Sunday, February 15, 2009

Where is God in the Midst of Battle?

Is God a deserter? Does He put you on the front lines and then take
two steps back?
"Saul spent a few days getting acquainted with the Damascus disciples,
but then went right to work, wasting no time, preaching in the meeting
places that this Jesus was the Son of God…. But their suspicions
didn't slow Saul down for even a minute. His momentum was up now and
he plowed straight into the opposition…
After this had gone on quite a long time, some Jews conspired to kill
him, but Saul got wind of it. They were watching the city gates around
the clock so they could kill him. Then one night the disciples
engineered his escape by lowering him over the wall in a basket".
Is there anyone that does not believe God was in the midst of this
struggle? It is easy to believe God was there because Paul was all
about pursuing God's pleasure on his life. We are no different 2000
years later.
Jesus said something like, God I really don't want to be mutilated on
the cross. But if that is what You want, I am all in!
Here's the deal. God can use anything in your life to achieve His
objective. That being for you to bring glory to Him. Here's a tip.
Get your eyes off yourself and get them on Jesus.
When Paul, Jesus or whoever was being killed for their obedience,
where were their eyes? That's right! They were on God.
So, you are out of a job or you lost your retirement fund. Maybe you
are dieing of cancer. Maybe your wife cheated on you. Maybe your
kids are dirt bags. Pick your poison. It is all out there and will
splash on you someday. Where are your eyes?
Mechanically, what does that mean? That means pray without ceasing.
Read the Word with hunger and passion. Literally, fall on your face.
Stretch out on the ground. Cry out the name of Jesus. Jesus! Jesus!
 Jesus! God, put my eyes on you. Give me the strength to be
faithful. If you can save me and I still experience your abundance,
that would be good! If not, I choose to love you and experience your
abundance throught this incredible pain I am experiencing.
Do you get it, yet? It is not all about you. It is ALL ABOUT GOD!
Don't plead to get out of the fire. Plead to get through the fire
without the smell of smoke.

Posted via email from 37stories - God Spots!

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