Tuesday, December 8, 2009

GOD SPOT: "The first thing I did was check for a pulse, I did not find one...."

Guest post by Linda Novy:

While in Honduras on November 28th we experienced a major God Spot! 
I was teaching at a Leadership conference for 50 Pastors, on why we need the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, when I came under a spiritual attack.  I became real faint and almost fainted twice,  but I fought through it and finished my teaching. We broke for lunch, and then recieved word that one of the Pastors granddaughters, (16 years old) had taken poison and commited suicide. The whole church began to pray. 

About 30 minutes later, they brought the girl into us at the church. The first thing I did was check for a pulse, I did not find one. I then checked for respiration and found none. The host Pastor ran and got us some anointing oil and anointed our hands then we (two other friends of mine from the same Bible College) laid our hands on her and started praying. The rest of the Pastors started to pray also. After about 15 minutes, she started breathing again! 

We told them to take her to the hospital but they said that they could not take her. We asked why, and they told us that they did not have any money to take her to the hospital. I told them to take her and I would pay the bill.  So they rushed her to the hospital, where they pumped her stomach and kept her overnight. She woke up about two hours later and they released her the next day. Total cost of hospital was only $100.00. 

Her mother had faith that we would be able to help her daughter that is why she brought her to us. Two days later we visited her at her home. We talked to her about Jesus and she repented and asked Jesus to be her Lord and Savior. Then on friday the 4th she called Pastor Olivera and told him that while praying, Jesus appeared to her and told her that "She was special and that He wanted her to preach the gospel and tell everyone what God has done for her." 

Then on Sunday the 6th at the evening service she came and was to give her testimony, but she fell into fear and was not able to. But her mother got up and told the whole church what had happened and Gave God all the Glory for saving her daughter and that she had faith that he would raise her from the dead and that is why she brought her to us at the church.
It was an awesome testimony to the 50 Pastors and to the surounding villages, that God is alive and is well able to watch over His Word and to Perform it! Remember, that I had just taught the Pastors, about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is the power from on High! Its not by power nor might but by My Spirit sayeth the Lord!  Zachariah 4:6 This is when your faith is tested. Do you believe what you preach or not? Is God's word true or Not? We give God ALL the Glory!

We are only vessels, willing and submitted unto Him for His Glory!!!  We were there at the exact time and place, appointed by Him for His Glory! Amen!!!!

Surf to: http://www.freshc.org for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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