Friday, January 15, 2010

"God does speak when you have a heart that listens..."~priest

A Facebook friend posted this interesting dream....

Teri Undreiner  
A new friend very wisely recently quoted something.. " Live and speak from your heart and you will heal peopl'es souls." Something like that.

I'm a dreamer and the night before he posted that, I had a dream that a horrible catastophe came upon a country and no one could get water or food but water was the most important. All these 
buildings had crumpled and people were everywhere thirsty. I kept telling everyone that they needed water or they'd die but no one had any to give. All these people were dying. 

When I woke up I was so disturbed about it and I knew once again that it wasn't any old dream. Something was happening or going to happen. Then my friend posted that quote and I realized that I needed to get focused. That I needed to give out the water that I had and stop holding it in. 

Interesting that this has happened in Haiti one week later. My prayer first is for water for them. I actually woke up from that dream terribly thirsty. It was weird.

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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