Friday, April 30, 2010


Greetings from Pastor Mwandha Michael in Uganda, 

I am one of the founding member of Beroya Gospel fellowship in Uganda and we have so far planted 12 local churches and having planed projects and other activities under our ministry like helping children from poor families and widows, teaching the local members about the primary health education, building up local structures for local fellowships, building secondary school and children center.

Beroya Gospel fellowship is fully registered with ministry of internal affairs as faith based organization in 1995.

Our vision: To see a better society, with spiritual, social morals, skills and ability to provide ourselves with basic needs of life.

Beroya Gospel Fellowship has a mission of promoting spiritual and social economic development with aim of improving the standard of living though the following program: 

1. Evangelism 
2. Education
3. Health/medical 
4. Relief and Technical aid to the needy like children, women and the poor.

Our purpose of this communication , is to seek for your  kindness and honor in the body of Christ to allow us to be part of your big family  and help us advance the kingdom of God  in the hearts of Men as well as transforming our  remote communities  that miss opportunities  of God's love  and the blessings  of God's mercy .

It is our humble desire to see that we access your kingdom benefits that you have as gifts in away of being one as brothers and sisters in gospel sharing, church planting, leadership equipping and other wonderful developmental programs that you have as a ministry.

Therefore, your guidance and directives will be relied upon for the success of our request to you.
With anticipating hearing from you soon, we do wish you a happy day and blessing of God.

Thank you in advance.

Pastor Mwandha Michael 
Executive Director 
TEL: +256782593714

Pastor Mwandha Michael

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

"It is easy to forget there are others who are willing to die for their faith."~priest

Brothers & Sisters,
Let us join together in prayer for the special needs outlined in this email. This request has been verified by the International Mission Board, SBC.
Bro jim

April 29, 2010
LAST FRONTIER. “I just received a phone call warning me that three branches of the local ‘eyes’ know what I am doing. They know about the recent activities. They want me to know that they know. I was warned to be careful and tread lightly. I am on my knees, I am desperate to receive a Word from the Lord. I don’t know what to do. 

Of course, this is coming at a time when things seemed finally to be opening up and we received our first believer from a village a week and a half ago. There has already been a meeting to share Bible studies. We have a very special day planned, with our many women tentmakers each inviting five non-believers to a ‘Friend Day’ full of games, songs, stories, crafts and Good News. I am afraid I will have to cancel the meeting. 

The invitations have already gone out to some of the most remote areas. None of these women have a phone, and we have to travel long distances to hand-deliver the messages. The women are so excited about this day, and some have already reported back that they have their five people picked out. But if we go ahead, it could cause more problems. We were planning to do a big ‘sharing push,’ but we could make it just a fun day of fellowship or we could cancel it all together. I plan tomorrow to rise early and go spend a day with my Father. 

Please join me wherever you are. My heart is heavy.”

International Mission Board
3806 Monument Avenue
Richmond, VA 23230

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, April 29, 2010

"I am on day three of being obediently gainfully unemployed. It is an odd place to be."~priest

I am on day three of being obediently unemployed.  It is an odd place to be.  I have many friends on Facebook who are unemployed and anxiously seek work to provide for their family and loved ones.  I hurt for them and inclined to feel guilty about giving up my job, but I am quick to praise God for His direction, compassion, grace and love on my life.  So, here I am unemployed and loving it.  I believe being in the middle of God's will, chasing the Wild Goose, guarantees His provisions for my family's needs.  Praise God.

First thing this morning I read the book of Jude.  Jude spends almost the entirety of his letter reminding us that God is consistent in his judgement of mankind's sin.  God permits his people to stray only for a time, then He seems to get fed up, judges, destroys and in the process saves those that love Him.  In God's love is a great place to be, but requires faith to be active in His love.

"In the last time there will be mockers, walking after their own ungodly lusts.”  These are they who cause divisions, and are sensual, not having the Spirit."~Jude 

In my obedience of being gainfully unemployed, God has given me specific instruction.  His desire is for me to "Go in front of the emerging church."  I'm not real sure what that means and He seems to be revealing His plan and purpose as I take small steps of faith.  His desire on my life is what led me to the need to seek unemployment.  Sounds odd right?  Seek unemployment.  Funny.

Jude wraps up his letter with...

But you, beloved, keep building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life. On some have compassion, making a distinction, and some save, snatching them out of the fire with fear, hating even the clothing stained by the flesh."

For me and likely you, Jude gives us good advice.  He says to keeping building our holy faith.  Most of the time, if not all the time, faith building exercises make no sense to the world's way of thinking.  If you find yourself unemployed as I have chose to be, consider the possibility that your situation is God's blessing on you to participate in His faith building exercises.  God loves you and will not abandon you.  

To be fair, I do want to add that I am seeking to build a business that will provide for my family and I think dovetails into God's direction for my life.  So, I am not saying sit back and eat bonbons all day.  I am saying, "Follow God obediently and faithfully.  Work hard at what you can do.  God will bless the outcome."

Check out my new website I am building.  Signature Web and Photos is the place I will be selling my time,talents and products as I obediently Chase the Wild Goose!  I've been thinking about creating individual pages for people like you to sell your home grown products.  Maybe you make fresh marmalade jam or paint pictures.  We can bring them to market through this outlet.  Let me know if you have any interest.

God bless and enjoy the day!

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"He was in the middle of an "F"Bomb when I smiled..."~priest

It is hard to imagine what life was like before there was sin.  Think about the life you will live today.  Think if only there were not sin.  Think of how everything would be different.  Think if there was not a bad side to people.  Think if you didn't have to question someone's motive.  Think if the root of all life were love.  Just think....

So today this guy in a fast convertible was accelerating to pass me on the right, when a car pulled out in front of him. I was to the left. There was no where for him to go. He slammed on his breaks to avoid hitting us both. He caught up to me at the light and proceeded to cuss me out. He was in the middle of the F bomb when I smiled and gave him a thumbs up sign as I called on the name Jesus to cast out demons.

I know that sounds dumb but that is what I did. In the middle of the F word, He stopped midsentence, floored it and took off never looking back. I wondered if he saw more than just me in the car. Maybe....

One thing is for sure.  Light and darkness can not exist at the same time without conflict and there is plenty of darkness to go around.  God bless you and your day.  Let your light shine, but be prepared for conflict.  Like a Colleen, a Face Book friend reminds us, we are not of this world.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, April 26, 2010

"Check your calenders. Today is designated Mighty Fine Monday!"~priest

It seems some days are better than others.  Today is the day the Lord hath made even if it is Monday.  I wonder if you will go with me in designating it "Mighty Fine Monday"?  

Much of life can be tough.  When I say that, immediately some event or events pop into your mind.  It is easy for the bumps in the road to come to fresh mindful thoughts.  Today, let's both set those negative thoughts aside and appreciate what God has done for us.  

Sit back.  Relax in your chair.  Tune out the world and in amazement consider all God has done for you.  What are some positive things in your world that you will share as encouragement for others?  A thought that immediately comes to my mind includes the calm after a couple years of storm.   

Cora and I drove to Boerne, Texas yesterday.  We visited my mother who is unable to drive due to age.  She said she had been praying that I would come by.  I was blessed by being an answer to prayer.  Maybe consider how on the Mighty Fine Monday you might be a blessing to others.  It is a great day to smile and be positive, considering many of your colleagues will be starting Monday hungover from different sports related parties...

How will you let your light shine today?  After all, it is Mighty Fine Monday!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, April 23, 2010

"I pray that I might have a heart willing to Kamikazi for Christ in all things and at all times...!"~priest

There really is nothing new under the sun.  In the 1st year of the world following the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, men were sent out to tell others in foreign countries of the love of Jesus.  For most it was a "sending out" to a place likely producing life for others and death for the individual.  They were 1st century kamikazi believers in Jesus.  

"As they served the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Separate Barnabas and Saul for me, for the work to which I have called them.” Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away."

I have been in a number of modern day church services, where there is a laying on of hands and a sending out of the individual. In Paul's day, there was prayer and fasting among the group.  The ones being sent didn't uniquely step up and say, "Send me!"  God did the selecting.  The group heard from God and the two men were separated out.  It is as if the entire group of men were prepared to be kamikazi. God uniquely selected who, when the time was right. 

Can you imagine what it must have been like?  There must have been an incredible air of expectancy. each man wondering who would be honored to be sent of God and know likely death awaited the end of the journey.  

I think today, there is not much expectancy at being sent and not much desire to be killed for one's beliefs (at least in America).  In other places, where life and death still hangs in the air for those who believe, I think faith is much stronger.  It is amazing that two thousand years later, God is still calling out individuals to proclaim His Word to the uttermost ends of the earth.  

But it doesn't seem as likely for God to find a group of men all expectantly wondering if they will be the chosen two men to Kamikazi for Christ...

I pray that I might have a heart willing to Kamikazi for Christ in all things and at all times...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Jesus is a Strong Foundation"~priest

I have been reading in the book of Acts recently and am amazed at the
power of God placed upon the people of the time. God had an
incredible message to be propagated throughout the world and satan
himself was not going to stop it. The message of Christ dieing for
our sins and coming back to life three days later has not changed in
over two thousands years. God has given this message to all and tells
us to care for those less fortunate than us.

As I read in Acts today, I thought about a man God is using in a
powerful way to feed and care for the poor. I had lunch with him a
few months back and made comment, I had never met a man that
continually gave God the glory like he did. It seemed with each new
thought, he was quick to give God the glory. Today, it convicts me
that I have not been as conscious to give God credit and glory when it
is due. I am thankful for God's patience with me and His forgiveness
for my negligence.

Check out this except from the powerful days in which Paul lived...

"On an appointed day, Herod dressed himself in royal clothing, sat on
the throne, and gave a speech to them. The people shouted, “The voice
of a god, and not of a man!” Immediately an angel of the Lord struck
him, because he didn’t give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms
and died.

But the word of God grew and multiplied. Barnabas and Saul returned to
Jerusalem, when they had fulfilled their service, also taking with
them John whose surname was Mark."~Acts

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"He has taught me to trust Him completely..."~Rick Knock

Hi Archie,

God has me waiting, for what I don't know. I'm sure He'll tell me when
I need to know. :) In the meantime I'm experiencing a time of
refreshing, preparation, paradigm shifts & personal growth. It's all

Over the last several years many of the things I thought I knew have
been sharply challenged. To summarize briefly:

** I came to realize that something was very wrong with the way most
of us do church in our country, but couldn't put my finger on exactly
what it was.

** Left the institutional church in an attempt to distance myself
emotionally so I could look at it objectively.

** In researching on the internet discovered articles by Frank Viola
that eventually took me to "Pagan Christianity?" which I've elsewhere
described as a "car wash for the brain." It answered many of my
questions, and articulated what I'd been unable to express.

** Located and attended a house church conference, and joined a
related forum. Through these I discovered that there are also serious
problems in the house church movement. Go figure. :)

** The whole while I couldn't shake the conviction that in spite of
very real problems, I didn't believe the institutional church was
without value, or something to be discarded. Yet, I felt the same
thing just as strongly about the house / simple / organic church.

I have seen and experienced the power and attraction of genuine
Christian community, and have come to the unshakable conclusion that
this is the key (though not only) element that is missing in most of
our churches today.

I am still learning, still changing, still being prepared, still being
transformed into something that God can use for whatever He has in
mind next. In the meantime, as I wait, I'll be content to deal with
all the other things He sends my way. He has taught me to trust Him
completely, and that I'll do.

God Bless!
Rick Knock - a facebook friend

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

I pray I will not fail to walk with Jesus.... Amen

I am a simple person. I love God the best I know how and He loves me
much better. Religion is quick to water down the concept of "fear" of
God to merely a Holy reverence. I am sure this reference is part of
the quality of God, but I am equally sure to fear God is much more
robust in meaning. Imagine if you will a God capable of creating and
destroying everything ever built. Imagine.... if that God ever got
hacked off at your and my obedience. Just imagine... Imagine fear of
that God....

Now remember what that eternally all powerful entity referred to as
God chose to do for you and I on the cross with His son. He allowed
His son to die an unspeakably horrible death such that we might have
eternal life. Imagine the love required for God to allow the killing
of His Son to happen.... Just imagine....

I think that is a bit more of the fear of God we are to have. We are
to reverence and appreciate what God could do with our disobedience
and revel in the love He chooses to give in stead of the punishment.
The reality of fear for what God could do, authenticates the love He
chooses to give.

Today I choose to walk in fear of a loving God. I will enjoy His
grace, but not forget He is the creator. It is to be in the middle of
His will and purpose that I choose to walk today. I pray I will not
fail to walk with Jesus.... Amen

"They were multiplied, walking in the fear of the Lord and in the
comfort of the Holy Spirit."~Paul

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Get up and walk!"~Peter and John

There was a time in world history, when a couple of homeless friends named Peter and John had no cash or coin but enjoyed the presence of the Holy Spirit.  Yes.  Those were the days...
“Silver and gold have I none, but what I have, that I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!"~Peter and John

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"I'm thinking we who believe are priests and I'd like to let God's light within me shine today. Are you with me?"~priest

There was this guy named Saul who was struck with a phenomenal God Spot.  So much so, he lost his sight and changed his name to Paul with new sight.  God revealed His love to Paul.  Revelation required action and Paul lived life to the fullest telling others about the love of Jesus.  

Paul's story could be our story, but God normally does not require us to go blind in order to see.  Likely if you are reading this, you know Jesus and have chose to follow Him and adopt His love in your life.  You like Paul have had God reveal His love to you.  Sadly, for many that is where the likeness of life ends.  

God's love was revealed.  You accepted it, but you out of political correctness or shyness have kept the revelation carefully hidden.  Why is that?  I am guilty of same.  Why do I have possession of the most precious thing in the world and I keep it carefully tucked away, safe from ridicule.

I'd like God's light to shine through me today.  I believe that Jesus died on the cross for your and my sins.  I believe He beat death and came back to life.  I believe I have eternal life through His love and actions.  I believe today is a great day to let His love shine.....

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"God occupies him with the joy of his heart."~Solomon

I once worked at a University.  I worked in the audio/visual department alongside a gentleman from South Vietnam.  It was during the time of America when Vietnam was considered everything terrible.  It was in this environment the S.Vietnamese gentleman had emigrated to the land of the free and home of the brave.

I remember one day in particular that I thought the man was being treated especially bad.  He said nothing.  He only smiled at the abuse.  When the abuser left, I asked him why he allowed the event to happen.  He said he had experienced all the bad in life a person could ever experience and when compared against what just happened, it could only make him smile.  Obviously, I was impressed with this thought because many years later, I still wonder at it.

Even as the gentleman from S. Vietnam had experienced all the bad in life, King Solomon was blessed by God and experienced all the good life had to offer.  I find it interesting that regardless of how bad or how good the lot you are given in life, the conclusion is still the same.  We should work hard and enjoy the fruits of our labor as they are the gift of God.  It is in God's gifts, we will find joy.

"Behold, that which I have seen to be good and proper is for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy good in all his labor, in which he labors under the sun, all the days of his life which God has given him; for this is his portion. 

Every man also to whom God has given riches and wealth, and has given him power to eat of it, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor—this is the gift of God. For he shall not often reflect on the days of his life; because God occupies him with the joy of his heart."~Solomon

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, April 12, 2010

"I am not a perfect person, but a perfected person in Christ."~priest

It seems to me, man's knowledge continues to detract from a very simple truth.  I wonder how it is that increased knowledge confuses rather than bring clarify?  Knowledge of good and evil pressed up against the backdrop of the "fountain of youth" seems to be the most confusing of all.

When I was six years old, I knew enough to judge an action of mine as either good or bad.  At six, it was that easy.  It was in this confident knowledge, I understood that Jesus died on the cross for everyone.  We had but to choose Jesus, ask forgiveness, turn from the bad we did and we would drink from not just a "fountain of youth" , but a "fountain of eternal life".  At six, I understood enough to receive God's gift through His Son.  Pretty incredible right?

Fifty years later, I am still blown away that the faith of a six year old was enough to secure my salvation for eternity.  I have sinned much from six to fifty six years, but my salvation has stayed in tack.  Jesus died once for it all. 

I trust that today I will be the person, Jesus desires to spend eternity with.  Not a perfect person, but a perfected person in Christ.

God bless you my friend!  Enjoy the day and all that God gives you.


Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"When taking a step of faith with Jesus at your side, is there really risk in the step?"~priest

Likely, you have seen the somewhat classic movie, "What about Bob?"  Movie star Murray is frightened by everything and goes to a shrink to get over his fears.  My favorite line is when he says, "I'm sailing!" as he is tied to the mast of a sail boat.  That is funny!

James tells us that faith and works go hand and hand.  As a child of the King, you need both to be effective and powerful in your walk.  It occurs to me that their is a third element interwoven with faith and works.  Where there is faith and works, there seems to be a component of risk tying the two together.  

Think about Mary and the risk of giving birth to Jesus.   Think of Moses parting the Red Sea.  Think of Noah building the ark.  Now think of your own life.  Think of the time you stepped out on faith.  You showed faith with works in the stepping.  The step may have been at great risk.  

The conflicting fellow named "Risk", makes me wonder.  When taking a step of faith with Jesus at your side, is there really risk in the step?  It seems to me, risk may be just another way to describe a component of faith that keeps us weak in our walk of faith.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"I am fascinated at the concept of wisdom. I've heard it defined as the supernatural application of knowledge. It seems so much more."~priest

When God looked down on Solomon and asked what of anything in the world did he desire.  Solomon said he desired wisdom to rule God's kingdom.  The request made God smile and God replied Solomon would receive wisdom and so much more....  

James says, "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach; and it will be given to him. "

King Solomon says, "For to the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy; but to the sinner he gives travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him who pleases God."

I think wisdom is dimensionless.  It can not be contained. I think with wisdom, one gets a very small peak into the very mind of Christ.  Just imagine.......  

Wisdom is supernaturally given as a gift from God for those that please him.  Seek and you shall find!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"There is much to be thankful for, yet how shall we pray?"~priest

There is a God who created the world.  He is the originator of life.  There is no life without Him.  Yet when we pray, we scratch our heads and wonder what to pray...
There once were three men who were thrown in a fiery furnace, so hot that the guards who directed their execution were killed from the flames.  Yet in the midst of the flames were seen the original three men and one more!  For what did the three, pray?
In time preceding, it was the prayers of these three that got them their scheduled execution.  Their thought in prayer was that they didn't know the mind of God.  They didn't know if they would be killed or not.  The one thing they did know was that the God who created the world could save them if He so chose.  It was from this point of belief, they chose to live their life.
I think once you place your life in the hand of God the creator, knowing what to pray becomes much easier.    A prayer of worship and thankgiving becomes as natural as breathing the air God created.  With your very life hanging in the balance, prayers of intercession for others become of supreme importance. 
Then I think with a love that is beyond understanding,  you might say, "God. I give my life to you.  May I always live and die according to your will and purpose."  It is this prayer of total submission and complete adoration, that brings a smile to your Father's face. 

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Jesus prepared those closest to him for the day that was coming..."~priest

Today is Easter Sunday.  It is a day that represents the single unique time in mankind's history, when Jesus stared down eternal death for three days and came back to eternal life with you and I.  It is a day marked on man's calendar for two thousand years and has remained forever etched in mankind's memory.  It is a day set aside for you and I to remember the cross and be excited about the empty grave.

Today, we will have family and friends over in celebration of the resurrection.  We will set aside all conflict or competitiveness to appreciate the one thing that never changes.  God's love for us displayed through the death, bury and resurrection is what makes this day important.  
So today, even as Jesus prepared His disciples for the coming day, prepare your hearts for the day that has arrived.  Share your life even as Jesus shared His life with those He loved.  Make this the blessed day, God through Jesus gave mankind for eternity.

May the peace of God through Jesus shine on your family today.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, April 2, 2010

"This is one whale of a God Spot."~priest

Southern California surfer Jodie Nelson set out Sunday to standup-paddle nearly 40 miles from Santa Catalina Island to Dana Point.  She hoped it'd inspire her best friend, who has been involved in a long and exhausting struggle with breast cancer, to keep fighting.  Little did she know, the world would be inspired by what God had planned.

For almost 2 hours a Minke whale accompanied Jodie on her sea surf journey.  The whale would go under Jodie's surf board and blow bubbles and swim along side.  It was quite an amazing God Spot.  

"To me it was a total God thing," the San Clemente resident said. "We prayed at 4 that morning that God would reveal his beauty and creation and nature, and allow me to endure this long trek, so for me it's not such a huge surprise that this happened."

By: Pete Thomas,

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Jimmy use to transport cars between cities. Now Jimmy mostly sleeps."~priest

"Your smile is as credible as your life is transparent."~priest

I have to admit.  I am terrible about something.  I am terrible at hiding my emotions and thoughts.  I find hiding them to be difficult without feeling like a fraud.  I mean like, suppose someone brings a baby to you and you are marveling at the thought of new life.  You are suppose to say, "What a beautiful baby!"  But, you are thinking, "Man! That is one ugly baby!"  The best I can do is smile and hope someone else makes the comment.  Right?
This freaky twisted thing of feeling obligated to smile and say sweet things to someone who intentionally did you wrong in the midst of their planned calculated smile, is beyond me.  It is hypocracy at its worse.  I understand the need to forgive and I am all for it, but that does not relieve the other of their responsible to communicate truth.  The thought I am trying to communicate is this...
Suppose you and another person you are not real fond of are in competition for a promotion.  The promotion is a bid deal.  It will provide much additional money and benefits you have been working tirelessly for.  When the announcement is made that your collegue is getting the raise, he/she approaches you and with a very icky sweet smile says how sorry they are that you did not get the raise.  huh?  Sorry!  Smile! I don't think so!
From here on out, the smile you saw is edged in stone in your memory forever.  Every time you see that smile in the future, you will know what is really behind the smile and it is nothing that smells good. 
So.  Beware the smile.  Use your own smile frequently, but sincerely.  Don't use it to hide what you really feel.  Your real smile will be cheapened by it all. 

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

"Did Baby Jesus hunt for Easter eggs?"~just sayin'

It is said by many, Jesus likely grew up just like any other child.  He skipped rocks across a pond.  He ran to catch grasshoppers.  He may have collected beer bottles for cash redemption.  He might even have engaged in the ageless tradition of collecting easter eggs. 
Now some of you probably are offended by me considering the possibility that Jesus collected easter eggs.  You are probably angry at the possibility of Jesus going Christmas shopping, also.  I think in life just because we don't like something, doesn't mean there is not truth in it.  I mean afterall, who would have thought monkeys could fly?
There is enough sarcasm and wit included in the 1st two paragraphs to last the week.  Right?  But the point is .....
All things work together for the good of those that LOVE the Lord.  Easter and Christmas are each very powerful times of year.  You may not agree with the baby Jesus hunting for Easter eggs hidden in the manger, but you will have missed the point.  These two times of years uniquely draw people together for a common interest.  Anytime there are people drawn together is the perfect time to let your light shine.   
I'd suggest that it is not in the "dissing" of the event that gives you opportunity to speak truth, but in using the event for others to catch a glimpse of you and Jesus in the crowd.   Likely, the glimpse of Jesus will come in the form of a smile and laugh from you as you buddy up with others watching the kids skamper for eggs.  I can imagine Mary and Joseph at your side.
Authentication of your love for Jesus will be displayed in your enthusiasm at having an opportunity to serve others.  In service, you will find your light shining the brightest.  Oh and if there is no cussing or drinking in your closed group, you are likely hanging with the wrong people to have your light to shine.
God bless and enjoy the hunt!


Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream