Friday, March 12, 2010

"Are you living life as Child of the King or Child of the Sting?"~priest

Opportunity for instant conflict in life and marriage is created with this thought as it plays out in life...

"I am not who I think I am.  I am not who others think I am.  I am who God knows me to be."~priest

If there is truth in this statement, what do you do with it?  You make decisions based on who you think you are.  Making right decisions requires the stripping away of confusing thoughts about your identity and replacing them with a very simple truth.  If you are a believer in "the way", you are simply a child of the King.  Life should be lived out accordingly.

The difficulty of one's identity in marriage is compounded in a negative way, because of your expectations of your mate.  If you don't know who you are, how in the world can you expect to know who the other person is?  The question comes to mind: 

"Did you marry your mate based on who they were or who you thought they would become?"

I can bet you and likely win, if you married someone with expectations of them becoming someone else you are sadly disappointed.  There is but one solution to the predictable train wreck. Both must take on their identity in Christ as a child of the King and live life accordingly.  Unfortunately, when self gets in the way, life will never be enjoyed to the fullest.

Without Christ and dying to self, you will not live the life as "Child of the King", you will live life as "Child of the Sting".

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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