Monday, December 7, 2009

Throw Down Bibles and Paul of Tarsus (maybe?)

As an update to my adventure in the Maverick County Jail. The saga begins at the bottom and reads forward as you scroll up.  Confusing?  Sorry.  :)
I was finally invited by the court to meet the judge.  God provided a lawyer through my "father-in-law" at a public defender price.  The help will cost me a couple hundred dollars instead of thousands.  God is the great provider.  He continues to confirm He has a plan and it is not all about me, although it feels like it.
I have shared with my blog friends about my "Throw Down Bibles".  While waiting for court to start, I met the guy you see in the picture.  He went into court, came back out and sat next to me.  I had a "Throw Down" copy of The Message sitting on top of some documents I needed.  He asked what The Message was? It was funny.  I thought he was talking about my cell phone and a text message. 
He pointed to my Bible and I explained it was an easy to read version of the New Testament.  I asked him what he was reading and he pulled a couple of books from beneath his robe.  One was a physics book and another book with spiritual guidance I think.  I'm not sure. 
I had to enter the court room at that point, so I gave him my Bible as a gift.  He was surprised and appreciative.  I saw him again as I left the courtroom.  He and I waved.  He had a great smile.  I'm hoping he will accept the FREE Gift found on P.198.  via John 3:16 and possibly he will drop me note on this blog.
I know many of my friends were praying about my court appearance.  Thank you!  Continue to keep my family and I in your prayers as this chapter in our life winds down....  It has been quite the adventure, full of God Spots.  

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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