Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Did Baby Jesus hunt for Easter eggs?"~just sayin'

It is said by many, Jesus likely grew up just like any other child.  He skipped rocks across a pond.  He ran to catch grasshoppers.  He may have collected beer bottles for cash redemption.  He might even have engaged in the ageless tradition of collecting easter eggs. 
Now some of you probably are offended by me considering the possibility that Jesus collected easter eggs.  You are probably angry at the possibility of Jesus going Christmas shopping, also.  I think in life just because we don't like something, doesn't mean there is not truth in it.  I mean afterall, who would have thought monkeys could fly?
There is enough sarcasm and wit included in the 1st two paragraphs to last the week.  Right?  But the point is .....
All things work together for the good of those that LOVE the Lord.  Easter and Christmas are each very powerful times of year.  You may not agree with the baby Jesus hunting for Easter eggs hidden in the manger, but you will have missed the point.  These two times of years uniquely draw people together for a common interest.  Anytime there are people drawn together is the perfect time to let your light shine.   
I'd suggest that it is not in the "dissing" of the event that gives you opportunity to speak truth, but in using the event for others to catch a glimpse of you and Jesus in the crowd.   Likely, the glimpse of Jesus will come in the form of a smile and laugh from you as you buddy up with others watching the kids skamper for eggs.  I can imagine Mary and Joseph at your side.
Authentication of your love for Jesus will be displayed in your enthusiasm at having an opportunity to serve others.  In service, you will find your light shining the brightest.  Oh and if there is no cussing or drinking in your closed group, you are likely hanging with the wrong people to have your light to shine.
God bless and enjoy the hunt!


Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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