Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Job Post: Open sewer needs diver...

I had a friend who went to Haiti for a quickie divorce.  I'm not sure how legal it was, but he seemed to think it was ok.  He was commenting about what a hell hole of a place it is.  I can't say.  I've never been there, but I do have friends that go occasionally to share about Christ.
Anyway as my original friend was walking down the street, his eye glasses fell in an open sewer.  He was really quite blind as the proverbial bat without his glasses and he had pressing business to attend to.  He wasn't about to go sewer diving, but he did wonder if he could pay someone.
Sadly things are so bad in Haiti, it only cost him $1 for a kid to dive in and find his glasses.  Balancing that thought against the affluence of America, how much will you charge me to sewer dive after my glasses?  Maybe we should once again, slow down long enough to give God thanks for all he has done for America and us individually.

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