Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tortured for Christ

I just finished Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand.  He is the founder of The Voice of the Martyrs.  I am saddened by the blog world.  In the world of people known only by their user names, there are many who don't believe in God and even more that don't trust God as Lord of their life.

The sadness comes from reading of the hundreds of thousands of innocent people either killed or tortured because they believed in God and couldn't keep quiet.  The knowledge or discovery experience of God in their life was so consuming, they just had to tell someone.  The government imprisoned, tortured, brainwashed and killed these human beings because of their beliefs. 

For those of you that don't believe there is a God, how can that be when another  individual is willing to die the most excruciating torturous deaths possible for his belief in Christ?  This person who is given a choice to "deny Christ and live" or "choose Christ and die" can only choose death because he so firmly is convinced that God is real and personal.  

If you as a nonbeliever were threatened with death unless you claimed Christ, would you choose to die and deny Christ? Oddly enough, those that do not have a relationship with Christ have already done just that. 

You have denied Christ and chosen death. 

For more GodSpots - 37stories Enjoy!

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