Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sin Free drinking, smoking, cussing, chewing, dancing, gamblin', Baptist

I'm Baptist. How did you just react to that statement? I grew up
Baptist. Somewhere along the way, I developed a love for those things
that were of Jesus and some things that were not. It seems to me
times are changing.
When I was a young Baptist, you couldn't drink, dance, smoke, gamble
or hangout with those that did. At least if you did, you did it where
people wouldn't know you were Baptist. Today, it seems many Baptist
people are ok with doing any or all of the previously considered sins.
 There is little bashfulness about what they do. Many times, I've
asked myself why?
So when I was growing up, it was a sin to drink alcohol in any form.
There was even consideration for not cooking with it. Today, it's
seems acceptable for a little for the cake and a little for the cook.
Why is that? Did God change His mind? I'm not judging on the
consumption of alcohol. I just want to know if it was a sin 50 yrs,
ago and not now?
This leads me to my final thoughts. If it wasn't a sin 50 yrs ago but
Baptist labled it as sinful, what other activities are considered
sinful today that really are perfectly fine with God? On the flip
side. If it were a sin 50 yrs ago and now it is considered ok, what
other activities are we taking part in that is grieving God?
If you are a "sin free" drinking, smoking, gamblin', dancing and
hanging out with those that do, Baptist. I like to hear from you.
The Methodist may have an opening on their board. :)

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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