Friday, April 10, 2009

So Adam and Eve sat down to share a bottle of wine..

Things went really well up until they thought fruit would go good with
the wine. Not just any fruit would do. This was a special vintage
bottle. The forbidden fruit would be best...
There really is a point in this series of posts concerning wine. I
want a list of things I shouldn't do. I did ok with "My Ten Choices"
but it didn't cover everything. So I thought I'd try to creat a more
comprehensive list. After-all we are not limited to carving on slabs
of stone. We have computers for editing and sharing.
So tell me. Do you sin when you drink wine? When you can answer that
question we will go on to the next question. Sigh. This list may
take a while...
Weigh in with your opinion at

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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