Sunday, May 3, 2009

Swine Flu N1H1 Scare Spreads Around the World - only to discover we are a people of fear and need to be told to wash our hands by the president.

"Vice President Biden’s statement that we should all avoid planes, trains, and crowded places was not at all consistent with the very low prevalence of the virus. Even President Obama’s statement that we should wash our hands sent the wrong message that there is far more of this particular virus around than there actually is.
In the current swine flu scare the virus is assumed to be a more powerful human killer than it actually is. In reality it appears to losing virulence as it spreads human to human and is not that transmissable, and is NOT becoming widespread.  Despite the fact that you can’t get this virus from eating pork, Egypt is destroying its pigs and several other countries are not importing pigs from the U.S. or Mexico. This is another form of hysteria."  Dr. Marc Siegel, MD
Fear of anything other than God is not of God.  Fear outside of God is from the evil ones.  Does this swine flew thing scare you?  The fear is not of God.  We are a people who tend to fear anything we can not control.  Unfortunately for you and God, there is likely very little from God that is in your control.  What is the thing you tried to control recently?  Was the need to control based on fear?  If so, it wasn't of God...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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