Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wherever He leads I'll go...

Do you remember the old Baptist song, "Wherever He leads I'll go."? I
broke down today and visited my mother to tell her I had spent the
weekend in Maverick County Jail. When I arrived at her modest
apartment, she pointed to a box on the couch and asked if I would put
it together. I said, "Sure. What is it?" She said, "It was gadget
to monitor her pacemaker. She was having more heart problems." I
thought, Oh no and I'm going to tell her I just got out of jail?

My mother is awesome. She took the news in stride and recognized God
had a plan. She explained to me that early in her marriage, she and
dad were standing in a Baptist church in California and remembers the
song being played, "Wherever He leads I'll go." Dad squeezed her hand
and that began a committed lifetime journey following God wherever He
led. It seemed going to jail with God leading was not such a far
fetched idea after all.

She went on to say, that the seemingly most productive ministry they
worked together was their prison ministry. For many years, they went
to a Texas prison multiple times during the week to share Christ with
inmates. Many men found their way to a life with Christ through mom
and dad's teaching. God continue to surprise me with His goodness.

And mom if you are reading this, congrats on making the technology
jump to cable! :)

Surf to:

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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