Sunday, March 29, 2009

Vegetable Garden - Bumper crop of Bust!

How do you like my vegetable garden?  If you are reading the question and looking at the picture, that's not my garden.  I'm laughing.  Definitely not my garden!  The most I've even grown was some radishes and one tomato about 40 years, ago.  I smashed the tomato accidently with a baseball and the bugs got the radishes.  I quit quick.  Too depressing.
So today is a new day.  My son and family grow an awesome garden.  I figured why not.  I am giving God plenty of opportunity to work a miracle.  My yard has little sun.  The ground is full of left over construction material and I could only afford one bag of fertilizer.  I got manure.  I figured if you can only get one bag, you might as well get the best.
If I understand the concept, you take this little dead looking thing called a seed.  Shove it into the ground.  Pile manure on top.  Add water and in a few days, you have an awesome salad.  I'm going to prove my faith by purchasing a fresh bottle of ranch dressing.  Now I'd call that miraculous and will qualify for a "God Spot". 
I'll keep you informed of what God chooses to do with this adventure.  I still can't get by the thought of a seed wanting to poke it's head up through manure?  Oh well.  Speaks a bit to what life dishes out sometimes.  Hmm....
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