Monday, December 14, 2009

"Jesus is enough for eternity. More is demanded here,"~Nathan

For those that follow 37stories, you know that I have earned the right to speak to the issue of life can stink.  I hope you have also figured out, the end product of catastrophe is a new person in the man Archie Rhines.  

With that lead, I am going to post a real life thread pulled from a few new Face Book friends.  No one knew where the thread was headed.  It just ran its' course.  The dialog is challenging.  I hope you can appreciate the transparency and feel the pain and love of those contributing.  Open your heart and read....

So the original post was...

Nathan Lambshead Wondering what a person is to do when the world we live in does not recognize faith instead of money for normal living expenses?

Karen L Gritter
Karen L Gritter
They don't recognize the barter system either.... they have us by the ...erm... you know what.
2 hours ago
Nathan Lambshead
Nathan Lambshead
Acknowledging christmas is about the last domain I have not walk away from, but for my family's sake only. Those who know me understand that I am not about religion. My family also knows that they are my world and mean everything to me every day.

We can't even afford cards really. 

Why does something supposedly about Yeshua make people who can ill-afford it go further into debt? Just wondering how the 'spirit' of christmas is supposed to be a good thing.
2 hours ago
Nathan Lambshead
Nathan Lambshead
What Karen? Mine have been in pain for so long that I think you are on to something. :)
2 hours ago
Nathan Lambshead
Nathan Lambshead
I know. I see the 'spirit' of christmas all around. Drinking, drunk driving, family arguments and worse, going into debt till May, and all in the supposed name of Yeshua. Those who can still afford it look down on those going under, but they are closer than they realize themselves. It is a hard time to join in festivities.

Once it is over maybe life can get back to 'normal' hardships instead of being exacerbated by religious tradition and expectation. 

Sorry for the 'Bah-humbug' attitude folk, but it really is not that. It is mearly the same observation I have about the destruction of real people by religious organized crime.

about an hour ago
Archie Rhines
Archie Rhines
I've been staring at the screen. My heart goes out to you all. That is not likely enough. But, just want you to know however insignificant it sounds, Jesus is enough. God bless you and I trust your joy will extend through the Christmas season.
about an hour ago · Delete
Nathan Lambshead
Nathan Lambshead
Archie, the bad 'fruit' I mentioned is not going on here. (other than the debt issue) It has just been a particular bad week. Bad pain, hours cut, no help for mortgage or utilities from government (and I abhor being forced to try) and having to deal with christmas obligations on top of it.

Just seems a fitting icing on the cake of religion to me. 
Tomorrow is another day. Who knows, maybe pain free and financial worry free. 

Jesus is enough for eternity. More is demanded here.

Thank you for your concern. I do believe you are genuine.
about an hour ago
Nancy Downs Legere
Nancy Downs Legere
Nathan, have you heard of Freecycle? It's a Yahoo group, where no money changes hands, but you get things you might need, and give things to someone who is looking for a particular item or items. Say I've got a wheelbarrow that needs a new home. I post on my local group a note saying that I've got one available, and people respond requesting it. Same if you're looking for one - you post a request, and hopefully someone out there in your area has one to give away. It not only keeps usuable items out of our overloaded landfills, but saves so much money too, not having to buy something that maybe someone else has hanging around and no longer needs. We've given away literally tons of stuff, and have been fortunate enough to obtain some items we needed also, such as fencing. You never know what you'll find available on there, or what people are looking for!
about an hour ago
Nathan Lambshead
Nathan Lambshead
Thank you Nancy. I can always look into it, and will keep this post.
Joyce, lets agree to somehow step out of it all. I have no idea how, but I have had enough of the normal way of things. 

Lose it all, so what. Can't support the family, so what. Lets see if Jesus can. I certainly think HE would do a better job, so if I step aside and let the banks take it all He will either take care of it much better than I can, or it is just rhetoric as usuall. Either way Jesus was pierced for our sin and paid the ultimate price for the ultimate end. 

We will see just how important what we have in this world is to Him.Either it is true, or the farce will be shown for what it is as we can stop spinning our wheels trying to fulfill the laws the church says we have to.

I am tired of laws anyway....See More
53 minutes ago
Nathan Lambshead
Nathan Lambshead
Wonder if Jesus would really want to add 'birthday presents' in His name on top of hardships? 
Just trying to reconcile Jesus life and teachings with what I see going on around me.

On the bright side...Yahushua is my Saviour, my Messiah, My king. Who else can come against me?

44 minutes ago
Archie Rhines
Archie Rhines
AWESOME transparency. I have earned the right to speak to this. A couple years ago, I lost real estate valued at almost $10Million. I lost my life savings. I lost my retirement.  Many friends and family were hurt.  I live week to week. I did not lose my faith. 

I am a new person. I have been a believer for 50 years. Today, I am a new person. Did I happen to say, "I am a new person!" I would never have become the person Jesus desires to spend eternity with if I had not lost it all. 

I am a degreed physicist. Today out of obedience to God, I work as a janitor. Christmas gifts are a stretch. But Christmas is exciting, beautiful and pregnant with purpose.

That said. May I have every ones permission to post this thread to my God Spot blog? Your thoughts on faith will be encouraging to others as it meets the real world.

28 minutes ago · Delete
Archie Rhines
Archie Rhines
I will not use your name if that is your desire....
27 minutes ago · Delete
Nathan Lambshead
Nathan Lambshead
You go right ahead Archie. People can love me or hate me, but they will know me either way. :)
24 minutes ago
Archie Rhines
Archie Rhines
I suggested Marianne befriend you. Health is a common struggle with Jesus. Wanted her to read the thread.
19 minutes ago · Delete
Nancy Downs Legere
Nancy Downs Legere
No problem if you want to include mine.
19 minutes ago
One participant was deleted for privacy reasons....
Archie Rhines
Feel free to continue the thread with thoughts.. I have some copy and paste to do. :)

SO.  Comments are open.  What do say that has any relevance to real people hurting physically, financially, emotionally and maybe spiritually?   

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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