Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Clouds in the East, yet rain in the West. Who am I to ask "Why?"~Mr. Davis

Today is one of those days when God showed up with a Word. He shared
it with me through a gentleman named Mr. Davis at Starbucks.

I was working on a website and Mr. Davis sat down across from me. We
were listening to some jazz from yesteryear. I commented on the music
and we instantly connected. I asked about the "dog tags" he wore
around his neck. They were medical dog tags from the army. He had
served 21 years and now had diabetes. To live, he shoots insulin and
uses breathing machines at home. He says he lives with a variety of
time bombs in his body. He is quite ok with the medical disabilities
and uncertainty of the future.

He changed subjects on me and began telling me what was on his heart.
It had nothing to do with the small talk I had started. I knew it was
time to listen. He said it clouds up in the west and yet it rains in
the east. God does that. Who are we to ask, "Why?" or understand how
it happens? We are not God. Somethings are not meant to be
understood. We are to believe in God and live life the best way we

Mr. Davis said he had 12 brothers and 3 sisters. He did not grow up
with a dad. His momma did the best she could. He didn't fault his
dad. It is just the way it was. He said his heavenly Father was
enough. He always had his needs met. He had no wants. He didn't
need to ask for stuff. If it was a need, it always showed up.

I think his Word was pointed at my questions, about healing and my
headaches. Why does one get healed and another not? It is like the
clouds in the east and rain in the west. Some things are not meant to
be understood. It just happens...

I started to type in a note about the clouds and he immediately got up
and left. It was as if he had delivered his message. Isn't God good!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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