Monday, March 2, 2009

Writing a Book. Want to be in it?

I'm taking a bus ride across America. I'm traveling with a friend,
Federico. My wife thinks she will miss me. Frederico and I think
this is going to be a great adventure.
Oddly enough, it all started with Pastor Jeff declaring this was the
year of "ONE". He and the body are praying that each of us would have
opportunity to lead at least one other to "exchange their life" for
the life of Christ.
Now last year, I impacted a lot of people. Some people I impacted in
a positive fashion. Others would say I impacted them in a negative
way. I suppose it is your perspective that determines the outcome. I
really want the best for everyone.
I have plans of writing a book. It will be called "God Spots". In
this book will be a collection of stories describing how God has
revealed and authenticated His presence. This bus trip is key to the
contents of this book. It is my hope during this trip to chat with
people of America about how they have seen God work in their life.
Won't that be exciting?!
The dialog will go something like this: Excuse me. I am writing a
book. Would you like to be in it? Yes, you say? May I take your
picture? My book is about God Spots. Can you tell me about a time
when you knew that God was working in life? Remember the time when
you knew the only way this "thing" could have happened was with God's
hand it? Remember?
I'm trusting this will provide me the opportunity to share about the
times God has authenticated His presence in my lfe. Who knows? Maybe
the person will exchange his/her life for the life of Christ? It
could happen....
It is the year of "ONE".

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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