Saturday, January 29, 2011

Suffering is Not for Wimps...

Mitzi Hopper Sahawneh 
Yes. I think about the proverb (I think) that says that all things happen to the just and unjust alike. It comes from the fall I believe. If it is God's will, we can avoid illness---- or maybe is that we just do not ask? 

Suffering is a part of our lives, Christian or not. But we know that we are taught about suffering in God's Word. James says it produces perseverance--- which makes me think that we are actually strengthened enduring illnesses. We think of illnesses as BAD but apparently, they actually work good for us. We are told to expect it-- God has taught us in His word to prepare us. 

In talking about physical sickness in particular--- I know that when I get sick to the point that I am bed ridden--- I pray...... ALOT! Many times, I believe God used that sickness to bring me closer to Him in prayer instead of me doing all the other things I would have been doing.

Suffering is a blessing because when it is lifted, we appreciate wellness more. When we take our health for granted (which I realize while I am typing this that God is showing me I need to be thankful to Him right now for my health) can become ungrateful. 

Also, look at what happens when we are sick. We tell others and they pray for us. There is a sense of need for others--- and others 'share in' the illness so to speak. We learn unity.l

When we glorify God in illness--- that is the grace of God at work-- 

So I think illnesses are needed to produce things that cannot be produced otherwise. It is a spiritual reality that does not make sense in the world's way of thinking. We know that our suffering here produces for us a better weight in glory.

This is where faith comes in and the Spirit imparting the truth of God's Word to us--- do we believe this or not? Do we really believe what God says when he says that it is producing a better weight in glory? If we do, then we can endure with at thankful heart and praise to God. 

If we doubt this, then we are left to try to rationalize in the flesh-- hopeless----

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, January 23, 2011

16 Dead Bodies Confirmed Resurrected from the Dead

We say we serve a risen Savior.  We say He's in the world today.  Yet, periodically when He shows up we are skeptical.  We wonder how an event was rigged or maybe the participants were confused or motivated to share stories to build a God they wished was real.  It is all very vexing...

There was a time in my Christian life when I would quickly discount the modern day miracles of our times.  It was easier to say the events shared were someone's over active imagination and that miraculous gifts were given to apostles of times past.  I think there is some truth in that attitude, but not the whole truth.

I am inclined to believe miraculous events occurred in times past, because the hearts of the people were fertile for miracles.  The hearts were prime for seeing God at work in very real and tangible ways.  I think in America and much of the world, our hearts are not primed for the active participation of God.  But, every once in a while someone comes along with a heart after God and He loves it.  He chooses to actively participate in their life and those near Him.

Below is an accounting of a God Spot brilliant displayed among of people in need.  You will need to choose whether you believe in a God that empowers others to raise people from the dead.  It is your choice.  What will you do with it?

Caleme, Teresopolis

16 Dead Bodies Confirmed Resurrected from the Dead

Sunday, January 16, 2011

CALEME, TERESOPOLIS, Brazil – People of the barrio of Caleme have witnessed Saturday 5 dead bodies raised from the dead in the street. Another 10 bodies from the morgue have been raised to life. One woman who drowned and was dead was also raised back to life. The people in Caleme reported that 5 American men went near the 5 bodies and yelled, “Rise and live in the name of Jesus.” The dead bodies started to shake and stood up and walked and are alive. 

At the nearby morgue, there were 10 dead bodies in the hallway. People said that 5 foreign women went near the bodies and said, “Rise and live in the name of Jesus.” The dead bodies shook and stood up shaking and walking and were alive. People were screaming, yelling. Riot at the barrio of Caleme. 

These 5 dead bodies in the street of Caleme have been dead since Wednesday January 12. The 10 dead bodies in the morgue have been left in the hallway since Wednesday. People have talked to the dead risen. They were still weak but were able to talk and they said, “I was in a dark place many people crying, shouting. Was I asleep? Now I am alive!” “I know I was dead. I was in a dark, ugly place. I do not know what happened, but I am back to life. God is alive.” 

The families of these dead are celebrating and happy. There has been hope in Caleme since Saturday.

Original commentary on the life giving miracle... 

Pictures of the tragedy... 

Thank you Jim Taylor of Facebook for this link.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, January 17, 2011

The greatest HOPE ever is found in Jesus.

"I am the vine. You are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, brings forth much fruit; for, without me, you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is a branch that is cut off and will wither. Men gather these and cast them into the fire to be burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, all that you ask will be done. This is how my Father is glorified; that you bear much fruit and, by doing so, are my disciples."~Jesus

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Matt Needs Your Help in Many Ways. Read on....

Matt's white count is very, very low as of yesterday so his immune system is very weak.  He has been able to stay home for a couple of weeks and just go to hospital for platelets and transfusions, but this morning he started running a fever in the midst of a plumbing crisis at their Georgia says, when it rains, it pours in more ways than one.  Matt was admitted back in the hospital mid-day and they are pumping him full of antibiotics and fever reducers.  Doctors are also trying to discover source of infection in his body.


Please be a warrior and pray with your full armour.  Pray also for his mother who has to be growing weary of this marathon illness.  Georgia is the primary caregiver in the family.  She wants to keep up with everything that happens to Matt and I know she has to be exhausted. 


I pray "Lord, give her strength and a renewed vitality to face whatever comes her way.  Let her find a way to continue to minister to her son and Lord, let her see some victories along the way.  Guide the doctors as they search for the source of this infection and bring it under control.  Give the whole family hope and faith that grows like a bright flame that can never be darkened.  Amen"


Also, if you go to the blog, please remember to click on the google ads so $$$$ can be credited to Matt's medical expenses which are mounting at a rapid rate.  Georgia tells me to check out Amazon in the upper left corner and if I need to purchase anything, try to purchase thru Amazon and Matt will be credited.


Miriam Trainer

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, January 14, 2011

God is Glorified When We Pray Ridiculous Prayers of Faith.

I have an adult nephew who was diagnosed with cancer in his shoulder.
I don't know exactly what the procedure was to be, but it involved
removing ribs and part of his shoulder blade. This work would be
done in the course of gaining access to the tumor. The whole idea of
this dramatic surgery was scary for family and friends of Todd.

When fact is stated by people with the skill set and knowledge to be
credible in their revelation, prayer becomes problematic for many. If
a doctor says you are going to die from some rare disease, it can
destroy your faith. It seems so ridiculous to begin praying in the
face of fact. I mean after-all, fact is the doctor says you are
dying. It would seem the best prayer you could pray would be that the
passing would be of little pain and you'd have time to get your
affairs in order.

Years back, my dad was diagnosed with terminal leukemia on a Friday.
On Monday he both checked into and out of the hospital. What
happened? Sometime between Friday and Monday, my dad was healed of
cancer. My dad was a man of prayer.

Years later, I was diagnosed with terminal cancer on Friday and the
doctor said i likely only had a few months to live. On Monday, a
specialist told me nothing was wrong with me and forget about what the
previous doctor said. What happened? I was healed.

Todd was diagnosed with cancer. Todd now does not have cancer. Todd
has a non-cancerous tumor that is invasive in nature. Surgery is
scheduled. I have but one question to ask.

Is it ridiculous to ask God for a total and complete healing of Todd?

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'll rescue you, then throw you a party!

Psalm 91 - The Message

You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in
Shaddai's shadow,
Say this: "God, you're my refuge.
I trust in you and I'm safe!"

That's right—he rescues you from hidden traps,
shields you from deadly hazards.

His huge outstretched arms protect you—
under them you're perfectly safe;
his arms fend off all harm.

Fear nothing—not wild wolves in the night,
not flying arrows in the day,
Not disease that prowls through the darkness,
not disaster that erupts at high noon.

Even though others succumb all around,
drop like flies right and left,
no harm will even graze you.

You'll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance,
watch the wicked turn into corpses.

Yes, because God's your refuge,
the High God your very own home,
Evil can't get close to you,
harm can't get through the door.

He ordered his angels
to guard you wherever you go.

If you stumble, they'll catch you;
their job is to keep you from falling.

You'll walk unharmed among lions and snakes,
and kick young lions and serpents from the path.

"If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God,
"I'll get you out of any trouble.

I'll give you the best of care
if you'll only get to know and trust me.

Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times;
I'll rescue you, then throw you a party.

I'll give you a long life,
give you a long drink of salvation!"

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Great thoughts on the Trinity by a Janet, a Facebook friend.

Janet Rice Sloane to Pieter (a Facebook friend), a few questions- who
do you say Christ Jesus is? (Is he an uncreated being as the Father
is? Has the Son always existed just as the Father has always existed).
Do you think we eventually end up as Jesus, as an un-created god-like
being? do you believe Jesus is coming back in the flesh to reign on
this earth? Why does Jesus say I go to sit at the right hand of the
Father and I will send another- the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter. He
speaks of Holy Spirit in the third person, not in first person

According to scripture, as far as I can logically reason, YHVH has
manifested Himself to mankind in three divine Persons: Abba [the
Father], Yeshua [literally "Salvation," the Son] and Ruach HaKodesh
[the Holy Spirit, literally "Breath"]. Yet all three Persons have but
one Name - God is Echdut (this One God may be referred to as Hashalush

Thus, I believe that the Godhead eternally exists in three persons,
HaAv (the Father), HaBen (the Son) and Ruach Hakodesh (the Holy
Spirit), (Hashalush Hakadosh) and these three constitute ONE (echad)
God being coequal, cosubstantial, coeternal, and have the same
attributes, nature, perfections, and is worthy of the same worship,
confidence and obedience (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19,20; Mark
12:29; John 1:14; Acts 5:3,4; II Corinthians 13:14; Hebrews 1:13;
Revelation 1:35).

The New Testament doctrine of the Trinity is evident in such a verse
as John 15:26, where the Lord Jesus said: "But when the Comforter is
come whom I will send unto you from the Father, He shall testify of

Jesus doesn't send himself unto us or testify and glorify himself,
that is another's job, and that other is the Holy Spirit.

So we are in disagreement about the Trinity. Some of your thoughts are
provocative and extremely strange, but i will ponder as all knowledge
is useful.
16 hours ago · Like

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Worship at Gracepoint Church, San Antonio

Archie Rhines
Time to gather at Gracepoint Church, SA... am posting live from a
"traditional" church... imagine that... swing on by..
about an hour ago · Like · Comment

Jennifer Rutledge likes this.
Nathan Lambshead Watch you don't get caught texting during the sermon
about an hour ago · Like

Richard Henry better pay attention or you may be a distraction to the
person staring at the back of your head :-)
about an hour ago · Like

Nathan Lambshead Sounds like me and Richard have both spent time in detention
about an hour ago · Like

Jim Taylor I have been in church services that encouraged texting ..
you could text your answer to a question .. the 'hits' for yes or no
showed on the screen ... a lot of the adults seemed lost but the 3000
teens in attendance were completely involved.
50 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines time to break out your wallet... as an expression of
your love for Christ....
48 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines video clip starts with last surviving member of Anne
Franks ministry..
39 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines Pastor Jeff Harris... radical for Christ... speaks of
Anne Franks... and characterizes Gracepoint as an "unCommon Church"...
37 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines are you experiencing an unCommon life in Jesus...?
35 minutes ago · Like

Nathan Lambshead I am anything but common.
35 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines Phillippians.2:5-11 an uncommon life...
32 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines Nathan and Paul.... best of friends...
30 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines SHOCK! The American dream may be contrary to the will of
God... huh? imagine that! sarcasm....
29 minutes ago · Like

Nathan Lambshead In that case I am in God's will quite nicely.
28 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines royal priesthood works.... but a peculiar people... you
are a goofball!
28 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines goofball... nl you are chosen... peculiar people...
called out of darkness into His Glory...
27 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines the heater is either cranked up or the Holy Spirit is
moving... maybe both!
27 minutes ago · Like

Nathan Lambshead I am a sick, poor peculiar person. No American dream here. lol
26 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines terminology is not "accept Christ".. it is "Exchange Life"....
25 minutes ago · Like

Nathan Lambshead What you talkin' about Willis? Who's terminolgy?
24 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines God has a purpose and plan for you... will you humble
yourself and be obedient... be unCommon...
24 minutes ago · Like

Nathan Lambshead I ain't going to an unCommon church though.
23 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines as it turns out... i brought the church with me... no
problem. others brought church with them also. we happen to be seated
in the same building considering things of the faith...
22 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines there are about 500 priests here... all in agreement.
Jesus lives and God is love...
21 minutes ago · Like

Nathan Lambshead They texting too?
21 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines Jeremiah 1:1-9 there is a purpose in the world...
21 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines no... texting... just the radical... ha! love you brother!
20 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines i am actually sitting up front with my netbook open...
the preach seems to be ok with it... lol
20 minutes ago · Like

Nathan Lambshead Time for the final prayer and benediction. I have to
get moving.
19 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines the more jacked up you are... the more God's Glory is
shined through you.... if you humble and are obedient... hey i am just
typing what i'm hearing... if you are "jacked up" listen...
18 minutes ago · Like
Nathan Lambshead I won't ask what 'jacked up' means in reality. :)
Good talking to you Arch.
17 minutes ago · Like

Nathan Lambshead Actually, one of those 'chair jacks' to help me stand
without using internal muscles would be wonderful. :)
16 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines i think the heat in here is preparing me for ministry in
Indonesia or someplace equally hot... if i pass out it will be ok..
probably will just be considered i was slain in the spirit...
16 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines we are called into the world even as God called Jesus
into the world.. we are called to be unCommon... I really like the
thought of being unCommon... it fits me... i have many fb friends that
are equally unCommon... we are radical!
12 minutes ago · Like

Bill Miller Nathan: I have one for sale, lovely tan recliner $900 new,
about 10 years old, just want it out of storage, say $200 cash.
12 minutes ago · Like

Bill Miller HEHEHE.
11 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines may be called to Samaria.... ie cross cultural
experience... maybe at the Muslim apartment complex next door... pray
for the world...
9 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines we are ordinary people called to live extraordinary
lives... for Christ.
9 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines Acts 1:8 our calling in the world...
7 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines closing song.. inspired by God... written this week by
Greg Coplen for this worship experience.... wish you could be here...
5 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines Bill Grimke just popped up in chat from England... we
send you blessings from Gracepoint Church...
2 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines To the life unCommon... running instead of crawling.... amen
2 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines thanks Greg....
2 minutes ago · Like

Archie Rhines folks will be hanging out at the front if you want to
swing by and talk about how God is tweaking your heart...
a few seconds ago · Like

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Be Christian is Radical... It may cost your life.

Followers of Jesus Christ in the epicenter have endured a dramatic
surge of violence and persecution at the hands of religious and
political extremists in recent weeks and months.

In Iraq, Christians have been attacked and killed in their homes and
in public, forcing nearly a thousand families to flee from Baghdad and
Mosul to the safer Kurdistan region in the north. A separate siege on
a Baghdad church on October 31 killed 58 followers of the Lord Jesus
and wounded 67 others.

In Israel, extremists firebombed an Arab Christian church in Jerusalem
in November. In December, Kristine Luken, an American evangelical
Christian was stabbed to death not far from Jerusalem in what many
believe to have been an act of terror. Her friend, Kay Wilson-an
Israeli believer in Jesus-was also severely wounded in the attack.

In Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the so-called "Supreme Leader,"
publicly warned last fall against the "network of house churches" that
"threaten Islamic faith and deceive young Muslims." Then, during
Christmas, at least 70 Iranian Christians were arrested in their homes
and separated from their families.

Coptic Christians in Egypt have also suffered severe persecution since
2011 began. As a result of two violent attacks this month, nearly 30
people have died and dozens more have been wounded.

Jesus Christ warned His followers that in the last days "they will
deliver you to tribulation and will kill you" (Matthew 24:8). The Lord
also warned His followers that "an hour is coming for everyone who
kills you to think that he is offering service to God" (John 16:2).
The good news is that the Lord Jesus also promised the world that, "I
will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against
it." (Matthew 16:18) Overall, the Church is growing. More people in
the epicenter are coming to faith in Jesus Christ than any other time
in history, and this is a cause for great rejoicing.

By Joel C. Rosenberg

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, January 7, 2011

How can you not be radically enthused? Jesus abides!

There was a man called Jesus many years, ago. He lived on God's
creation we call earth. In the process of life, He experienced all
there was to offer and chose to not sin in the midst of sin. This man
called Jesus was God in the flesh. He had a message and task that was
best performed in a body that breathed, hurt and found pleasure just
like you and I.

He chose 12 men and exposed them to His love and plan for mankind. He
gave them wisdom, understanding and knowledge in bite size pieces all
with the expectation of equipping them to also share God's love with
the world. Filled with love, they accepted the challenge and went
into the world preaching the Kingdom and healing the sick.

I desire my love for God to deepen daily. I desire to be one of His
chosen 12. It seems as if I am gaining wisdom, knowledge and
understanding, yet I neither preach the kingdom or heal the sick.

I worry about others who find themselves in the same place as I. They
desire a closer relationship with the Father and have His will
perfected in their lives, but they also neither preach the Kingdom or
heal the sick.

I have to ask the question. Why?

Was the task Jesus assigned to His twelve only for them? I don't
think so. I am unable to accept the idea of status quo being God's
intention for man. I believe He still chooses for His disciples to
preach the Kingdom and heal the sick. I pray for God's empowerment on
you and I as we live God's life to the fullest.

"Then He called His twelve disciples together, and gave them power and
authority over all devils and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach
the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. Jesus said to them, Take
nothing for your journey, neither staves, nor scrip, nor bread, nor
money; neither take two coats.

Whatever house ye enter, abide and depart from there. Whoever will not
receive you, when ye leave that city, shake off the very dust from
your feet as a testimony against them. They departed and went through
the towns, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere."

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Guest post at God Spots, written by Jack Frost in memory of Edgar Yancey

Guest Post by Jack Frost in memory of Edgar Yancey


 March 2, 1926 - Jan. 3, 2010


 I met Ed Yancey in the fall of 2009.  He and his sweet wife, Elizabeth, owned a small cabin on a lake where I was living with my family.  We had walked past their cabin many times over the previous eight months or so, and I wondered who owned the place.   It was in obvious need of much repair and upgrading, and there was a curious rooster standing in the window of the front room, facing passersby as though standing guard.


It was after a members meeting in that year that Ed and Libby stopped their silver Dodge pickup outside our home and knocked on the door.  They hesitatingly told me they were in need of some help with some siding on their little cabin, and our landlord had suggested me as a worker capable of doing what was needed done.  I agreed to look at the project, and began work on this little home in need of such care. 


Over the next year, I was retained to do a variety of improvements to the little cabin; repairs to an exterior wall, replace a wall mounted air conditioner, painting the entire interior of the little place, and plumbing repairs.  The last job was to replace the stairs that were so steep and dangerous so Ed would be able to get up to the cabin without danger of falling.  He was quite proud of the set of steps I built for him.


Our family became quite good friends with Ed and Libby.  One day they asked if we would go to their first home, a small place near Guntersville, Alabama.  It was another small home that Ed had built for his new bride shortly after returning from his time in the Air Force during World War Two.  I rode with Ed in his silver Dodge pickup, and he told me story after story during the entire hour and a half trip to the site.  The return trip brought on more stories and repetition of stories that were obviously important to him.  I hope to remember as many of these stories as I can, as they are a part of the history not only of Ed and Libby, but of our country as well.


As stories go, these were not complete, but give an interesting counterpoint to some of the history of our soldiers in World War Two, as well as our veterans returning from the war to settle back into daily life here in the states.  Ed was a nose gunner onboard a B-24, one of the more dangerous jobs of the fliers.  The chances of a nose gunner returning from a mission were around 50-50.  He was onboard one such bomber that took off from a field in Idaho.  Gunners were not at stations upon takeoff due to the danger of death or injury from disintegrating props on takeoff.  Ed was sitting in the rear of the plane with other members of his crew as the plane gained altitude.  Suddenly, the plane made a sharp turn and began to return to the runway.  Apparently an engine had failed, and the trip aborted.  The gunners sat on the floor, one in front of another with knees close to the chest while the next one leaned on the shins of the one behind.  As the plane landed, the landing gear failed, and the plane crashed.  The man in front of Ed was thrown against the gunnery pod behind them and had his collarbone broken.  There were no other injuries, and the remainder of the crew was put on another plane and sent on their way within the hour. 


Ed told of how he and the rest of the crew moved about Europe after the war ended, going from Italy to Germany and France and other places about Europe, seeing sights and waiting on discharge papers.


Upon returning to the states, he proposed to Libby, and she accepted.  They were married not long after his return to the states.  As a home was needed and money not easily come by, Ed cut logs from the land owned by one of his uncle’s and hauled them by mule to where a truck could take them to a sawmill.  He had the logs sawn into lumber and then took them to a kiln to be dried for use in building a home.  He build a small three room home just outside of Gadsden, Alabama.   He took his new bride to this home, which would be home for a number of years to come. This house stand yet today, although in need of some serious repairs.


It was here near Gadsden that Ed really sprouted.  He was a massively intelligent man, and was able to build items the family needed or desired when the finances did not allow for  purchasing.  He made his own hydraulic system for the tractor he owned, enabling him to lift lumber and materials to add roofing to his home.  The same system functioned when he needed to level out land near the home for a yard, and also for the some 300 feet by 100 feet garden that he started and worked for many years, feeding not only his family, but many throughout the valley that were in need as well.  He and his father installed a pump and pipeline that irrigated the garden from the nearby creek that flowed past the family land.


When the couple wanted a television, Ed returned to the nearby military surplus store and purchased an old radar screen.  He took this home and built the family television from this screen and other parts he gathered.  As the home was between two fairly high mountain ranges, he went onto the top of the mountain and raised an antenna, running wires from the mountain to the little house, and was able to get stations from Atlanta, Georgia and Huntsville, Alabama.  As others found out about his good signal for television, they purchased signal from him, long before cable TV was a known utility.


Nearby the family home is the Guntersville Lake.  Many boats use this lake for recreation.  Ed and Libby with their daughter, Sherry, desired to also go boating on this lake.  Again, money being a precious commodity, Ed undertook the project of building his own.  As they desired a power boat, he took a Buick engine and transmission and built an inboard powered motorboat that they used from a number of years on the lake. 


Ed worked many years as a radio engineer.  During the war, he had been trained as the backup radio operator on the bomber, and was quite adept at handling all aspects of the systems.  After the war, he became one of the main engineers for radio stations in the Huntsville area.  He also obtained his own Amateur Radio License and was a long-term member of the local ham radio club in Huntsville.  During these years, he also worked for companies that were under contract with NASA and was very involved with building items for NASA.  Some of his pieces and inventions as well are part of the Space Station. 


I know few men that have impressed me as much as Ed Yancey.  He was a gentle man and a gentleman.  His love for his wife of sixty-five years seemed to have not diminished even at the age of eighty-four when he passed from this life to his reward.  He was a quiet spoken man, and treated all persons I saw him come into contact with respect and consideration.  I wish I had known him longer.  I will miss him.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream