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JERUSALAM, ISRAEL (Worthy News) – Israel's discovery of the world’s second largest natural gas field is much larger than previously estimated, according to a new report obtained by Worthy News.
The Tamar Gas field, offshore from Haifa, is now worth $8 billion, nearly double previous estimates of local analysts, said a report prepared by Wood Mackenzie Research and Consulting.
Tamar is the second natural gas discovery over the past 18 months. Natural gas will be flowing into Israel by 2012, officials said.
Analysts say the natural gas field will have a huge impact on the economy of Israel and is expected to make the Jewish state more energy independent.
"The state of Israel will make over $5 billion in royalties and corporate taxes from the production of the gas at Tamar field alone," said Gal Reiter, an energy industry analyst at Clal Finance & Brokerage, a leading Tel Aviv investment bank.
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MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (Worthy News)-- Christians in Somalia faced a tense day Thursday, August 13, amid fresh reports that fighters of the country's main Islamic insurgent group al-Shabab beheaded four Christian aid workers for refusing to renounce their faith in Christ.Yet people all over the world choose Christ over life. Can you make any sense out of it? The sanity is found in a single word, love. We are to love others as Christ loved us. The bar has been raised. The standard has been set.
International Christian Concern (ICC), a major advocacy group investigating reports of religious persecution, told Worthy News that al-Shabab members killed Fatima Sultan, Ali Ma'ow, Sheik Mohammed Abdi and Maaddey Diil after kidnapping them on July 27 in the coastal town of Merca, some 90 kilometers (56 miles) from the capital Mogadishu.
“The Islamists kidnapped and eventually beheaded the Christians after they refused to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ,” ICC said. The four Christians had reportedly been working for a local non-governmental organization that helps orphans in southern Somalia.
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I'm thinking I'd like to get one of the hair dews that make your head glow. This is pretty cool.
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The story of Don Quixote is likely the most impactful Spanish novel of all time. It is a novel about a man who insanely lives a life believing himself to be a knight. He perceives it to be a grand life, surrounded by all the charm of living life with purpose. As life comes to an end for Don, he regains his sanity only to die broken.
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1It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. 2He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword. 3When he saw that this pleased the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also. This happened during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 4After arresting him, he put him in prison, handing him over to be guarded by four squads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring him out for public trial after the Passover.
5So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.
6The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance. 7Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists.
8Then the angel said to him, "Put on your clothes and sandals." And Peter did so. "Wrap your cloak around you and follow me," the angel told him. 9Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision. 10They passed the first and second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city. It opened for them by itself, and they went through it. When they had walked the length of one street, suddenly the angel left him.
11Then Peter came to himself and said, "Now I know without a doubt that the Lord sent his angel and rescued me from Herod's clutches and from everything the Jewish people were anticipating."
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"May 28. This morning, whilst sitting in my room, the distress of several brethren and sisters was brought to my mind, and I said to myself, "O that it might please the Lord to give me means to help them!" About an hour afterwards I received sixty pounds from a brother whom up to this day I never saw, and who then lived, as he does still, a distance of several thousand miles." George Muellar
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A principal and an athletic director are facing criminal charges for a lunch-time prayer.
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Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don't you believe me? He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God."
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When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten." Luke's account of a miracle by Jesus
This is the God I choose to serve. I choose to serve, believe in and pray to a God of abundance. I reject the thought of serving the god of "just enough". Father, I know you have set aside provisions to exceed my needs. I thank you for these provisions and pray that I might be faithful to You in all I do. I pray the message you send through me will a message of hope and love found only in You. Thank you again for your unseen provisions. ~the janitorFor more GodSpots - 37stories Enjoy!
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ABUJA, Nigeria — It was hot. She was tired. And it had been a long day in Africa.
“Wait, you want me to tell you what my husband thinks? My husband is not the secretary of state, I am. So you ask my opinion, I will tell you my opinion. I am not going to be channeling my husband.” hillary
It is said when squeezed, what's inside comes out. This was true for Hillary and is true for us as believers. With Christ inside...For more GodSpots - 37stories Enjoy!
The Times: "It has been 48 days since Michael Jackson died, and while family members of the late pop star are still at war with the executors of his estate, the answer to another question — how much the singer is worth in death — is becoming clear. He has already earned $100 million through a film deal and various merchandising contracts, and the executors expect another $100 million to roll in by the end of the year."
I never thought I'd be saying this, but it's true. Michael and I have something in common. We are both worth more dead than alive. We both have mansions that will increase in value. The difference is he may not get to enjoy his. I will be enjoying mine for eternity. Now that is appreciation!For more GodSpots - 37stories Enjoy!
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A post by my friend Ich...
“Are you my Momma?”
She was standing there, holding a battered doll for dear life, probably her only possession.
We were on the beach, next to the Pacific.
She was knee high to a grasshopper, maybe three years old, four max and directed the question to my step daughter, a momma in her own right.
The little girl was an orphan in Mexico. She asked the question in Spanish. I didn’t understand her and my step daughter translated while holding the girl on her lap.
A few weeks later, friends of mine who owned a restaurant/bar on the coast asked me if I could help them on Saturday morning.
“Sure,” I replied.
The next morning I drove to my friends’ home and noticed quite a few children and mothers standing near the guard house.
Half hour later I was passing out tickets and welcoming children of all ages, including more than a handful of babies, for two bicycles. Over three hundred orphans and a few poor locals came to the lane dedicated to the annual festivity. They were each fed and given a bag full of clothing and one or two toys.
I noticed a boy frowning, not understanding why his bag was full of girl’s stuff. A moment later, I saw a girl with the same problem. I introduced the little tykes and helped them switch bags and received two big smiles.
This event sobered me to the realities of life, but also lifted my spirits at seeing so many delight in their good fortune at something that kids in more affluent places would not appreciate.
All the volunteers I knew, about twenty, were regular patrons at the Restaurant/Bar.
They helped make the orphans lives a little more pleasant.
As far as the little girl that this story started with, I looked for her that Saturday morning, but did not see her. We stayed in touch with her orphanage and had clothes and money sent there.
I discovered the owner of the hotel by the beach sponsored a day for the orphans a few times a year, lending personnel, giving food and other things so the children could enjoy.
The point of this God Spot, you never know where a God Spot comes from, when it happens or who may be involved
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Would you look at the possibility of traveling with me and a small team of men to Burkina Faso, Oct. 5 - 12. One of the purposes of this trip will be a conference we will lead for the men and young men regarding, the Father's Heart. How to raise up men of integrity.
Freeganism is an anti-consumerist lifestyle whereby people employ alternative living strategies based on "limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources". Freegans "embrace community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed."
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