Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Thank you, doctor and thank you to the VA system of healthcare."~priest

There is much negative said about medical care provided by the Veterans Administration.  I am taking this opportunity to say, I just received the most thought-out, patient, insightful care at a VA clinic on Woodcock in San Antonio.  My doctor spent more time questioning and dialoging with me than I probably have had collectively in all my previous doctor visits for a lifetime.  She was really that thorough.  

The doctor thinks she can make my headache go away.  I am going to believe that God working through her will bring an end to this tough 12 week adventure in migraines.  So we are switching up meds with expectations of getting rid of this beast of a headache.  I had more blood work done to answer some additional questions.  She seems confident in the future.  I am encouraged.  I don't know the doctor's name, but officially and worldwide want to say, "Thank you, doctor and thank you to the VA system of healthcare."

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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