Thursday, February 4, 2010

"How long's it been since you oozed Jesus?"~priest

I had lunch with a friend yesterday who loves his family and His Lord.  We had a great time sharing with each other the commonality of our struggles.  Each with a desire to become the man God desires to spend eternity with.

Somewhere in the mix of life, he developed a chemical dependency.  He is clean now and faithful in keeping himself that way, but it makes me wonder... what's up with chemical dependency?

I have one friend who smoked all his life and one day decided to quit.  No problem.  I have another friend who has smoked all her life and desires to quit, but can't.  What's up with that?

God says we are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Where in the mix of fearfully and wonderfully is a propensity toward chemical dependency?  

How God chooses to work is a bit mysterious.  One guy who is "hooked", can't quit cocaine, prays and he is instantly delivered.  Another guy equally hooked or so it seems, prays, and battles with a strong desire for cocaine the rest of his life.  What's up with that?

I have a headache that I believe God can instantly and radically heal.  I have prayed.  You have prayed.  I still have a headache.  What's up with that?  

As I felt it coming on in the night, I would roll over and pray, "God, will you fill me with your Holy Spirit?  I know I am already filled, but I want an abundant filling so I have plenty left over to give to someone else.  I prayed God would fill my cup to overflowing.  I prayed I would ooze with His presence, that those coming in contact with me would encounter God just because they encountered me.  I prayed more....

You know.... if I didn't struggle with a headache last night, I don't think I would have prayed those prayers..  Could it be, God is once again kicking satan in the teeth and turning bad into good for those that love the Lord? How many people will God allow me to touch today resulting from my headache last night?

Maybe your struggle is designed to encourage you to pray a prayer that God would "ooze" from your pores significantly pouring out on others.  Could it be?

Love you!  God bless!  Start oozing for Jesus....

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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