Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Stop going to church. Be the Church!

Something is happening to the church.  More and more people are being touched by the love of Jesus and are waking up to the realization that going to church is a spectator sport.  God wants us to be the Church and be part of the team in a participatory sport.  

You have to read the article from Boundless Webzine, a website of Focus on the Family.

Bono of U2 articulates it this way...

No, nothing makes sense, nothing seems to fit.
I know you'd hit out if you only knew who to hit.
And I'd join the movement 
If there was one I could believe in
Yeah, I'd break bread and wine
If there was a church I could receive in.

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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