Saturday, July 31, 2010

"God responded in the birth of God Spots."~priest

Signature Ministries


I have wondered what my ministry purpose in life is.  What is it about the calling on my life that is any different or unique from all our callings, to share Christ in a hurting and dieing world. 


God began laying the bricks of foundation in Signature Ministries as I struggled in a collapse of body, soul and spirit.  I was trashed.  It was in this broken state, I fell back in love with Jesus, the Word and all things God.  Desperately seeking to know if God was real, I asked God to show me His presence.  Without it, I was unsure if I would make it through the day.  God responded in the birth of God Spots.


Over the next couple years, God continued to authenticate His presence.  It was unusual if I did not specifically see His hand at work every day.  In the evening, I would lie in bed and take inventory of the day.  I would ponder.... “Did God reveal Himself today”.  Seldom was I disappointed.  In was in this daily realization of God in my life, I began to heal in my soul.


In October 2009, God spoke very directly to me.  The thought communicated was...


“Go in front of the Emerging Church”~God


The sum of my life's experiences was in preparation for this directive of God.  I did not choose this calling if that is what it is.  I didn't manufacture it from the recesses of my mind.  It was said to me when I did not even know there was an Emerging Church. 


Today, it is with God's directive in the forefront of my mind, I choose to live life.  Life has never been more eventful.  God Spots have never been more brilliant.  God's grace has never been more comforting and my love of Jesus has never been stronger. 


I am only now beginning to live life as God planned.  My life is living fully dependent upon Him.  Dead to self and ALIVE in His presence.  There is no turning back.  

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The message is simple: "God is love. Salvation is free."~priest

I woke up this morning thinking of God’s love.  I am encouraged to know my mind in it’s physical sleep, rests in a never ending awareness of God’s love.  As I woke up, I was endeavored to adequately  share a picture of God’s love.  It was a story to tell.

There was time eternal when God existed and the world did not.  The thought of God without the world is an amazing thought in it’s own right.  This God eternal had a component called love.  He was bursting at the seams with love and desired ever so much to share it.  The angels likely appreciated it, but couldn’t quite grasp it.

God pondered how best to share this incredibly magnificent thing called love.  After a time, he developed a plan including the creation of a world inhabited by a creature made in His image.  It was an awesome plan, with an incredible price to be paid.  It was the cost of the plan, that created a great struggle in the heart of God.  In the end love won.

God created the world and man in His image.  God’s plan began to unfold.  It was a beautiful plan, even as the corruption of sin took place.  There would never be a plan as beautiful as this.  It required the sacrifice of God’s only Son as the redemption of man’s soul.  There was no better or more beautiful way for God to express His love than His Son give His life that others might live.

Man now chooses to accept or reject God’s love.  There is still no more beautiful story to be told than the story of God’s love.  It is message ringing true eternal.  It is a message I desire you to receive.

For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.  There is but one way, through Jesus to accept God’s love.  The message is simple.  God is love and salvation is free.  Embrace it today…

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

When is the last time you looked into the eyes of a dead soul and said, "God loves you. I will pray."

I have a friend Darrel who is passionate to care for those less fortunate.  God has positioned him in one of the poorest areas of Fort Worth, Texas.  He is pastor to those who have no pastor.  I find it interesting that most men of the cloth feel called to the affluent areas, not so much to the dirt and filth of the inner cities of America.  I think when God finds a man willing to get dirty, He smiles in a really big way.  

I'm not saying the rich don't need Jesus or that a clergy's call to preach in affluent America is not legitimate.  I am saying, I find it interesting that it is as tough as hell to get a rich person to heaven.  Maybe that is why the clergy spend so much time trying to save the rich (sarcasm intended).  The poor and hurt are ready and willing to listen to the beautiful message of Jesus dieing on the cross, but I think  few clergy are talking their direction.

Darrel is different by every stretch of the imagination.  This week, I spent a couple days with him.   I wish I could describe the love that passed between Darrel and God's people.  It is a love that feeds life to the heart of a broken people.  The seed of hope is planted.  Time and love will produce wonderful fruit pleasing and acceptable to God.  That is time and love will produce hope for some.... the rest are dieing...

Who in their right mind would listen to God as He called you to minister to people who have nothing to give materially.  It totally blows the business plan..  Who would listen to a call that put you and your family in harm's way?  Would you listen to a God that had you invest time, energy, love and resources into someone that would ultimately die?  None of this ministry calling makes any sense and yet it makes all the sense in the world of God's love.

After having picked on the clergy of the world with no denomination in mind, it is only fair to ask the question of you.... "When is the last time you looked into the eyes of a dead soul and said,'God loves you.  I will pray.' "

If you'd like to help Darrel from a distance or up close and dirty, Facebook message me.  Archie Rhines...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, July 22, 2010

"...almost 100% of the people they prayed for instantly healed."~Jim@Joburg

Hi everyone .. we are in Johannesburg South Africa for a few days.  As you know, we have been working with Immigration in Moz for the last 3 months trying to get our paperwork approved so we can begin the process of getting permanent residence.  Just this last week our paperwork finally came back approved.  What we must do now is go to the embassy here in South Africa and submit the paperwork along with payment.  Then we are supposed to get our passports stamped so that we can stay in Moz until everything is finalized.  

Nothing happens quickly here .. but that is OK.  Papa has it in control.

I think we have a little more freedom to talk about things via email though I am not completely sure of we are not quoting any dates or names or places .. but awhile back we had an interesting time in the bush.  We were in a village quite some distance from the base .. a long ways in fact ... and saw the Lord do many miracles there.  Twyla's team that went out in the early part of the day saw almost 100% of the people they prayed for instantly healed.  

Late that afternoon I received a phone call .. which was miraculous because our cell phones were not working well .. we were a long ways from the roads where the cell towers are ... but anyhow we received a   phone call that evil was intended and we must pack up the camp and move immediately.  (The call came from our founder)  I gathered the teams together ... the mozambican pastors and workers with us gathered the camp and in about 15 minutes we had loaded 35+ people ..tents ... gear .. food etc. and were on our way to another village.

We drove for some time to another place and pitched camp in the yard of one of the local pastors. 

We found out later that things got ugly that night where we had been and that 2 people were killed.  

We do not talk about or write about these things much ... but please know .. YOUR PRAYERS ARE HELPING!  Because of you all praying and working together with us in the Holy Spirit .. we have been supplied with what we need when the need arose.

We do not send "fund raisers" or "appeal" letters.  We look to our Father .. Papa God ... Who said He would take care of us if we trust Him.  All we ask is your continued and sustained prayers. Because of your prayers we have avoided traps set by the enemy .. whether literal or spiritual.  It is easy to get discouraged or worried here because of economics and poverty and ignorance ... but because of the Spirit of God and your praying with us and for us we have been spared depression, discouragement and worry.  And we know we shall continue to be spared as long as we continue to seek Him.

I would ask that if you ask about or comment on 'troubles' here in return emails, please use guarded language.  It is best not to speak too directly of such things.

Thank you so much for standing with us.

Much love from
Jim & Twyla
God Spots:

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Clouds in the East, yet rain in the West. Who am I to ask "Why?"~Mr. Davis

Today is one of those days when God showed up with a Word. He shared
it with me through a gentleman named Mr. Davis at Starbucks.

I was working on a website and Mr. Davis sat down across from me. We
were listening to some jazz from yesteryear. I commented on the music
and we instantly connected. I asked about the "dog tags" he wore
around his neck. They were medical dog tags from the army. He had
served 21 years and now had diabetes. To live, he shoots insulin and
uses breathing machines at home. He says he lives with a variety of
time bombs in his body. He is quite ok with the medical disabilities
and uncertainty of the future.

He changed subjects on me and began telling me what was on his heart.
It had nothing to do with the small talk I had started. I knew it was
time to listen. He said it clouds up in the west and yet it rains in
the east. God does that. Who are we to ask, "Why?" or understand how
it happens? We are not God. Somethings are not meant to be
understood. We are to believe in God and live life the best way we

Mr. Davis said he had 12 brothers and 3 sisters. He did not grow up
with a dad. His momma did the best she could. He didn't fault his
dad. It is just the way it was. He said his heavenly Father was
enough. He always had his needs met. He had no wants. He didn't
need to ask for stuff. If it was a need, it always showed up.

I think his Word was pointed at my questions, about healing and my
headaches. Why does one get healed and another not? It is like the
clouds in the east and rain in the west. Some things are not meant to
be understood. It just happens...

I started to type in a note about the clouds and he immediately got up
and left. It was as if he had delivered his message. Isn't God good!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'll lift high the cup of salvation--a toast to God!

What can I give back to God
for the blessings he's poured out on me?
I'll lift high the cup of salvation—a toast to God!
I'll pray in the name of God;
I'll complete what I promised God I'd do,
and I'll do it together with his people.
When they arrive at the gates of death,
God welcomes those who love him.
Oh, God, here I am, your servant,
your faithful servant: set me free for your service!
I'm ready to offer the thanksgiving sacrifice
and pray in the name of God.
I'll complete what I promised God I'd do,
and I'll do it in company with his people,
In the place of worship, in God's house,
in Jerusalem, God's city.
God Spots:

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream