Saturday, December 12, 2009

"How do I convince you, there is a better way?" ~priest

I've gotten pretty good at asking the question, "Have you ever seen God do anything for you?"  It is an ice breaker and gets the conversation steered in the direction of the Spirit realm.  Conversation is typically of non-threatening and of high interest for both parties.  I like that.

What I haven't gotten particularly good at is "saving" people.  I have been struggling coming up with a good enough story about the grace of God that they will accept it.  I mean, how in the world do you get someone to believe in the logic of God sending His Son to die on the cross for your sins?  You must believe by faith, confess with your mouth that Jesus died on cross and rose again, live a life after God's own heart and expect to spend eternity in the house of God.  It makes no sense.

In middle of that struggle, I discovered a very simple truth.  It's not my problem.  I shouldn't borrow trouble.  God does the saving.  Duh!?  

So the pressure is off.  I lead with what I am good at and God finishes with what He is good at.  

Life just got much simpler...

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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