Thursday, April 9, 2009

Report: Foreign Cyberspies Attack Electrical Grid

How long since you did anything that satan or one of your personal
demons cared about? America is constantly targeted by the bad guys
because we have what the world wants. satan is not omnipresent. He
can't be more than one place at a time so he picks the important
places and people to work on.
Same thing for the fallen angels or satan demons. One place at a
time. They too must pick what is important. How long since you did
anything to become a target?
I'm not one to chase demons, but my brother-in-law accepts a job in
full time youth ministry and within hours is doubled over in pain and
finds himself in the emergency room with an unexplained excruciating
Coincidence? Pray for Charles....

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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