Monday, November 2, 2009

Insignificance of prayer or not...

My dad could pray.  When he passed he had callouses on his knees from kneeling in prayer.  He believed in the power of prayer.  I can remember him praying for the fall of the Berlin Wall when it was an obvious impossibility.  When God put something on his heart to pray, he prayed.  

His praying sometimes annoyed me.  In the middle of some conversation or maybe when we were getting ready to leave, he would tell us to circle around and hold hands.  He would lead us in prayer.  Sometimes in a telephone call, he would stop the conversation and say, "Let's pray!"  We prayed.

I thought about my dad tonight, because I was in a group of friends and one said he had cancer.  We all seriously nodded our heads in confirmation.  We were considerate and acknowledged that he had a serious condition.  We didn't pray or least not vocally. I didn't say anything and I began thinking about what was our responsibility in prayer?

We took care of business and an hour or so later, the leader asked me to pray.  

Coincidence? I don't think so.  I don't pray pretty prayers.  Most of time i can't even remember the name of person I am praying for.  But tonight, God put it on my heart to pray and the leader called on me.  Was God in that?  I like to think so.  I like to think God heard the prayers of the people gathered together and I will have a God Spot to share with you.  We will see.  Won't we...  

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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