Monday, December 21, 2009

"Dude. Just get out of the boat!" ~Jesus

I am feeling a bit like Peter today.  I might even deny Christ three times. 
Today, a Facebook friend said we all had regrets and suggested I may not have forgiven myself, but God had.  I said, "Thanks, very insightful" or something like that and moved on.  Then, a friend with flesh swings by and suggests I have fear.  I said I didn't have fear.  Now, I am thinking I was wrong on both counts. 
Likely, I have not forgiven myself for all the pain I have caused others from my business collapse and I am probably fearful of failure in the future.  That pretty well makes it 2 for 3 with Peter rowing the boat. 
So now I am praying God will reveal to me what it means to forgive oneself and think it is probably time to get out of the boat.  Jesus already told me to get out of the boat, but I have been just checking the water.  Don't want to fail you know...
"Dude! Just get out of the boat!"~Jesus

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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