Likely, you have seen the somewhat classic movie, "What about Bob?" Movie star Murray is frightened by everything and goes to a shrink to get over his fears. My favorite line is when he says, "I'm sailing!" as he is tied to the mast of a sail boat. That is funny!
James tells us that faith and works go hand and hand. As a child of the King, you need both to be effective and powerful in your walk. It occurs to me that their is a third element interwoven with faith and works. Where there is faith and works, there seems to be a component of risk tying the two together.
Think about Mary and the risk of giving birth to Jesus. Think of Moses parting the Red Sea. Think of Noah building the ark. Now think of your own life. Think of the time you stepped out on faith. You showed faith with works in the stepping. The step may have been at great risk.
The conflicting fellow named "Risk", makes me wonder. When taking a step of faith with Jesus at your side, is there really risk in the step? It seems to me, risk may be just another way to describe a component of faith that keeps us weak in our walk of faith.
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