Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sometimes, it is all about God...

Well maybe not sometimes, maybe all the time.  My dad passed 5 years or so, ago.  I was prepared for his passing.  He was prepared.  He was a believer in "The Way".  

Dad was in the navy in WWII.  His job depended on him tieing knots.   I grew up with him showing me all kinds of knots.  He had a knot for everything.  I knew he was nearing the end of his life when I asked him to tie a knot and he couldn't remember how.  It saddened me.

I have a friend who just lost his mother.  It is obvious his heart is broken.  Where do emotions come from?  They make no sense, but are yet so real!  The only explanation is God. Somehow He builds within each of us a value for life.  When the life is lost.  We lose a piece of us.  

I think maybe God created us like this so we would appreciate and love the life He has given us even more.  Maybe it was His intention for our eyes to be drawn back to His Son as we participate in the "cycle of life" He has created.

God bless you, JK.


Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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