Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Jesus prepared those closest to him for the day that was coming..."~priest

Today is Easter Sunday.  It is a day that represents the single unique time in mankind's history, when Jesus stared down eternal death for three days and came back to eternal life with you and I.  It is a day marked on man's calendar for two thousand years and has remained forever etched in mankind's memory.  It is a day set aside for you and I to remember the cross and be excited about the empty grave.

Today, we will have family and friends over in celebration of the resurrection.  We will set aside all conflict or competitiveness to appreciate the one thing that never changes.  God's love for us displayed through the death, bury and resurrection is what makes this day important.  
So today, even as Jesus prepared His disciples for the coming day, prepare your hearts for the day that has arrived.  Share your life even as Jesus shared His life with those He loved.  Make this the blessed day, God through Jesus gave mankind for eternity.

May the peace of God through Jesus shine on your family today.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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