Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Made the News for the Last Time

Luis Rey 
My brothers and sisters, I understand emotions and feelings are high in the wake of this news. However, quite simply, Jeff you have taken great liberty in building an argument that was not even present, then accusing me to teach a "false do

I made no appeal to "mourn a killer", nor in any way did I use Scripture for some "ethereal rant." Quite simply I stated that Jesus died for Osama Bin Laden and that God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked...whether through execution or natural causes. If God does not take pleasure, why would we? Neither does He take pleasure in the loss of life of the righteous. 

This true message is a "heart check" for many people who have rejoiced at bin Laden's death claiming that he got what he deserved. Do not forget that you are not receiving what you deserve only because of the grace of Jesus, as He has taken what you deserve. Does it offend you that Jesus would have mercy on Bin Laden too?

God does not rejoice at his death even if it "supposedly" saves lives. What if his death incites his followers and they become more violent and kill more? Has God's wisdom now been found lacking? I tell you no, His wisdom is not man's logic. 

Zach, my brother, let us not try to pull our brothers into hypothetical traps that only ensnare men and insinuate men to be cowards. Peter said he would never deny Christ, but he did. Men don't always know how they will respond in a situation, even if they think they do. Let us not bless God then curse men with the same tongue.

My friends, the argument here is the difference in opinion of how the United States and any other government for that matter, would or should handle things compared to the Kingdom of God. Do not confuse the US government to be God's Kingdom. 

Why do some of you paint God as one who is out to "whack" people? You do not know what Spirit you are of, for the Son of man came to save men's lives not destroy them. 

Do you not remember those upon whom the tower fell in Siloam? Do you think their sin was greater than all the men of Jerusalem and that is why they died? I tell you no. 

Several of you comment on how Osama rejected Christ and must now face judgement and hell? How do you know, and are you the judge of that? 

I fear that the religious spirit will drive people to be more disappointed in who is not in Hell. 

What is the message that we send when we say as a Christian that we are proud of killing our enemy? We say the same thing the terrorists said on the day they flew into the towers. 

Quite simply, Jesus died for Osama bin Laden as He did for all mankind. We may be thankful that we "feel" safer tonight, but we know that to be an illusion, and in fact, the very opposite may be true. We ARE thankful that this man brings no more terror to anyone. But...I will not rejoice in the bloodshed of my enemy. 

If you want to comment further on this post, remember that the people you are writing to are not an enemy hidden away in some cave somewhere, that they are real people. Please don't assassinate each other's character with your words...


11 minutes ago · Like

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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