On the way to EPIC life group, I was stopped by a guy in a wheel chair. He had difficulty speaking and was crippled badly. Clean cut and likely in his mid 20's.
He said, "You are a believer. When I was 16 years old, I went to church and saw a cross. I also saw a vision of myself in a wheelchair. I ignored the warning and continued to smoke weed. 3 years later I wrecked my corvette and almost died. Now I am crippled and in a wheel chair. I just wanted to tell you."
I said, "Do you want to pray?" He said, "Yes." We prayed and he said, "Thank you."
Now when something like this happens, I immediately turn to God and ask what I am suppose to do. I asked for forgiveness for the times I have ignored warnings. Then, I asked for God to bring to my mind any current warning He may given me that I have ignored. I'd prefer avoiding the wheelchair. Although I am in the midst of a struggle, I am unaware of ignoring a warning from God out of disobedience.
So, I toss the question your way. Maybe the warning was for you? Have you ignored a warning from God? If so, confession and repentance should immediately be followed with a new direction in your life. Sorry if it is a tough message... God bless! Surf to: http://www.freshc.org for a Fresh Connection...
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