Friday, May 15, 2009

Living a Life of Affluence is OK, but what about His temple?

I love going to Port Aransas.  In my high school years, it was the place my dad and I got away.  Back then, it was a sleepy beach town with not much commercial activity.  Woodies was there, but was not much more than a small beat up shack where boats docked.  Now Woodies and most of Port Aransas is developing into a beautiful rich community.
In Haggai's time, God said, " Take a good, hard look at your life.
   Think it over. You have spent a lot of money,
   but you haven't much to show for it. You keep filling your plates,
   but you never get filled up. You keep drinking and drinking and drinking,
   but you're always thirsty...
   "Here's what I want you to do:
   Climb into the hills and cut some timber. Bring it down and rebuild the Temple.
   Do it just for me. Honor me.
It seems very little of mankind's actions have changed over the years.  We still strive and chase after the wind, only to neglect God.  I wonder what God wants you to do for Him.  Doing it just for Him.  Honoring Him?
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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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