Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Battle of the Ants" Don't miss this episode. Click now. ~janitor

I was walking the church property, yesterday.  I came upon a big mound of dirt, looking much like an ant hill but no ants. I kicked the top off and you guessed it. I don't know how many ants, but thousands anyway.  They all began frantically scurrying around, trying to figure out what to do.  Some were carting off eggs, others were carting off dirt and some were trying to get up my pant leg.  They are very focused and determined on their objectives.  I went to get the poison... Sorry PETA, but not really.

I dumped poison on the mound and the ants.  Oddly the ants turned on each other and began fighting to the death.  The enemy was the poison, but they chose to kill each other.  It speaks oddly of us as humans.  We build our homes and satan through life kicks the top off.  Rather than do battle with the one doing the kicking, we do battle with each other.  Why is that?  Why not seek God and let Him take care of the evil that is attempting to destroy?

The battle scene is described many times in the Bible.  The Jews would faithfully show up for battle and God had already turned the enemy against itself.  I think the "Battle of the Ants" is a great reminder to seek God and let Him do the battle.  He has everything He needs for victory and is pleased we you ask Him for help.

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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