Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Just an accumulation of posts to facebook that i amuzed myself with..."~just sayin'

Tired, but the grass is cut. I suspect the antelop will be lost and the buffalo will quit playing. Might be the other way round, but the grass is cut.~just sayin'

If you and I were partnering in a business, what do you do well and how would you contribute to the success of the enterprise? Seriously now. Think outside the box for just a minute....

"In today's socio-economic climate, i think it is time for many to throw the net on the other side of the boat."~priest

"I want to tell people about Jesus and get paid doing it. Is that wrong?"~priest

"Out of 1700 friends, only 30 on line. I wish I could send an electric jolt to each of my 1700 friends and wake them up on a Saturday morning. It would be a satisfying experience."~just sayin'

"Am wondering if Benny Hinn has any openings and if so, what would the job look like?"~priest

OK this is a serious question. I am a "Starter"... I am thinking about starting a business. Any ideas from my facebook friends....?

"So the doc says take this pill. The side affect is it will make you grumpy. She says take this pill, the side effect is it will make you happy. So I take a grumpy pill and I take a happy pill. Now what....."~just sayin'

"Supposing you are the best square peg God ever made. How you liking that round hole?"~just sayin'

"Vietnam was a difficult war. The enemy was difficult to identify. Christian's are in a similar battle. The enemy is even more illusive."~priest

"I want to be all God designed me to be in my job. Any ideas?"~priest

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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