Monday, November 23, 2009

The death of a church and the birth of a vision...

Many are saying God meant the church to be organic.  It seems reasonable to me.  God breathes life into it.  It is birthed.  It is fed.  It grows.  It is healthy if God has His way.  But the question comes to mind, can the church die?  If so, what might be the quickest way to kill a church?

I am praying that God will breath life into Fresh Connections.  At the same time, I am asking God to kill the vision if it is not from Him.  I'm trusting He will do one or the other.  Am OK if He thinks of a third choice.  I just don't want to waste time doing something that He didn't plan.  Does that make sense?

As you read this and the stats say hundreds of you will,  please pray for the birth of Fresh Connections.  Pray that God will breath life into the vision.  Pray for resources for Fresh Connections.  Pray for the people of Fresh Connections.  Pray that Fresh Connections will be a faith builder for all.  Pray about what part you might play. 

Then if God is not in Fresh Connections, pray the vision will die. 

From my friend in Sweden: Frid Broden or Peace Brother...

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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