Saturday, April 9, 2011

There is a road less traveled and it may be to India...

  • Ann Johnstone Back in 2009 God told me clearly to go to a remote village in India and stay with a woman there who, with her two sons, was starting up house churches in many of the surrounding villages. This was in an area where there is much persecution. I only knew of the woman via emails we had been sending each other over the previous year. (She found my name on a U.S. based House Church resource website). You can imagine how people thought I was crazy, but I just knew I had to go.

    My son works in South India but had been holidaying in Australia so I decided to travel back with him. I then went on my own by train to the nearest station to the village (about 4 hours away), not knowing if there would be anyone at the station to meet me. The people on the train thought I was a bit mad too when I told them I was going to meet someone for the first time. They all put their heads out the train window to see what would happen. Well, I stepped onto the platform and looked around at a couple of hundred people. Wasn't sure what to do next when a voice in the crowd called out, "Hello Maam, this is Babu". Mother and adult son were there to meet me.

  • Well, to cut it short, God did amazing things during my time in the village. People came streaming up to the 2-roomed house where I was staying (very basic - no plumbing etc) and wanted prayer. Even Hindus came. Little children kept following me and wanting to know more about Jesus. From morning til night I was praying for people (for salvation, healing, marriage-breakdowns, etc etc) and speaking to the crowds that met on the roof-top. It was an amazing time of God working in that village - and of me learning to trust Him to do the impossible.

    I learned that other people's opinions, circumstances, etc, were all secondary. When God wants you to step out and do something that seems impossible, we can trust Him to be in control every step of the way. The opinions of others, circumstances, and barriers are all secondary ... and will change. God's faithfulness never changes. And all the glory is His.

  • Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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