Thursday, April 29, 2010

"I am on day three of being obediently gainfully unemployed. It is an odd place to be."~priest

I am on day three of being obediently unemployed.  It is an odd place to be.  I have many friends on Facebook who are unemployed and anxiously seek work to provide for their family and loved ones.  I hurt for them and inclined to feel guilty about giving up my job, but I am quick to praise God for His direction, compassion, grace and love on my life.  So, here I am unemployed and loving it.  I believe being in the middle of God's will, chasing the Wild Goose, guarantees His provisions for my family's needs.  Praise God.

First thing this morning I read the book of Jude.  Jude spends almost the entirety of his letter reminding us that God is consistent in his judgement of mankind's sin.  God permits his people to stray only for a time, then He seems to get fed up, judges, destroys and in the process saves those that love Him.  In God's love is a great place to be, but requires faith to be active in His love.

"In the last time there will be mockers, walking after their own ungodly lusts.”  These are they who cause divisions, and are sensual, not having the Spirit."~Jude 

In my obedience of being gainfully unemployed, God has given me specific instruction.  His desire is for me to "Go in front of the emerging church."  I'm not real sure what that means and He seems to be revealing His plan and purpose as I take small steps of faith.  His desire on my life is what led me to the need to seek unemployment.  Sounds odd right?  Seek unemployment.  Funny.

Jude wraps up his letter with...

But you, beloved, keep building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. On some have compassion, making a distinction, and some save, snatching them out of the fire with fear, hating even the clothing stained by the flesh."

For me and likely you, Jude gives us good advice.  He says to keeping building our holy faith.  Most of the time, if not all the time, faith building exercises make no sense to the world's way of thinking.  If you find yourself unemployed as I have chose to be, consider the possibility that your situation is God's blessing on you to participate in His faith building exercises.  God loves you and will not abandon you.  

To be fair, I do want to add that I am seeking to build a business that will provide for my family and I think dovetails into God's direction for my life.  So, I am not saying sit back and eat bonbons all day.  I am saying, "Follow God obediently and faithfully.  Work hard at what you can do.  God will bless the outcome."

Check out my new website I am building.  Signature Web and Photos is the place I will be selling my time,talents and products as I obediently Chase the Wild Goose!  I've been thinking about creating individual pages for people like you to sell your home grown products.  Maybe you make fresh marmalade jam or paint pictures.  We can bring them to market through this outlet.  Let me know if you have any interest.

God bless and enjoy the day!

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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