Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"He has taught me to trust Him completely..."~Rick Knock

Hi Archie,

God has me waiting, for what I don't know. I'm sure He'll tell me when
I need to know. :) In the meantime I'm experiencing a time of
refreshing, preparation, paradigm shifts & personal growth. It's all

Over the last several years many of the things I thought I knew have
been sharply challenged. To summarize briefly:

** I came to realize that something was very wrong with the way most
of us do church in our country, but couldn't put my finger on exactly
what it was.

** Left the institutional church in an attempt to distance myself
emotionally so I could look at it objectively.

** In researching on the internet discovered articles by Frank Viola
that eventually took me to "Pagan Christianity?" which I've elsewhere
described as a "car wash for the brain." It answered many of my
questions, and articulated what I'd been unable to express.

** Located and attended a house church conference, and joined a
related forum. Through these I discovered that there are also serious
problems in the house church movement. Go figure. :)

** The whole while I couldn't shake the conviction that in spite of
very real problems, I didn't believe the institutional church was
without value, or something to be discarded. Yet, I felt the same
thing just as strongly about the house / simple / organic church.

I have seen and experienced the power and attraction of genuine
Christian community, and have come to the unshakable conclusion that
this is the key (though not only) element that is missing in most of
our churches today.

I am still learning, still changing, still being prepared, still being
transformed into something that God can use for whatever He has in
mind next. In the meantime, as I wait, I'll be content to deal with
all the other things He sends my way. He has taught me to trust Him
completely, and that I'll do.

God Bless!
Rick Knock - a facebook friend

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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