It is hard to imagine what life was like before there was sin. Think about the life you will live today. Think if only there were not sin. Think of how everything would be different. Think if there was not a bad side to people. Think if you didn't have to question someone's motive. Think if the root of all life were love. Just think.... So today this guy in a fast convertible was accelerating to pass me on the right, when a car pulled out in front of him. I was to the left. There was no where for him to go. He slammed on his breaks to avoid hitting us both. He caught up to me at the light and proceeded to cuss me out. He was in the middle of the F bomb when I smiled and gave him a thumbs up sign as I called on the name Jesus to cast out demons. I know that sounds dumb but that is what I did. In the middle of the F word, He stopped midsentence, floored it and took off never looking back. I wondered if he saw more than just me in the car. Maybe....One thing is for sure. Light and darkness can not exist at the same time without conflict and there is plenty of darkness to go around. God bless you and your day. Let your light shine, but be prepared for conflict. Like a Colleen, a Face Book friend reminds us, we are not of this world.
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