my heart. There is a new
found boldness to share Christ but even more a fresh interest and
desire for others to know Jesus. Somewhere in the mix and
transformation of my heart, I suspect there is a "Jesus Freak" being
I am content to go down this road in my pursuit of God. I am ok with
being odd. I wonder where God plans on using me as He develops His
person in me.
I suppose Jesus is the ultimate Jesus Freak. We are to take on the
qualities of Christ. I look forward to seeing how Jesus develops His
freaky qualities in me.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Robert is a Street Evangelist

Robert is Federico's half brother. Robert is a lot of things. He
excelled in the military. He is college degreed. He owns a nice
home. He is professionally employed. He is an example of what
America provides those that strive.
But Robert is more than that. Robert is a weekend street evangelist.
He waits outside the Salinas theatre or local coffee shop and tells
people about Jesus. He has developed a great comfortable approach to
telling people without Jesus they are going to hell. Wouldn't they
like to prevent that?
I liked Robert. He says it is unique when one is led to Christ. He
does a lot of planting and trusts God for the harvest. Robert planted
in Federico's life. It was years of frustration before Robert was
blessed to see the fruit being birthed in Federico's life.
Do you have a Robert in your life that is still waiting to see your fruit?

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Lost his wallet and waiting for a bus

Ryan is a clean cut college age student with family in Australia. He
has been studying in the US. Somewhere along the line he lost his
wallet and was one step away from being homeless. His dad is working
in Europe.
I told Ryan I was writing a book and asked if he would like to be in
it. I said the title of the book was "God Spots" and explained I was
traveling across America by bus to meet people like him. Did he every
have God do anything for him? Believe me. It is a great "pick up"
He laughed and said many times. He has totaled 3 cars and survived
them all. Then, he explained about losing his wallet and God coming
to through to the rescue through his uncle's help in Oklahoma. He was
active in a Christ centered youth group and was a believer.
We had a great time talking about God and chasing after youthful dreams...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Confrontation in LA Bus Station

Sitting at the LA bus station at 12:30 AM is eventful. There are all
kinds of people from all over the world. An African lady (Liberia) is
standing at the telephone charging station talking with a lady from
Puerto Rico. They ask if the picture on my cell phone is of my wife?
They say, "she is pretty." I think so.
The young chicanos are all strutting showing their stuff. Whatever
"stuff" is and trying to be tough. They got their hoods over their
heads and looking around head ducked and eyes lifted up peering from
under the hood. They tend to ignor me, a crazy old man with unkept
grey hair and trashed bluejeans. I think that is a good thing.
Then there are the two guys wearing blankets with holes cut in them
for their heads. Of course I can't neglect the guy that went our of
his way to call me QUEER because I was watching Family Time ( a
discusting cartoon show seen at all greyhound stations). I'm not sure
why he thought it was important to yell QUEER at me. Maybe I am queer
to the LA world. Not gay, just queer in the sense of not fitting in.
Fred said I was dressed (Grace Point polo shirt) like a narcotics
agent. Ha!
The friendliest people are middle to late age Mexican people. They
try to avoid conflict and tend to smile. They are old enough to have
experienced the vapor of life and settled in with a sense of
contentment. I think much can be learned from one who has worked in
the fields and still produced fruit in their own lives...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

22 Minute Burger

Freddy was excited to see a Carl's jr hamburger joint across the
street from the bus station. The bus driver recommended Wendy's next
to the bus, but Freddy knew the Carl's jr burger was the best in the
country. Having been living on granola, this sounded pretty good.
The bus driver gave us 30 minutes and then he was leaving whether we
were on the bus or not. I think he enjoyed leaving people. He might
even have been notching his belt.
22 minutes later and counting, I still did not have my coveted Sante
Fe Chicken Burger. Fred got his burger but mine was lost in the stack
of receipts from a "SLAMMED" restaurant. I told Fred to head back and
hold the bus. I knew he could, he had experience dealing with
unruling bus drivers. Ha!
Finally with a minute to go, I told the kid behind the counter to give
me anything. It didn't matter. Just grab on and toss it in the bag.
He took one look at my sweet kind Christian face (sarcasm intended)
and complied with grabbing something and tossing it in the bag. He
knew I was a heartbeat away from being comfortable sitting with the
crazy people. He said, "Sorry".
Fred owes me a Sante Fe Chicken Sandwich. I tell you this, that the
world may know!
Note: Even the "Oh. god!" lady got her Wendy's burger.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Life on a Bus at night is a Struggle

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, the wheels....
At night the drone of the engine and sounds of the road never end. It
is a persistant dull roar. It is what you attempt to sleep by,
between the moans, groans, shouts, grunts, snores and crying. Lights
are out and the bus driver wants it quiet. Don't forget rule #1:
"Don't make the bus driver mad!"
Sadly, the night environment does not welcome talks of Christ. It
doesn't welcome talk at all. It is the night hours I would read God's
Word and contemplate for what purpose He had me on this insane bus
ride across America.
I was reading last night about the time in Acts when the Holy Spirit
was not bashful. It spread like wild fire through the people present.
 It was undeniable. Sometimes today, however infrequent, a group of
believers get the gift of life and experience "ONENESS" as God
I then read of the Welch revivalist Okey and the incredible works of
the Spirit. There were times when he knew there was a person or
situation that was preventing the Holy Spirit from creating oneness.
When the impediment was removed, the Spirit came in a big way.
Isn't it exciting to consider what God may intend for the body of
believers at Grace Point Church as we become ONE in Christ with
impediments removed!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Life as a Gift

"Holy Father, guard them as they pursue this life that you conferred
as a gift through me. So they can be one heart and mind, as we are
one heart and mind". John 17
Jesus spoke these words to the Father concering His friend and
followers immediately prior to His betrayal by Judas. I am sensitized
to the fraility of human life as I look upon the different crippled
people on the bus. Some are crippled mentally, some are crippled
physically, but we are all crippled that don't have the heart of our
Christ gave His followers life as a gift. I would seem this would be
enough, but Jesus was concerned for the gift. He was aware the gift
could be stolen by the life we live. He asked God to guard them as
they pursue life. Christ didn't want anything to get in the way of
His followers experiencing life as "ONE" heart and mind.
I am "ONE" that the world may know...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Am I Chosen?

"You didn't choose me, remember. I chose you and put you in the world
to bear fruit. Fruit that won't spoil." John 15:16
God is amazing. I'm sitting next to a guy who grew up doing all sorts
of drugs and suffered because of it. He has experiences I will never
have. And yet, God chose him that he might bear fruit. Fruit that
won't spoil and that is what he is doing.
Today, he is quick to invest his life into the lives of others. He
will pick up the bags of one struggling. He will find a seat for one
looking. He will make sure an elderly person gets on the right bus.
Although he is tough, God is giving him a gentle spirit. Although he
hates who he has been, he loves God who is miraculously creating the
person God intended.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Oh God! I'm on the wrong bus!

LADY YELLING FROM BACK OF BUS - Oh god! I got to get off. Oh god.
I'm on the wrong bus. Oh god. I thought I was going to California.I
can't go to Mexico. It is dark and adds to the spookiness of the
yelling. Note: I'm using a "ower case "g" out of respect to our God.
Fred yells, "Please sit down until the bus stops." Ah, yes. Freddy
the peacemaker. I picked up the name Freddy, because his family
affectionately refers to him as Freddy. I like that. I don't know if
he does. :)
As we pull up to the immigration check point, the bus is boarded and
we are checked by Officer Olivas to see if we belong here. The dog is
barking outside the bus in the luggage compartment area. I guess "3"
barks means everything is ok and I want a bisquit. The officer asks
if I am an America citizen. I'm tempted to say, "Que", but he has a
big gun and is not smiling.
Come judgement day, I suppose the lady in the back of the bus will
still be yelling, 'Oh God'. But this time with a capital "G". It
will be confirmed she lived life on the wrong bus. From appearances,
I'd say she was crippled up from Crack. Fred says likely a heroin
addick on Methodone.
When you consider the value you place on your life, it is sad to
consider the waste of a human's life. We all started as babies. We
all make choices. Some end up on the wrong bus...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Arrived San Antonio Safely

Freddy (childhood name I like) and I arrived back in San Antonio at
about 5:45 AM
Tuesday morning or at least told it is Tuesday, I'm not sure. A week
on the bus kind disorients you to time.
I kissed Cora goodbye as she left for work and layed down at 7:00 AM
for a nap. I woke up long enough to eat a couple pieces of pizza at
lunch and back to sleep. I finally woke up at 5:30 PM. Gosh, I was
tuckered. Even so, I don't think I will have any trouble sleeping
First, my apologies for the sporatic blog entries. I tried. Next
trip I need to beg someones Blackberry, iphone or something that will
work in most locations. My Cricket only worked very infrequently. I
continuously tried to send the adventure, but it would bounce back.
Sorry about that, but thank you for attempting to track with me. So,
now I try to do some catchup.
I think I will just post a series and then go back and try to make
them in date order later as best as I can. At some point I will
likely confuse the issue when I try to sort by date. So, I apologize
in advance. But for now, this should all be fresh for you. Freddy
and I dropped back to paper and pen and captured the events. So, we
just need to get the happenings to the blog.
I will quickly confess this trip was life changing. It will be one of
those "cairns" (from P.Jeff's message) or markers driven deep in the
ground that marks my way.
God bless. Enjoy the journey.
PS. Don't be offended by some of the posts. People are real and I
will clean up some of the events, but don't want to sanitize it and
lose the real meaning.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, March 9, 2009

God is alive an well

TXTING... I am blow away by God's direct hand on Fred n I as we bus
America. Have you seen God work in your life? God promises that if
you ask for his presence in your life He will be there. Its time to
ask. 37stories.wordpress.com

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Blackhawk Down

Only have a minute between busses, but just prayed with a survivor from a copter crash in Somalia in the 90's.  2 copters down.  17 dead.  2 POWs.  Tim was a POW for 30+ days.  Then, the gate to his cell was left wide open.  GOD SPOT AWESOME!
More when I develop the dialog with Tim to get his experience accurate.  Be looking for it.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream


Forgive typos from txting... Just leaving Phoenix. Got a few hours
sleep on bus. Have obsrved crazy people go to CA but don't come back.
Odd. I guess they are going for the social programs. Bus travel is not
for the innocent. Sweet old lady had her bag stolen last night as she
slept. Sad. God does judge...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, March 8, 2009

There is a reason that man is wearing protection

Click here to download:
CLIP0033.AVI (12647 KB)

We were driving from Dutch Flat, CA to Salinas to catch our return bus.  Right in front of us was a helicopter spraying pesticide on the fields.  I quickly pulled off the rode to get some video and pictures.  God Spot Awesome.  He it is.  Fred stayed seated.  He said he wasn't getting out.  There was a reason the guy was wearing protective clothing.  I agreed and got out to shoot some video and take some pictures.
It was such a classic God Spot.  Take an everyday event in life.  Tune your ears to the Spirit and listen.  God spoke strongly through Fred.  There was danger ahead.  Be prepared.  Protect yourself.
I'm wearing a teeshirt and blue jeans.  I am obviously ill prepared to be stepping outside and exposing myself to danger.  I have no protective gear on.  I hear the warning and I go anyway.  It is so like God to whisper in your ear.  Go!  It is so crucial to be prepared to step out when God says Go!.  How excited God must be to see one of His children fully prepared and anxiously waiting to hear His voice say, "Go". 
I got my pics and stepped back in the car.  Fred said, "It's good we were not downwind."  It's so like God.  Listen to God.  Do what He says to do.  Do only what God says for you to do.  Then, give Him the Glory.  It is unlikely, God will say, "Go" unless you are prepared.  With your preparation, God provides His protection.  With the adventure, you give God the Glory.  I think I saw God smile.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Love of the Family

I am really impressed by the strength found in the Mexican family unit.  Federico and I visited his grandmother.  Her name is Artemisa and she is 96 years old.  Artemisa.  Isn't that a beautiful name.  She had a stroke recently and is confined to a wheel chair after a fall two weeks, ago.  She very nearly broke her back.  We found her on a street corner in her wheel chair, being pushed by her daughter, Norma.  They were returning from the dollar store.
Words can not describe the love that shined from Artemisa's eyes when she saw, Federico.  They hugged and kissed.  Artemisa said, 'Now I am ready to die."  Mr. Fred loaded her in the front seat of the car and we drove her home.  She was alert and so excited to have Mr. Fred help her.  In her house she pointed out the pictures on her wall for me to see the people of her legacy.  She couldn't speak well and said little, but you could read the pleasure in her eyes as she viewed the pictures of her family.
I sat on the couch next to Artemisa as Federico leaned over to reach her ear as she sat in the wheel chair.  Federico was whispering sweet words of love that included a prayer to God.  I can only imagine the sweetness Artemisa heard in Federico's words.  There was a passion in the room that wars are fought over.  There was a feeling that the world could be going to hell, but for the moment, in this small room, everything was right. 
God smiled.  God saw a people made in his image.  God saw the sweetness of His creations being displayed in love that crossed generations.  Federico explained briefly about his friend that had come with him to see Artemisa.  She said, "I was a good person and blessed".  She was right.  She blessed me.
As we left, Artemis gave the sign of the cross twice across her heart.  Federico said she was blessing our trip as we went to share God with other people.  Artemis is a precious person.  It is beautiful to see someone with her heart exposed, not caring what others think...
Is there an Artemis in your life?  You are blessed.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Bus Across America Photobucket

With the slow WiFi I managed to get a few pics uploaded of our bus trip across America.  Bookmark this link.  There will be more later.  Check out: http://www.37one.com/godspot/index.html
Thanks for following...
God has been good,

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Technology Fails

Mom, this picture is for you.
Technology may fail, but memories are forever.  Fred and I made it back to our childhood homes.  We have met a lot of people and heard a lot of stories.  Technology has been challenging on the bus, so am behind the posting curve.  I hope later today (Sunday), before we board the bus and head back to catch up. 
This has been a very impressionable trip and I know will be an event in my life that will help shape me.  I hope the shaping will be for the better.  The two highest points of the trip were meeting Federico's family and seeing the love shared in a family unit and visiting my old home where I grew up with my dad being pastor of a small Baptist mission.
There will be lots more later about being called queer in the LA bus station, people coming down off all kinds of drugs, good people just wanting to survive, young people with dreams, bad people not looking for anything and expecting the worse, frustrations and happiness. 
Check in later today.  I hope to have some stories posted.
God does bless,
archie and Federico

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, March 6, 2009

the worlds a safer place

yes. I feel safe. I was just wanded before i could go to the restroom.
 Fred had to erase the video of me being wanded by someone with
mideast accent. Ah yes. America...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

whats your drug of choice?

Im sitting next to a guy who use to do every drug imaginable. He
wasn't particular. Then he locked up with only a bible. GOD FOUND

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream


What about the white lady with no teeth getting on the bus yelling
about blacks and mexicans while kicking a chinese man foot in aisle. I
wish i had the camera ready. Sigh..

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

4 am friday to El Paso

Driving across the vastness of the open desert, looking up at the sky
enrichened by millions of stars, humbles one into realizing how
seemingly insignificant each of us are. Yet, somewhere in the
vastness of it all, God chooses us to be His children. He elevates us
above the heavenly angels. Only God can know why He chose for it to
be so. God's love is immeasurable! If only I could truly know

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

1st God Spot Awesome

Met Bud in Junction. He is 54, my age. He was part of the Holy Ghost
church at 16, but fell away. Asked me if i knew God. I thought I was
suppose to ask that question. I asked him how he could fall away from
God knowing all God did. He said David did. Then suggested the best
vitamin for a Christian was "B1".
I get back on the bus and begin thinking... Bud says, 'Do you know
God?' He's sitting on a bench outside a quikstop at midnight and he
wants to know if i know God. It gets me thinking. Do I know God?
What does knowing God mean?
Do you know God? How does one know someone else? It seems to me you
know someone by your senses. You recognize their appearance, their
touch or even their smell. We are all unique that way. So, how is it
I know God?
I can't smell God. I can't physically see Him. I can't touch Him.
So how is it, I can know Him? The Word says, "by their fruits you
shall know them.' It's partially by the fruits of God that I know
Him. But possibly the opportunity to know God through our Spirit is
far greater than any knowing Him in the flesh.
I'm beginning to believe the Spirit world dwarfs the physical world as
we know it.
Bud knows...
To know God, requires being able to identify Him. To identify
requires knowing His attributes. God resides in the Spirit world, but
makes His presence known in the physical world. What is the best and
most available place to start getting to know Him? Read. consume His
Word. Make it a part of you. If feeding on His Word in not a part of
your daily nourishment, you may not really want to know Him.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Made it to El Paso by Bus

It is 7:00 Friday morning. Spent the night on the bus packed full of
humanity. There was the hacker lady in front of me. Obviously, had
some terminal disease she was intent on infected everyone else with.
There was the "oh god" guy behind who woke up yelling "oh god" where
are we? "oh god, we are on I10". "oh god. it's ok. we are headed
to El Paso.
Fred picked a wonderful lady to sit next to. Probably a little closer
than he hoped since she took up both seats. I actually think Fred got
stuck cause he gave up the seat next the small hispanic guy and let me
sit there. That Fred. He's ok.
We did have a couple "God Spots". I'll need to catch up shortly.
There is not much time in this stop, because of a God Spot. Our 4
hour layover has turned into a 45 minute layover. One bus was early.
One bus was late. We make a better connection and California is
waiting. Wahoo!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, March 5, 2009

On board greyhound sa

fred says he is going on a mission. Felicia sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Fred
says he loves you. Cora. Archie loves and misses you. That the world
may know.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

wahoo! Snow in the sierra nevadas!

ALL packed and ready to go. Mom says hwy 80 is closed going up toward
donner pass. Snow. Wahoo. God spot awesome.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bus / Blog Across America Leaves Tomorrow

The long awaited round trip "Blog by Bus" between Texas and California has arrived!  I am excited and have an ever increasing spirit for what God is going to do.  I hope to be blinded by the brilliance of the "God Spots" seen and experienced.  Federico, my hispanic traveling companion refers to me as his crazy old gringo friend.  I suppose there is a bit of craziness in the mix of doing this trip.  We leave tomorrow, Thursday at about 8:30 PM.  Please be encouraged to track with us on the trip via the web.
To make it easy, I have created what I am calling my "Life Stream" page.  It's a new approach I'm developing to pull information from multiple sources and display on a single page. My Life Stream, or summary of all my blogs/twitter/facebook/flickr/photobucket/twitpic pages can be found at:  http://37one.com/   At the top of the page, I've provided all the links to my other popular blogs.  Check it out and see if it makes it easy to keep up. Your posted blog comments will be an encouragement.
The key "Bus Across America" blog you have been tracking is:  http://isrv.org/ .  Between there and God Spots at http://37stories.wordpress.com, you can keep up with most of what's going on. I trust everyone finds the trip interesting and God is glorified.  Enjoy!
God bless,

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

whats your angel doing this morning?

Ever wondered what your angel is doing between the times he is
rescuing you and praising God? Does an angel sleep or eat? Will he be
there when you need him? Does an angel get hacked at what you put him
through? I wonder?

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Swapping Poor Stories

I love telling my "poor stories". I love hearing Federico's "poor
stories". Don't you just love the name. Federico. It just rolls off
the tongue. I heard the ticket lady at the Greyhound bus station let
it be said with gusto! Federico.
I expect Federico and I will swap poor stories on the way to
California. I have heard some and they are a match for mine. Maybe
even better! My son Jeff has a friend Greg who has a recipe for
cooking carp. Federico actually ate the carp. Now that's a poor
Then there is the story of growing up in a station wagon. That has
got to be a good one. Wonder which seat was the good bed? This is
going to be a great trip!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, March 2, 2009

Writing a Book. Want to be in it?

I'm taking a bus ride across America. I'm traveling with a friend,
Federico. My wife thinks she will miss me. Frederico and I think
this is going to be a great adventure.
Oddly enough, it all started with Pastor Jeff declaring this was the
year of "ONE". He and the body are praying that each of us would have
opportunity to lead at least one other to "exchange their life" for
the life of Christ.
Now last year, I impacted a lot of people. Some people I impacted in
a positive fashion. Others would say I impacted them in a negative
way. I suppose it is your perspective that determines the outcome. I
really want the best for everyone.
I have plans of writing a book. It will be called "God Spots". In
this book will be a collection of stories describing how God has
revealed and authenticated His presence. This bus trip is key to the
contents of this book. It is my hope during this trip to chat with
people of America about how they have seen God work in their life.
Won't that be exciting?!
The dialog will go something like this: Excuse me. I am writing a
book. Would you like to be in it? Yes, you say? May I take your
picture? My book is about God Spots. Can you tell me about a time
when you knew that God was working in life? Remember the time when
you knew the only way this "thing" could have happened was with God's
hand it? Remember?
I'm trusting this will provide me the opportunity to share about the
times God has authenticated His presence in my lfe. Who knows? Maybe
the person will exchange his/her life for the life of Christ? It
could happen....
It is the year of "ONE".

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream