Monday, October 26, 2009

Am I just naturally bad?

Pretty much most of my adult life, I have been working on discernment
of whether the thought I get in my head is of God or if it is just
some random thought created by my brain being engaged. This morning
before I got up, I had a couple thoughts that were very negative
toward a couple people. These thoughts were replacing some very
positive thoughts I normally have about the same people.

Where did the thought come from? I am conflicted. The reason for my
conflict is I have been told by a well respected clergy, that the evil
ones can not place thoughts in the head of a believer. I'm told bad
thoughts naturally come because of my Adamic nature. Basically, I'm
just naturally bad so bad thoughts come.

Then, the next guy comes along and tells me that sure the evil ones
can put thoughts in the head of a believer. No big deal for them.
They do it all the time. So you see, I have conflict. What do you

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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