Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hey! I like your hair! huh?

I was hanging out on the Starbucks patio.  It was evening and I was waiting for Cora, as she was teaching Holy Yoga to her friends.  God always shows up on the map and she looks forward to the opportunity.  If you are in San Antonio, you need to share in the Holy Yoga with her.  Check it out at:

Anyway, so much for the spider web I just wove. This guy hollers at me from an adjacent table. He says he likes my hair. Huh? Wants to join me at my table. I'm always looking for a God Spot so I say, "Sure". He wants to smoke and wants to know if I mind. I say, "No" but I'm thinking I hate 2nd hand smoke.

He asks me what business I'm in. I think perfect. My answer will put an end to whatever expectations he might have. I say I work at a church. He says, "Oh."  

My turn. I ask him when he quit going to church. I figure that is a safe assumption. The story unfolds he was saved and baptized at 21 years of age. He was old enough to know what he was doing. He says he quit going about 6-7 years, ago. I suspect longer. He said he became disillusioned because of the hypocrisy of the church. Also, that his mother has tithed her entire life and hasn't had anyone visit her since before her husband died.

I asked if he would ever go back. He said probably not. He wasn't willing to give up his lifestyle. As I was leaving, he said maybe someday he'd try it again. He needed a Fresh Connection.

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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