Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Inconsider Behavior

It's night on the bus. I tend to write in my journal at night. It is
tough sleeping and there is little opportunity to talk. There are
I am ashamed for the East LA ladies at the back of the bus. They are
talking loud and vulgar. There are children on board being exposed to
far more than they or anyone else should be. Federico says he'd like
to shut them up. I suggest he pick his battles. I don't know if that
is good advice or not. It avoids conflict but the ladies are still
Culturally or socially, do they think their inconsiderate behavior put
them in a position of power? Do they feel stronger when in the
world's face or they just clueless? It seems even the bus driver
sometimes ignors rule #1: "Don't make the bus driver mad."
It is a bit odd. Rosa Parks took a stand for equal rights on the bus
and chose to sit up front. These ladies chose to sit in the back of
the bus and make a statement, also. Sadly, I suspect the statement
they make is an embarrasment for Rosa Parks.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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