Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"David passionately loved God and he prospered in God's blessings. So might we."~priest

King David lived his life dressed for battle. It was a life to kill
or be killed. It was as if God had called him uniquely to bloody his
hands in combat such that God's chosen people would prosper. The idea
that God would bless David by the killing of others, is hard to
reconcile against the backdrop of God's incredible love.

I think the difficulty in understanding the God of the Old Testament,
is we take OT actions and apply them to a New Testament world. We
don't live in the Old Testament. Our life is given to us in the grace
of God's love found in the New Testament. The God of the OT must be
understood in light of the times He operated in. It was a time before
Jesus was sacrificed and God brought judgement and justice in real
time. "Real time" judgement is a scary thought. Fear of God was

Times have changed. I much prefer living life under God's plan of
grace and mercy. Judgement for my sin was made and placed on Jesus at
the cross. It sorrows me that my sin put Jesus there to pay the
ultimate price. But through the sorrow can be found joy, that I am
allowed to live my life without fear of "real time" judgement.
Judgement has been made. The price has been paid. I am blessed to
prosper today with a full awareness of the love God the Father has for
His children.

That is not to say I will not suffer, because the evil ones are active
in this world. But it is to say in the midst of good times and bad,
God will continue to bless His children. God will continue to be God
and I will continue to be one of His children. I am confident God is
pleased to bless His children.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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