Saturday, October 31, 2009

"spiritual authority is found in a towel and basin..." viola

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Simple, organic, emerging, small, unique, home church...

Chatted with a guy named Dan yesterday about a movement that seems to be orchestrated by God.  Many people are leaving traditional church and there is a movement at the grassroots level to catch these people.  It's not that they are leaving God.  It is just that they are leaving the insignificant religion they were brought up in.  In my travels, I have visited many traditional church facilities that I would consider "insignificant" in God's eyes.  Although, the Church with a capital "C" is always significant to God.

There has not been a single name or description assigned to this movement.  I think I will call it Fresh Connections.  This movement is not about pulling people away from the traditional church.  It is all about catching the ones that fall out before they are forever lost to Christianity in its purest form.  As David started his mighty fighting force with misfits, so does Fresh Connections.  

I'd love to hear from you if you have ditched the church and looking for a Fresh Connection. 

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

What's it take for God to get your attention..

"I preached to the people in the morning. That evening my wife died. The next morning I did as I'd been told." ~Ezekiel

On a positive note:

Facebook Birthday Party:
4:00 - 6:00 Saturday.  
Not sure what to expect.  Anyone had a Facebook party?  
Maybe this is a first?  Chat with you then.

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, October 30, 2009

The best gift of all...

Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 56 years of age. Not old. Not
young. Just of age. It is a good age to be. I have enjoyed many of
life's experiences. The girl friend of my youth still blesses me by
laughing at my jokes. My son has blessed me with a beautiful
daughter-in-law and grandkids. God has had His hand in all of life's

Many of my life's adventures did not turn out as I would have
preferred, but they created in me the man I have become. I believe I
am becoming the man God desires to spend eternity with. From that
perspective, I can not fault God for the failures in my life. It is
from the pit, I have been able to look up and see God's face. In
being rescued from the pit, I am able to see God's power, mercy and

Whether in the pit or out of the pit, God continues to be God and has
blessed me with the best gift of all. He allowed His Son to die on
the cross for my sins such that I might have the opportunity to spend
life eternal with Him.

For my birthday, might you consider accepting God's best gift of all?

"if I visit a deadly disease on that country, pouring out my lethal
anger, killing both people and animals, and Noah, Daniel, and Job
happened to be alive at the time, as sure as I am the living God, not
a son, not a daughter, would be rescued. Only these three would be
delivered because of their righteousness." ~God

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Giddy with the love of Christ

Do you remember a time when you were giddy with a fresh love for
Christ? How long has it been? That's too long.

I know a guy who works construction for a living. He is a tough guy.
He is so tough that when you talk about the love of Christ he tears
up. Wouldn't you like to know and keep that kind of love? It can be

Drop me an email: or call 210-617-3137
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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

"The water board called life..." ~priest

There have been times in my life when I was so far down, I had to look
down to see up. Ever been there? There is hope for the hopeless.
There is love for the loveless. There is a way for the those that
know "the way". Be still. Listen.

"Enemies with no reason to be enemies
hunted me down like a bird. They threw me into a pit,
then pelted me with stones. Then the rains came and filled the pit.
The water rose over my head. I said, 'It's all over.'

"I called out your name, O God,
called from the bottom of the pit. You listened when I called out,
'Don't shut your ears!
Get me out of here! Save me!' You came close when I called out.
You said, 'It's going to be all right.'

"You took my side, Master;
you brought me back alive! God, you saw the wrongs heaped on me.
Give me my day in court! Yes, you saw their mean-minded schemes,
their plots to destroy me.

"You heard, God, their vicious gossip,
their behind-my-back plots to ruin me. They never quit, these enemies
of mine, dreaming up mischief,
hatching out malice, day after day after day. Sitting down or standing
up—just look at them!—
they mock me with vulgar doggerel.

"Make them pay for what they've done, God.
Give them their just deserts. Break their miserable hearts!
Damn their eyes! Get good and angry. Hunt them down.
Make a total demolition here under your heaven!"

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

God's stockpile of love is immense...

"God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits,
to the woman who diligently seeks. It's a good thing to quietly hope,
quietly hope for help from God. It's a good thing when you're young
to stick it out through the hard times.

When life is heavy and hard to take,
go off by yourself. Enter the silence. Bow in prayer. Don't ask questions:
Wait for hope to appear. Don't run from trouble. Take it full-face.
The "worst" is never the worst.

Why? Because the Master won't ever
walk out and fail to return. If he works severely, he also works tenderly.
His stockpiles of loyal love are immense." ~Lamentations

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

When the unreasonable become reasonable...

You know I chase after God Spots.  I eagerly look for God's hand at work authenticating His presence.  I find God Spots very encouraging to my personal walk and relationship with Christ.  I think God enjoys my search and is pleased with my joy in discovery.  But what about "Odd Spots"?

An Odd Spot is the precursor to a God Spot.  I think many times God works in the Odd times.  It's those times when nothing about an event makes sense.  Then God works His will and purpose to create the God Spot from the Odd Spot.  I think He gets pleasure when we turn to Him in prayer with our Odd Spot.  It is our prayers that is the missing ingredient to the recipe.  Maybe God actually waits for our prayers to be the catalyst for change?

I find myself in an Odd Spot, today.  Paperwork I need to put my recent jail stay to rest has not shown up.  I keep getting promises, but nothing.  So last night as I rolled over many times in my sleep, I began praying.  Maybe as you read this you will pray and help convert this Odd Spot to a God Spot.
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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Follow-up to Barbados Counter Culture

bajanpoet, Included are my thoughts after reading and dwelling on your thoughts from the heart. I use the term "micro" Church to reference a small group of believers such as a home Church, but is not limited to meet in a home.  I use the term church with a little "c" to talk about the institution.  If I were to reference a local body of believers with Jesus as the head, I would refer to them as the Church with a capital "C".  

bajanpoet: "They have come out of traditional forms of church, but have touched something intangible within the university context that transforms them –"  I find this interesting and if I understand you to say, students may find Christ in a secular university, that phenomenon is not repeated very often in US public institutions.  It is usually the other way round.  Students may find salvation or something thought to be salvation prior to the university level.  Then, they go to the university and apparently lose what ever it was they had previously found.  This is not always the case, but seems to be a prevalent theme.

bajanpoet: "In Acts 5 the religious leaders extended their reach and attempted to jail all the apostles (Acts 5:17-18)"  For most, it is all about money, power and control.  I am sure you have figured out it doesn't appear God is so much interested in who has the money, power or control.  He is interested in Jesus Christ and our relationship.  If God continues to work at the micro Church level, the traditional churches will feel the pinch.  As my imagination runs wild, I can see the same thing happening in the US as has happened in Europe. The government will bail out the churches and ultimately take control.  As I understand it, Constantine in about 300 AD made Christianity the state religion.  It was the beginning of the end.

bajanpoet:  "The Current Church Structure - ...  But is this God’s best?" Books have been and are currently being written on this subject.  If the falling in numbers in traditional churches is any indication, I'd have to agree the current traditional church is not God's best.  I'm speaking of all churches without consideration of religion.  The falling away from the traditional church apparently is no respecter of religion.  But just because there is an increase in number of micro Churches does not guarantee they have it right either.  There true benchmark of a church is a solid representation of Christ at the head.  Some do.  Some don't.  Some are trying...

bajanpoet: "The Early Church - True relationship was formed.." I think this is vital. Without a relationship with Christ, there is no value in anything else.  It is through this relationship with Christ that other meaningful bonds and relationships are formed based on love.  In a micro Church, the setting is proper and conducive for building relationship and establishing a transparency that encourages a growth in Christ.

bajanpoet: "Counter Culture - Now ... God is looking for a people who, having touched the living Christ cannot go back into business as usual."  The parable of the single lost sheep drives home the point that God is hypersensitive to the ones who knew His voice and have now fallen away.  I think this Godly hypersensitivity contributes to the seemingly God ordained explosion of micro Churches.  God is creating a fertile ground for Him to permanently change lives.  One will not have to ask the question, "What happens when getting saved doesn't stick?"

bajanpoet: "Counter Culture - Future... What if God wants to do something different?"  There is no doubt that God is doing something different.  It is a "Back to the Future" event in the life of the local church where small is becoming better.  I believe it will become important to realize the value of religious physical structures and they might be best utilized to promote strong growth where God is working.  The structures themselves are not bad, they just need to be used in a way that supports what you describe as "God's Best".

bajanpoet: "I have been accused of being in a cult more times than I can count because the assembly with which I gather does not meet on Sunday, has no ‘pastor’ and meets in homes!"  One has to be realistic and appreciate this phenomenon is contrary to what is the prevalent experience.  Imagine if your description became the norm instead of the abnormal?  I think we need to look at the available resources, climate, and movement of God.  At the same time, we need to figure out what God wants the church to look like and begin the process of building a bridge between the two.  

Maybe to say it another way, take what you have and figure out how it can be used to create what God wants.  

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

My friend's thoughts from Barbados

I have a friend in Barbados who is a passionate believer in God. He
has a message to share. I have posted it here. Be encouraged to

The Lord laid this message on my heart, and commanded me to release it
to the members of the Body of Christ in the Caribbean. I feel the
urge to release it at this time, and I pray that you will read it and
seek his face concerning it.

I have been prayerfully waiting for the Lord's prompting, not only in
when to release this word, but to whom, as well. I pray that it will
cause you to seek your own heart first, so that he can speak to you
concerning any areas in your own heart that need realigning. I pray,
also, that these pages will cause us all to have a massive time of
seeking the Lord for the way forward, both individually and

Who Am I?
I realize that some of you who this email may be targeted to may not
recognize the name nor the email. So, let me introduce myself. I,
Robert Gibson, have been a part of the IS/IVCF movement for many
years. First at The St. Michael School in Barbados, as a member of
the ISCF there, and then moving into Barbados Community College (BCC),
where I was exposed to the tertiary version of that movement - the
UCCF. I have been a member of the UCCF from 1995 (when I joined BCC)
until 2005 (when I graduated from UWI, Cave Hill.) In my long time as
a member of UCCF, I was first introduced to the presence and person of
the Holy Spirit, and then grew until I became somewhat of a father
figure to later members of the UCCF before the Lord asked me to
release my responsibility to them.

The Vision
If you are on this list, you may have passed through the 'halls' of
either the Barbados Community College or the University of the West
Indies and may also have been a member of or affiliated with the
Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF), while some who
read this may not have attended either institution or been affiliated
with the organization. This document speaks specifically to the
spiritual climate of the regional campuses and the religious bodies on
those campuses - not just the ones named in this email. However, God
also has a wider vision. He is speaking generally about the climate
of the Church and is agitating for a shift in focus. We, as the Body
of Christ, must stop being afraid of being polluted by the societal
culture and start seeking God for an impartation of HIS culture - the
culture of the Kingdom of God. God is calling for a 'counter culture'
where the Body of Christ is willing - and able - to impact the society
with the culture of the Kingdom which we are aligned by being called
Christ followers.

The Response
After this email has been released, what is the response expected?
What are we to do? First, as I mention in the article, I have no
answers of my own. This article poses questions and leaves room for a
time of seeking the Lord. I am wanting to encourage discourse and a
corporate prayer as we ask the Lord, "What do we do?" There are
thousands of young people who annually are released into our tertiary
institutions, but how do we really reach them? There are hundreds who
find a major connection with God in the tertiary educational system -
how do they stay lit up with the passion of an empowered connection
with God?

As an example of why this article was written, a couple of years after
leaving BCC, I had a phone call from an old friend who asked me, "How
did you keep it?" He was referring to my passion for Christ and my
devotion for the things of the Kingdom. He had left the 'nest' - the
relative 'safety' of the UCCF and was now out in the 'real world' -
and finding it a major culture shock! I forget exactly what my
response was, but I do remember the immediate thought I had - "How
could you lose it?"

It is time that this region light up with the fire of the Almighty
God. It is time to seek the Lord.

I know there are more things for the Lord to say; if he releases me, I
will send more emails as he directs.As the Word says, "Come, let us
reason together." As you read, you are encouraged to communicate with
me, or with everyone on this list by using the "Reply to All" feature
in your emails. Anyone who wants to respond can do so.

I encourage you to prayerfully consider who you will pass on this
document to, as well. This message must be heard by those who have
ears to hear - God wants us to change our focus - millions of lives in
the Caribbean depend on it!

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Does God take covenants serious?

The annual Grace Point marriage retreat is coming up. If you have not
signed up, it is not too late or at least I think we can fit you in.
The marriage covenant you have taken before God is a serious one.
Consider God's response to Israel breaking a covenant....

'So here is what I, God, have to say: You have not obeyed me and set
your brothers and sisters free. Here is what I'm going to do: I'm
going to set you free—God's Decree—free to get killed in war or by
disease or by starvation. I'll make you a spectacle of horror." ~God

So it seems covenant breaking is pretty high on the "Top Ten List"
list of things God doesn't like. Marriage is a team sport. Come play
the game with us on the marriage retreat.

You don't have to be a member of Grace Point to attend. You just need
to want to play the game and join the "Hall of Fame" marriages..

Contact Grace Point Church for more details. 210.696.6093 or surf to:

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, October 26, 2009

Am I just naturally bad?

Pretty much most of my adult life, I have been working on discernment
of whether the thought I get in my head is of God or if it is just
some random thought created by my brain being engaged. This morning
before I got up, I had a couple thoughts that were very negative
toward a couple people. These thoughts were replacing some very
positive thoughts I normally have about the same people.

Where did the thought come from? I am conflicted. The reason for my
conflict is I have been told by a well respected clergy, that the evil
ones can not place thoughts in the head of a believer. I'm told bad
thoughts naturally come because of my Adamic nature. Basically, I'm
just naturally bad so bad thoughts come.

Then, the next guy comes along and tells me that sure the evil ones
can put thoughts in the head of a believer. No big deal for them.
They do it all the time. So you see, I have conflict. What do you

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Dare I post this? Maybe...

Some would say the traditional church has become a mission field.
Evidence pointed to would be the decline in numbers attending. I'm
not ready to concede this is the case in all churches, but I will
agree it is likely many traditional churches are truly a mission

I mean to say that the art of attending "big church" has become a
spectator sport. I believe God would have "big church" be a
participatory sport. That is to say, althought the show might be
worth the quarter you pay, God really wants you to bring your heart
and your focus on Christ being the center of the experience.

If at the end of your hour on the bench, you have not found yourself
in the presence of Jesus Christ, you really need to ask for a refund
on your ticket price. Of course if you didn't expect to meet Jesus
there anyway and you enjoyed the performance, you might want to tip
the usher extra. He has a tough job trying to keep everyone happy.

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

May this be God's Word on our life...

"... I'll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you
back home. I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to
take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you
hope for.

"When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen. "When
you come looking for me, you'll find me. "Yes, when you get serious
about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure
you won't be disappointed."

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Church Visit and Blog #3 of 3

Whew! It is late and just sitting down to post about church #3! It
is great that someone noticed I hadn't posted #3. Thank you for
noticing! It is encouraging.

Church #3 was a home church out in the middle of Nowhere, Texas. It
was on the way to Medina Lake. If the guy had said, "Watch for the
big dog in the yard.", I might have found it easier. Just kidding
about finding it easier, not kidding about the dog. :)

I am intrigued with the "home church" idea for a lot of reasons.
Actually, I don't know that they call themselves a home church. I
just know I went to church in their home.

You know I was looking for a God Spot, right? As always I was not
disappointed and you will not be either. In another life my wife,
Cora and I were youth directors (back then you had to have credentials
to be youth pastors) at Valley Hi Baptist in San Antonio. I guess
that was 30 years or so, ago. There was a guy and his sister that
were youth in our ministry. The guy even helped us move to Oklahoma
City when I was employed by the Department of Defense on the Cruise
missile program. He was a wonderful person. Even now, I remember his
quiet smile.

You can guess. The guy was at the home church. He was one of maybe a
dozen adults. This was not an accident. This was a God Spot! The
guy shared how miraculous God has worked in his life to literally save
him from self destructing. I kept thinking. God, "Your hand is in
this. How incredible!".

In this home church, we sang a song or two. The heart felt melody was
refreshing. No instruments were required, only a love for Jesus. My
friend was on the "hot seat" to share about his life. A coincidence
for many that I was there. A God Spot for those in the know. :)

The people that made up the assembly, each asked questions of my
friend as the night went on. I got up to get chips, coffee and
popcorn whenever the time seemed right. My sidekick Federico, got his
share of popcorn, although he didn't share with me. ha!

The focus of the home church was on Jesus. They had "flamed out" on
traditional church. The rigors of attempting to meet other's
expectations had taken their toll. One day they woke up to discover
their works were not getting them any closer to God. Admirably, they
found themselves together, individually and collectively seeking after
God in their daily walk.

I think if a Life Group can set their target as becoming a functional
Home Church, Jesus will smile and God will be Glorified.

Thank you Church #3 for your hospitality and I trust I didn't give
away any secrets. Ha!

~the janitor

As for God's conditional love, I remember many situations where God's
love was shared in a positive sense with those that exhibited love for
Him. He zapped the others. But then grace came on the scene. Maybe
you have a clearer understanding of God's conditional love?

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Bongos at Church #2 of 3. Cool!

Entered in the end of worship. Powerful worship. A few hands raised.
A few standing. Most all singing. God is blessed by the voice of
His people. I am blessed by the Spirit of God's presence...

Point#1: God is... 1 John 4
God is love. English lesson. God is the subject. is the verb. God
is the object of love. Ikki is Japanese. Ikki is subject. Object is
Japanese. God is love. Means everything God does is loving.

Passionate commitment to see well being of others. By this the love
of God was manifested through the sending of His Son such that we
might have life. Big word: propitiation. huh? Means something about
atonement. Big word:atonement. huh?

Ikki is very interactive with audience. Participants are comfortable
with his interaction. Gathering is composed of multiracial of about
100 people. Audience seems engaged. Maybe because there are only
three rows deep and Ikki makes eye contact and can engage each and
everyone there.

I am hiding in back. Think he has spotted me with the netbook going.
Did not ask ahead of time. Seems to be freedom here. Am still
blogging. :;-)

Point #2: So love God and love one another (even your enemies) builds
on last week's message to pray for and do good to our enemies.

Interesting, pulpit is made out of roadside trash. Must be a story there.

Point #3: Be born of God. Speaks that those who are dead can not
love. You must be born again if you are to love like God loves. You
must be born of God. The DNA is strong between parents and children.
The same for being born of God. We take on the person of God.

It's not that we know all the facts about God. It is about
experiencing God and see God work through you. We have the Spirit of
God dwelling within us. The character of God becomes our character.
We must stay close to the source less we are distracted by the
character of the world.

Point #4: Know God. Communicates through story. Brings truth to a
level that is interesting, believable and insightful. It's easy to
love your wife for the early part of emotional part of the marriage
experience. Later when the emotion is gone, it may become tough to
love. You have to choose to love. God is the source of love.

In conclusion: God loves you! You can not make God love you more!
You can not make God love you less! Regardless, God loves you.

Reconcile the conflict. Church #1 says God's love is conditional.
Church #2 says that God loves regardless. Maybe church #3 will be the
tie breaker. :)

Possibly, some of my readers can clear things up and reconcile the
differences of message. Concludes with recommendation to love God and
love our neighbor.

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Worship at church # 1 of 3, today... God willing.

I have a plan today. I plan on attending several churches today. I
hope to worship in them, also. I also plan on blogging as I go along
from church to church. Hoping God approves of the plan.

I am at church #1. Worship center is bigger than most. I am wearing
blue jeans, white t-shirt and flannel shirt on top. I am not "decked
out" for church. I was greeted warmly by a couple people at the front
door who don't know me and I don't know them. They shook my hand and
greeted me warmly. Seemed like I fitted in.

As I am blogging live, I wanted to sit in the back to not bother
anyone. I stepped over a sign that says "Section closed". I wonder
if God will show up in a section labeled "Closed". I don't know.
Hoping I didn't offend the people making note I just ignored my first
sign. Sorry buds.

Sang a song. Said hello for a minute. Then, the miracle of salvation
was proclaimed through baptisms. How awesome is it when someone
exchanges his/her life for Christ! Wow! "One Story" is shared. But
wait! There's more! Husband is baptized and wife follows in baptism,
also. Baptized by her husband. That's what the Priesthood of
believer is all about. Praise God!

Prayer followed by giving of tithes and offerings. An offering plate
is passed around. Great music is enjoyed during the passing of the
plate. Some give. Most don't. I didn't, but I do. :)

Singing "You are the only one I need..." Wonderfully, orchestrated
praise and worship. Asked to stand. I sat. Can't type standing, but
the music is awesome! "I'm alive. I'm alive. I'm alive. I'm

I'm wondering about the freedom found in churches in all religions.
What is freedom? Are there limits to freedom? Do I only have the
portion of freedom that a particular church feels comfortable in
giving me or in my taking? Do I have the freedom to worship any way I
choose or do I have the freedom to worship as long as I fit in? I
don't know.

Today, i choose to worship through blogging. Is that reasonable? My
wife's out of town. It seems to make it a bit more reasonable. Great
worshipful music continues.... Clapping... "You are God, alone. You
are on your throne. You are God, alone. Unchangeable." Sing it
church. Sing it again....

Lights go out and a skit starts. Quality. Nice. A/C turns off. You
be the Judge....

65% of my battery life remains and the sermon starts....

"The Conditional Love of God"
How can a God allow one to go to heaven and allow another go to hell?
How can a God of justice allow children to suffer? How can God allow
you to suffer?

"You can not appreciate God's love until you come to terms with God's justice."

Pastor considers some of the horrible stories of innocent people being
hurt incredibly by others. Pastor tears up and needs tissue to catch
the drips... (Sorry if that offends. Just the way it is.)

All have sinned and all deserve to die. Romans 3:23

It's not amazing that we all qualify to go to hell. It is amazing
that God allows any of us to go to heaven and spend eternity with Him!
Great thought!

I need to leave to catch the service at the next church, but don't
want to interrupt. Will stay a bit longer and the message is

God's everlasting love, NOT unconditional love...

Exodus 34:4-9 God will not let the wicked go unpunished. He must
punish in order to be just. God gives no one a pass. He runs
alongside willing to rescue and redeem by paying the penalty Himself.

Message of God's justice and grace is passionately, sincerely and
believably shared.

God's Judgement of Sin... Behold the lamb of God takes away the sin
of the world. You must choose. It seems, God's love is conditional
and reciprocal. The thought seems contradictory to the common thought
of "unconditional love".

Quote: "H E Double toothpicks". Funny.

10:37 53% battery life remaining. Won't be enough juice for the
entire next worship service.

Planned on leaving early, but impossible. Message is strong.
Impossible to leave. Would seem like I was turning my back on God's
love. Not really, but would seem like it. God's love is compelling.
Must stay. Lights dim. Music plays. Am heading out...

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Don't think! Be obedient. Don't wash the boxers!

God told Jeremiah, "Go and buy yourself some linen shorts. Put them on
and keep them on. Don't even take them off to wash them." So I bought
the shorts as God directed and put them on. Then God told me, "Take
the shorts that you bought and go straight to Perath and hide them
there in a crack in the rock." So I did what God told me and hid them
at Perath.

Next, after quite a long time, God told me, "Go back to Perath and get
the linen shorts I told you to hide there." So I went back to Perath
and dug them out of the place where I had hidden them. The shorts by
then had rotted and were worthless.

God explained, "This is the way I am going to ruin the pride of Judah
and the great pride of Jerusalem

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"The power of a smile. Never stop looking." ~priest

Have you noticed how contagious a smile is? When you smile, people
automatically smile back. They actually have to work at not smiling
when they encounter a smile. That is pretty incredible. There is an
awesome power in a smile. I believe a smile is a gift from God. With
all gifts come responsibility.

Some people doing bad things have also learned the power of a smile.
I've seen people do things directly against the will of God and have a
smile on their face. I'm pretty sure God finds the abuse of a smile

Jeremiah had a couple questions:
"Why do bad people have it so good?
Why do con artists make it big?"

God had a warning:
"They're out to get you. They'll stop at nothing.
Don't trust them, especially when they're smiling"

It seems to me enjoy the smile and the value of it, but never stop
looking for God...

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Lord's Tidbit or The Full Meal Deal?

I'm trying to align today's "going to church experience" with the
Church of old. I like the symbolism of the Lord's Supper shared
today. There is a small piece of cracker that represents Christ's
body and a thimble of grape juice to represent His blood. Together
they remind us of what He did for us on the cross. It is a solemn
event that helps realign me with the significance of Jesus' actions on
my life.

But I wonder about the Lord's supper of the Bible. It speaks of
gluttony and drunkenness. Obviously, you won't eat too much cracker
or drink too much grape juice in the Lord's supper I take part in. I
wonder what it would be like to have a Lord's Supper remembrance where
you got the "Full Meal Deal"? I can imagine roast beef, mash
potatoes, fried okra and a big ol' juicy "corn on the cob". I'd
finish it off with Blackberry cobbler and home made ice cream.

What do you thing? Does God care if we get a "tidbit" or the "full
meal deal"? I can almost imagine God looking down and shaking His
head while grinning at us eating crackers when He blessed us with so
much more. I don't know. Just thinking...

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"God of the Angel Armies" looking for a few good men...

There will come a day when the chance to choose sides is over. There
will be no more picking. You will be on the side of God with His
Angel Armies or not. It will have been your choice. The Word says we
all get to choose. Check this out and pick a side.

"For just as the new heavens and new earth
that I am making will stand firm before me"
—God's Decree— "So will your children
and your reputation stand firm.
Month after month and week by week,
everyone will come to worship me," God says

"And then they'll go out and look at what happened
to those who rebelled against me. Corpses!
Maggots endlessly eating away on them,
an endless supply of fuel for fires.
Everyone who sees what's happened
and smells the stench retches."

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Do Priests Wear Boxers?

Why is it when I call one of my buds a priest, it is worth a chuckle?
Is it because we all have a preconceived idea of what a priest is and
my buds don't fit the mold? I think the truth of it is, probably
priests don't wear boxers. Can anyone verify that? It makes sense.

The Word says as a "believer in the way" we are all priests. Most
protestants will agree with that statement. But sadly most
protestants stop there. It is kinda like a "so what?" statement. It
is true but doesn't mean my life is any different. So what! Right?

Well, maybe your and my life should be different. Maybe we should be
living up to the calling of priest? Maybe we should consider what it
might be like if we acted as priest before God began exercising grace.
How long would you have lasted as priest in the Holy of Holies where
obedience ruled? Not long right? You and I would be toast and likely

Here is the point. There is an organic church movement in the world
today that has grabbed hold of the idea of exercising our options at
being priest. But it creates a whole different set of problems. What
the heck is a priest suppose to act like, what does he do and does he
wear boxers?

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If early Christians did not go to church, where did they go?

Some would say, early Christians did not go to church. OK. I'll think
on that. So if they didn't go to church, where did they go? Today, it
seems the word church has become to mean the building / event we go to
on Sunday.

Biblically, it is true to say we are the church. Therefore we can not
go to church from a Biblical sense. The question begs an answer. If
we don't go to church, where do we go?

Look at the question from the other direction. Given we go to church
on Sunday, who are we if we are not the church? I think both are true
as a result of the limitations of the English language. We are in
fact the church and we go to church.

I propose we distinguish between the two with the use of a capital "C"
in Church to designate we are the Church. If we are referring to the
facility, we can use a lower case "c" to go to church on Sunday. This
is much like god being our credit card and God being the Holy One we

But there is a problem. In a word, it is Frank Viola. He might say,
"There is no such thing as our traditional church in the Bible". So
as ridiculous as it sounds, we are back to the original question. If
the early "C"hurch did not go to "c"hurch, where did they go when they
gathered and shared?

Possibly, they went to Fresh Connections?
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"Reimagining Church" ~Viola

I'm reading "Reimagining Church" by Frank Viola...

He is completely destroying preconceived ideas about the church. P.
Jeff has said, "We are the church. We don't go to church." That
alone is an incredible thought. Consider the responsibility you and I
have as being the church. Now consider Viola's thought...

"The church is the earthly image of the Triune God". Frank Viola

It seems if you put these two thoughts together, you get the idea that
the world gets a glimpse of who God is by looking at us. It seems we
may have just hit a bump in the road, if the world is interpreting who
God is by looking at me...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

"God's expectations are clear. Our response not so clear." ~ the janitor

"This is the kind of fast day I'm after:
to break the chains of injustice,
get rid of exploitation in the workplace,
free the oppressed, cancel debts.

What I'm interested in seeing you do is:
sharing your food with the hungry,
inviting the homeless poor into your homes,
putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad,
being available to your own families.

Do this and the lights will turn on,
and your lives will turn around at once. Your righteousness will pave your way.
The God of glory will secure your passage. Then when you pray, God will answer.
You'll call out for help and I'll say, 'Here I am.'" ~ God

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God / Jesus / Spirit encourages life: a new spirit.

"I live in the high and holy places, 
but also with the low-spirited, the spirit-crushed, 
And what I do is put new spirit in them, 
get them up and on their feet again." ~God
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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Do you ignore warnings?


On the way to EPIC life group, I was stopped by a guy in a wheel chair.  He had difficulty speaking and was crippled badly.  Clean cut and likely in his mid 20's.

He said, "You are a believer.  When I was 16 years old, I went to church and saw a cross.  I also saw a vision of myself in a wheelchair.  I ignored the warning and continued to smoke weed.  3 years later I wrecked my corvette and almost died.  Now I am crippled and in a wheel chair.  I just wanted to tell you."

I said, "Do you want to pray?"  He said, "Yes."   We prayed and he said, "Thank you." 

Now when something like this happens, I immediately turn to God and ask what I am suppose to do.  I asked for forgiveness for the times I have ignored warnings.  Then, I asked for God to bring to my mind any current warning He may given me that I have ignored.  I'd prefer avoiding the wheelchair.  Although I am in the midst of a struggle, I am unaware of ignoring a warning from God out of disobedience.

So, I toss the question your way.  Maybe the warning was for you?  Have you ignored a warning from God?  If so, confession and repentance should immediately be followed with a new direction in your life.  Sorry if it is a tough message...  God bless!

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AARP member is "ALL IN"!

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Facebook Birthday Party - October 31

Anyone ever been to a Facebook Birthday Party?  I think I'll I throw one for my birthday.  That would be spook day or more well known as Archie's birthday, October 31st.  Have to figure out where we can eat and hook-up to wireless in a party atmosphere.  Any ideas?  Want to come? What time is good?

Also, thinking about making this an international party.  You can come to my party via Facebook from all over the world, right?  So who is, "All In?"    

"Everyone will see this. No one can miss it— 
unavoidable, indisputable evidence That I, God, personally did this. 
It's created and signed by The Holy of Israel." ~God

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"The poor and homeless are desperate for water, their tongues parched and no water to be found. But I'm there..." ~God through Isaiah

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Martin Luther: a religious misfit...

I confess.  I am a religious misfit.  I am addicted to the love of Jesus Christ.  I wonder what the 12-step program will look like?
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Put a gun to my head...

I have a friend who asks himself the question, "If someone put a gun to my head and demanded an answer to the question, 'Are you a Christian?' what would I say?" He cautions to be ready.  The time may not be that far away.  

I'm inclined to believe him.  The holocaust happened in a few years, not decades.  I sense a great awakening in the church outside the four walls of a building.  When God is working, the forces of evil are working, also.  It is not so far fetched to imagine a time when religious freedom will only extend to those who freely worship the state's religion.  

God has placed a new work on my heart.  I have done a lot of things professionally, but nothing so potentially impactful as Fresh Connection Church.  The dream is in the birthing stage.  Read about the basic tenants of this new work at .  I expect God to touch thousands through the Fresh Connection, but if he only touches me, that is enough.

If as you read this God tweaks your heart, the work needs a lawyer and accountant to passionately invest their time in the initial creation of Fresh Connection Church.  Maybe you are the one God is touching.  Maybe you know someone God wants to have this opportunity?   I believe the initial structuring of FreshC to be critical and I need some help.  

God has a couple professionals in mind.  Will you listen?

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It ALL comes down to prayer...

Not really. It doesn't ALL come down to prayer, just a lot comes down
to prayer. You have to believe there is a God who created the heavens
and earth. IF not, well I guess the other 500 or so blog posts don't
make sense either.

Anyway, there is a God who created it all. We happen to be the
receipients or at least influenced by God's creations in one form or
another. Think about it. God created the sun. It is key to life.
When is the last time you said, "God. Thank you for the sun." It is
so easy to take for granted all that God has created, because you
don't have to pay for it. Go figure.

The sun is FREE! That makes no sense. God should charge for it. Put
another quarter in the slot for your portion of sun. It could be a
gold mine for God. Oh wait. He created gold. He doesn't much care
about owning a gold mine.

Back to prayer. The God that created the sun is really pleased when
he hears from you. That is prayer. It is not that you always want
something and then pray. It is that God created you and me and he
likes to hear from us sometimes.

Right now. Stop. Look. Listen. Say, "Hi God. Thanks for your
love. It is really cool." He will smile....

Surf to: and check out a new beginning...

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Fully recovered with a fresh infusion of life!

"O Master, these are the conditions in which people live,
and yes, in these very conditions my spirit is still alive—
fully recovered with a fresh infusion of life!

It seems it was good for me to go through all those troubles.
Throughout them all you held tight to my lifeline.
You never let me tumble over the edge into nothing.

But my sins you let go of, threw them over your shoulder—good riddance!
The dead don't thank you, and choirs don't sing praises from the morgue.
Those buried six feet under don't witness to your faithful ways.

It's the living—live men, live women—who thank you,just as I'm doing right now.
Parents give their children full reports on your faithful ways.
God saves and will save me.

As fiddles and mandolins strike up the tunes, We'll sing, oh we'll sing, sing,
for the rest of our lives in the Sanctuary of God." Isaiah

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"You are to be tried, my Friend, that God may be glorified in you!" Spurgeon

"So then, dear Brothers who have got into the cave, and you, my Sisters, who have deep spiritual exercises, I want to comfort you by showing you that this is God’s way of making something of you. He is digging you out! You are like an old ditch—you cannot hold any more—and God is digging you out to make more room for more Grace. That spade will cut sharply and dig up sod after sod, and throw it to one side. The very thing you would like to keep shall be cast away and you shall be hollowed out, and dug out, that the word of Elisha may be fulfilled, “Make this valley full of ditches. For thus says the Lord, You shall not see wind, neither shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water.” You are to be tried, my Friend, that God may be glorified in you!" Spurgeon

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, October 19, 2009

Is it not a curious thing...

Charles Spurgeon... Is it not a curious thing that whenever God means to make a man great, He always first breaks him in pieces? There was a man whom the Lord meant to make into a prince. How did He do it? Why, He met him one night and wrestled with him! You always hear about Jacob’s wrestling. Well, I dare say he did, but it was not Jacob who was the principal wres- tler—“There wrestled a man with Him until the breaking of the day.” God touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh and put it out of joint before He called him “Israel,” that is, “a Prince of God.” The wrestling was to take all his strength out of him and when his strength was gone, then God called him a prince. Now, David was to be king over all Israel. What was the way to Jerusalem for David? What was the way to the throne? Well, it was round by the cave of Adullam. He must go there and be an outlaw and an outcast, for that was the way by which he would be made king. Have none of you ever no- ticed, in your own lives, that whenever God is going to give you an enlargement and bring you out to a larger sphere of service, or a higher platform of spiritual life, you always get thrown down? That is His usual way of working! He makes you hungry before He feeds you! He strips you before He robes you! He makes nothing of you before He makes something of you! This was the way with David. He is to be king in Jerusalem, but He must go to the throne by the way of the cave. Now, are any of you here going to Heaven, or going to a more heavenly state of sanctification, or going to a greater sphere of usefulness? Do not wonder if you go by the way of the cave. Why is that?

It is, first, because if God would make you greatly useful, He must teach you how to pray! The man who is a great preacher and yet cannot pray, will come to a bad end. A woman who cannot pray and yet is noted for the conducting of Bible classes, has already come to a bad end. If you can be great without prayer, your greatness will be your ruin! If God means to bless you greatly, He will make you pray greatly, as He does David who says in this part of his preparation for coming to his throne, “I cried unto the Lord with my voice: with my voice unto the Lord did I make my supplication.”

Next, the man whom God would greatly honor must always believe in God when he is at his wits’ end. “When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then You knew my path.” Are you never at your wits’ end? God has not sent you to do business in great waters, for, if He has, you will reel to and fro and be at your wits’ end, in a great storm, before long! Oh, it is easy to trust when you can trust yourself, but when you cannot trust yourself—when you are dead beat, when your spirit sinks below zero in the chill of utter despair—then is the time to trust in God. If that is your case, you have the marks of a man who can lead God’s people and be a comforter of others.

Next, in order to greater usefulness, many a man of God must be taught to stand alone. “I looked on my right hand, and behold, but there was no man that would know me.” If you need men to help you, you may make a very decent fol- lower. But if you need no man and can stand alone, God being your Helper, you shall be helped to be a leader. Oh, it was a grand thing when Luther stepped out from the ranks of Rome! There were many good men round him who said, “Be quiet, Martin. You will get burnt if you do not hold your tongue! Let us keep where we are, in the Church of Rome, even if we have to swallow down great lumps of dirt. We can believe the Gospel and still remain where we are.” But Luther knew that he must defy Antichrist and declare the pure Gospel of the blessed God! And he must stand alone for the Truth of God even if there were as many devils against him as there were tiles on the housetops at Worms! That is the kind of man whom God blesses! I would to God that many a young man here might have the courage to feel, in his particular position, “I can stand alone, if need be. I am glad to have my master and my fellow workmen with me, but if nobody will go to Heaven with me, I will say farewell to them and go to Heaven alone through the Grace of God’s dear Son.”

Once more, the man whom God will bless must be the man who delights in God alone. David says, “I cried unto You, O Lord: I said, You are my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.” Oh, to have God as our refuge and to make God our portion! “You will lose your job! You will lose your income. You will lose the approbation of your fellow men.” “Ah,” says the Believer, “but I shall not lose my Portion, for God is my Portion! He is job, and income, and every- thing to me—and I will hold by Him, come what may.” If you have learned to “delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart.” Now you are come into such a state that God can use you and make much of you—but until you make much of God, He never will make much of you! God deliver us from having our portion in this life, for, if we have, we are not among His people at all!

He whom God would use must be taught sympathy with God’s poor people. Hence we get these words of David, in the sixth verse, “I am brought very low.” Mr. Greatheart, though he must be strong to kill Giant Grim and any others of the giants that infest the Pilgrim path, must be a man who has gone that road himself if he is to be a leader of others. If the Lord means to bless you, my Brother, and to make you very useful in His Church, depend upon it, He will try you. Half, perhaps nine-tenths of the trials of God’s ministers are not sent to them on their own account. They are sent for the good of other people. Many a child of God who goes very smoothly to Heaven, does very little for others. But another of the Lord’s children who has all the ins and outs and changes of an experienced Believer’s life, has them only that he may be better fitted to help others! That he may be able to sit down and weep with them that weep, or to stand up and rejoice with them that rejoice.

So then, dear Brothers who have got into the cave, and you, my Sisters, who have deep spiritual exercises, I want to comfort you by showing you that this is God’s way of making something of you. He is digging you out! You are like an old ditch—you cannot hold any more—and God is digging you out to make more room for more Grace. That spade will cut sharply and dig up sod after sod, and throw it to one side. The very thing you would like to keep shall be cast away and you shall be hollowed out, and dug out, that the word of Elisha may be fulfilled, “Make this valley full of ditches. For thus says the Lord, You shall not see wind, neither shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water.” You are to be tried, my Friend, that God may be glorified in you!

Lastly, if God means to use you, you must get to be full of praise. Listen to what David says, “Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Your name: the righteous shall compass me about; for You shall deal bountifully with me.” May God give to my Brothers and Sisters here, who are being tried for their good and afflicted for their promotion, Grace to begin to praise Him! It is the singers that go before—they who can praise best shall be fit to lead others in the work. Do not set me to follow a gloomy leader. Oh, no, dear Sirs, we cannot work to the tune of “The Dead March in Saul”! Our soldiers would never have won Waterloo if that had been the music for the day of battle! No, no! Give us a rejoicer—“Sing unto the Lord who has triumphed gloriously; praise His great name again and again.” Draw the sword and strike home! If you are of a cheerful spirit, glad in the Lord and joyous after all your trials and afflictions, and if you can rejoice more because you have been brought so low, then God is making something of you and He will yet use you to lead His people to greater works of Grace!

-C.H. Spurgeon Sermon 2282 David's Prayer in the Cave(HT TGC)

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Holy Fear. It's Time!

Don't fear what they fear. 
Don't take on their worries. 
If you're going to worry, 
worry about The Holy. 

Fear God-of-the-Angel-Armies. 


Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Volunteers Wanted.

I had a friend who has passed.  He prayed to lead at least 1 person to Christ everyday.  He went to the jails to find people who would listen.  God blessed him with more than 365 souls each year and then took him home well pleased.  Is God pleased with you?

"Quit your worship charades. I can't stand your trivial religious games: Monthly conferences, weekly Sabbaths, special meetings—

meetings, meetings, meetings—I can't stand one more! Meetings for this, meetings for that. I hate them! You've worn me out! I'm sick of your religion, religion, religion, while you go right on sinning.

"Look. This coal has touched your lips. 

Gone your guilt, your sins wiped out." 
And then I heard the voice of the Master: 

"Whom shall I send? 
Who will go for us?" I spoke up, 

"I'll go. 
Send me!"
...except from the prophet Isaiah

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hoot Owls on Watch

You might remember my previous post.. Hoot Owls on Watch ? I pondered if there might be some heavenly significance.  This was before my unscheduled detainment at Maverick County Jail.

Well the day after I got home, I was standing outside while waiting for Cora and I was looking up in the tree.  The hoot owls weren't there.  I wondered again if God had sent them earlier as a reminder that He was with us and protecting us.  

As I pondered, the big beautiful bird flew in and landed on his perch.  I think sometimes God Spots are quite real and visible.  

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Will your friends run?

When Jesus was murdered on the cross all his friends ran away pretty
quick. Would you stay or would you flee? When i was unexpectedly
detained at the border. Daniel and friends stuck with me and turned
to God for my safety and pleasure. I love you friends. Thank you!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

The value of a friend...

"It's better to have a partner than go it alone.
Share the work, share the wealth.
And if one falls down, the other helps,
But if there's no one to help, tough!

Two in a bed warm each other.
Alone, you shiver all night.

By yourself you're unprotected.
With a friend you can face the worst.
Can you round up a third?
A three-stranded rope isn't easily snapped." ~Solomon

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A good woman is hard to find.

This is a tribute to my wife and a thanks to God for the gift of my bride..

"A good woman is hard to find,and worth far more than diamonds.

Her husband trusts her without reserve, and never has reason to regret it. Never spiteful, she treats him generously all her life long. She shops around for the best yarns and cottons, and enjoys knitting and sewing. She's like a trading ship that sails to faraway places and brings back
exotic surprises.

She's up before dawn, preparing breakfast for her family and organizing her day. She looks over a field and buys it, then, with money she's put aside, plants a garden. First thing in the morning, she dresses for work, rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started. She senses the worth of her work, is in no hurry to call it quits for the day.

She's skilled in the crafts of home and hearth,diligent in homemaking. She's quick to assist anyone in need, reaches out to help the poor. She doesn't worry about her family when it snows; their winter clothes are all mended and ready to wear. She makes her own clothing, and dresses in colorful linens and silks.

Her husband is greatly respected when he deliberates with the city fathers. She designs gowns and sells them,brings the sweaters she knits to the dress shops.

Her clothes are well-made and elegant, and she always faces tomorrow with a smile. When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say, and she always says it kindly. She keeps an eye on everyone in her household, and keeps them all busy and productive.

Her children respect and bless her; her husband joins in with words of praise: "Many women have done wonderful things, but you've outclassed them all!" Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. 

The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the Fear-of- God. Give her everything she deserves!

Festoon her life with praises!" ~proverbs 31

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

3 hour prayer meeting

It is 2:00 AM and I just got back from a 3 hour prayer meeting. I
think they called it something else, but where I come from you call it
a prayer meeting. I didn't know anyone prayed 3 hours anymore. I
thought that went away with the "don't shop on Sunday" blue law.

I really enjoyed myself. The enthusiasm for a love of Christ was
contagious. I was an outsider and they welcomed me and explained the
concept of freedom of worship. While they danced around a bit and
said stuff I didn't understand, I enjoyed my freedom of worship and
stayed seated much of the time. I wondered if they thought I was
experiencing freedom. What do you think?

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, October 16, 2009

Just thought you might be interested...

I don't want to wear out the subject of my overnight jail stay, but I
know some wanted to hear the "rest of the story". It turns out to be
rather short.

It seems the local jail has no record of my arrest at this end, so I
am to await paperwork to catch up. They said it could be weeks or
months before I get the paperwork with a court date. They were also
surprised that I was even arrested. But they weren't nearly as
surprised as I was. :]

So, now I continue to wait for "the rest of the story" and God
continues to be good! Thank you for your prayers...

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Lady Wisdom throws a dinner party...

Lady Wisdom has built and furnished her home; it's supported by seven
hewn timbers. The banquet meal is ready to be served: lamb roasted,
wine poured out, table set with silver and flowers. Having dismissed
her serving maids, Lady Wisdom goes to town, stands in a prominent
place, and invites everyone within sound of her voice:

"Are you confused about life, don't know what's going on?

Come with me, oh come, have dinner with me! I've prepared a wonderful
spread—fresh-baked bread, roast lamb, carefully selected wines. Leave
your impoverished confusion and live! Walk up the street to a life
with meaning."

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

I am Lady Wisdom..

"I am Lady Wisdom, and I live next to Sanity;
Knowledge and Discretion live just down the street..

You can find me on Righteous Road—that's where I walk—
at the intersection of Justice Avenue,
Handing out life to those who love me,
filling their arms with life—armloads of life!" ~Proverbs

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Straight from jail...

By now I figure most people think I am whacked. I spent the weekend
in jail and now I have an opinion and a voice that is not afraid to
speak. Awesome. Get over it.

What price are you willing to pay for a word from God? Forget money.
You don't have enough. How about a hand? Are you willing to give up
a hand to hear a word from God? It'd be pretty cool. People would
ask, "Hey, what happened to your hand?" You could say, "I gave it up
for a word from God." That would really place value on what you heard
right? But would you really do it or is your hand more valuable than
a word from God?

God may not ask for your hand. He gave His Word freely. Men have
given their lives that you might have His Word freely.

How odd. One man will die for God's Word. Another man won't take it
off his bookshelf. How strange. Which man are you?

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Earth shattering revelation...WWJB!

What Would Jesus Be (WWJB) is earth shattering. Life changing. The
WWJD folks got it all wrong. It aligned with the wrong thinking of
generations of misspeaking. We are not "to do"! We are "TO BE"!
Really! Think on this. Pray on this. The effect on your life will be
like nothing short of salvation. If fact, it was the first thing you
did when you gained your salvation or exchanged your life for the life
of Christ. You began "TO BE"!

You became like Jesus. Unfortunately, you probably were trained to
begin doing like Jesus. You and I got it wrong. We got it backwards.
If you "BE" like Jesus, you will "DO" like Jesus as a natural
instinct of your new identity.


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Wherever He leads I'll go...

Do you remember the old Baptist song, "Wherever He leads I'll go."? I
broke down today and visited my mother to tell her I had spent the
weekend in Maverick County Jail. When I arrived at her modest
apartment, she pointed to a box on the couch and asked if I would put
it together. I said, "Sure. What is it?" She said, "It was gadget
to monitor her pacemaker. She was having more heart problems." I
thought, Oh no and I'm going to tell her I just got out of jail?

My mother is awesome. She took the news in stride and recognized God
had a plan. She explained to me that early in her marriage, she and
dad were standing in a Baptist church in California and remembers the
song being played, "Wherever He leads I'll go." Dad squeezed her hand
and that began a committed lifetime journey following God wherever He
led. It seemed going to jail with God leading was not such a far
fetched idea after all.

She went on to say, that the seemingly most productive ministry they
worked together was their prison ministry. For many years, they went
to a Texas prison multiple times during the week to share Christ with
inmates. Many men found their way to a life with Christ through mom
and dad's teaching. God continue to surprise me with His goodness.

And mom if you are reading this, congrats on making the technology
jump to cable! :)

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I was filling up with gas last night and there was a police officer in
the convenience store. Another police officer pulled up and came
inside. Normally, I am glad to see police. The job they do is tough
and with little thanks. I said, "Thank you and that I appreciated
him". He said he appreciated my support. That was nice. I paid for
my gas and left.

Then there was this tremendous sense of ANXIETY that came over me. I
had a very real sickness in the pit of my stomach. I HATE that
feeling. Where does it come from? Why is it there? I took an acid
reducing pill and a Benadryl tablet and went to sleep... zzzzz

So wise King Solomon, do you have an answer for insignificant me?

"Dear friend, guard Clear Thinking and Common Sense with your life;
don't for a minute lose sight of them. They'll keep your soul alive and well,
they'll keep you fit and attractive. You'll travel safely,
you'll neither tire nor trip. You'll take afternoon naps without a worry,
you'll enjoy a good night's sleep.

No need to panic over alarms or surprises,
or predictions that doomsday's just around the corner,
Because God will be right there with you;
he'll keep you safe and sound. " ~Solomon

It seems FORGETTING that God is right there with you, confidently
knowing His presence and expecting His direct interaction in your life
is the source of ANXIETY. I'll do better next time. "Turn to God.
Run from evil." ~Solomon. OK. I got it this time...

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Tips from the wisest man to ever live...

I should charge you for this tip. If you will get a Bible and find
the book of Proverbs. You can read tips and get advice from the
wisest man to ever live. You can not even begin to imagine the value
of the knowledge available from this book. What are you waiting for?

"These are the wise sayings of Solomon,
David's son, Israel's king— Written down so we'll know how to live
well and right,
to understand what life means and where it's going; A manual for living,
for learning what's right and just and fair; To teach the
inexperienced the ropes
and give our young people a grasp on reality. There's something here
also for seasoned men and women,
still a thing or two for the experienced to learn— Fresh wisdom to
probe and penetrate,
the rhymes and reasons of wise men and women." ~Solomon

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why do struggles belong to bad people?

Likely, you know the powerful king David became. He was one of the
mightiest kings of all history. But there was a time when things were
not so good for David. Read on...

"Oh, God, my Lord, step in;
work a miracle for me—you can do it!
Get me out of here—your love is so great!—

I'm at the end of my rope, my life in ruins.
I'm fading away to nothing, passing away,
my youth gone, old before my time.

I'm weak from hunger and can hardly stand up,
my body a rack of skin and bones." ~david

David spent much of his time as a young man staying one step ahead of
his executioner. King Saul put a contract out on him more than once.
He was worth more dead than alive. David continually poured his heart
our to God. SAVE ME!

When we see someone continually struggling, why do we assume they must
be bad people or doing bad things? Is it possible they might be one
of the few that are actually doing something pleasing for God.

It's not that God likes struggles, it just that God uses what satan
throws at you to provide opportunity for your faith to increase.
David's life was defined by struggle before he became king.

THINK ABOUT THIS!: David's life early on really stunk and yet he
became the man whose heart chased after God. He was personally cared
for and loved by God. It seems his struggles were just his defining
time to become the man God wanted to spend eternity with.

There truly is hope for each of us..

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream


God is alive and well. With Tanya's permission, I want to share an
exchange of emails from an EPIC family member. EPIC is a church based
life group where we transparently live and experience life together.
If you live in San Antonio or the surrounding community, we'd love for
you to join our family. ~archie

The email begins here...

You guys are awesome. I love being part of this new family . I asked
God what it is I am to be learning and i had an 'ah-ha' moment. God is
working on my faith in Him and trusting Him. Really trusting Him. He
continues show me his grace!
I would be honored for you to put it in your blog, and yes if you
would like to use my name that it fine!

-----Original Message-----
From: Archie Rhines
Sent: Tue, Oct 13, 2009 1:21 pm

Subject: RE: Maverick County Jail. You should have been there. :)
I and others prayed! Awesome! Broke is not a bad place to be with
God in your back pocket. Good job! I call that a God Spot! OK if I
post it on my blog? I won’t use your name unless you want me to.

From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:07 PM
To: Archie Rhines

Subject: Re: Maverick County Jail. You should have been there. :)

God is so good. Went before the judge and took my paperwork with me
showing that there were no times to be there yesterday but that i did
show up and so 1 had 2 choices he gave me 1. turn myself in (my knees
were shivering), 2. pay the $265. I said your honor i have health
issues and i don't have my medication for my seizures with me and i do
have20the $176 that i was originally suppose to pay. The judge thought
for a moment and said ok, what i will do for you is reduce the fee
from 265 to 176, but it will go on your record and will put 2 points
on your lisence, but the warrant would be lifted if paid in full.

So God is so good. It all worked i have a few points on the
DL, but that's ok compared to going to jail. Thank you for your
prayers... I may be broke now, but not in

-----Original Message-----
From: Archie Rhines
Cc: Sharon Vale ; Jeffery Chandler

Sent: Tue, Oct 13, 2009 8:07 am

Subject: RE: Maverick County Jail. You should have been there. :)
I will pray for you Tanya and the opportunity you have to trust in
God. I have CC:d this to Sharon and our EPIC dad (Jeff Chandler).
Sharon may have an idea or tw o. I don’t know, just thought she
should know.
God bless,

From: []
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 6:53 PM
To: Archie Rhines

Subject: Re: Maverick County Jail. You should have been there. :)

Archie -
Tanya here. Man how awesome! Thank you for sharing your story. Very
strange thing happened to me. I had to go to court today because last
2 months ago the judge gave me probation for my speeding ticket and
gave me till August 1st to pay. Well that is when i was in the
hospital for my pancrius and i had taken my papers from the hospital
so the judge gave me an extension till October=2 012th (today). My
paper didn't say to be there at 8 am i just assumed that it was 8-5
that i could show up. I go on my lunch break at 200 and was informed
that i was suppose to be there at 8am and so they issued a warrant.

So i have to go to court tommorrow morning and see what to do because
all i have is the money for my ticket and not the warrant. I pray that
i will not go to jail and i am praying tonight that the judge will
have mercy.

Your story encouraged me! Thank you.Just when i get to the point of
being healed physically of one thing and caught up financially on
others, something else happens. I will have to see what God wants to
teach me so thank you for your story!

Love ya brother and will see you thursday (hopefully :) )

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"Go in front of the Emerging Church" ~God

What does that mean? I don't know. How will I get there? I don't
know. This one thing I do know. Be obedient and I will be there in
the presence of God.

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Does anyone want to go to hell?

"Form two lines. Those that want to go to hell, go stand in the line
on the left. Those that want to go to heaven stand in the line on the
right. Come on. Make a choice. There is no middle line. Take a
step. The step leads to one line or the other. You say, "you can't
make up your mind? You'd prefer staying in the middle?"

I'll make it for you. Go to hell." ~satan

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Alfred E. Neuman likely knew God.

Looking back at my county jail experience, reminds me of the old MAD
cartoon character, Alfred Neuman? His famous saying was, "What me
worry?" I know it makes little sense, but I never worried about the
God Spot I was in the middle of. I prayed a lot, but didn't worry. I
just operated believing God was at work in my life and the lives of
those around me. Check out how David summed it up...

"You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in
Shaddai's shadow,
Say this: " God, you're my refuge. I trust in you and I'm safe!"" ~David

Even as I looked up at an incredibly mean looking guy and acknowledged
to God if he kicks me it is really going to hurt. I had no worry.
Whatever happened was God's abundance in my life (the perfection of
God's will and purpose). I was ok with it, but I still let God know I
preferred to have the guy chill out across the room and skip the pain
part. God honored my request.

"Yes, because God's your refuge,
the High God your very own home,
Evil can't get close to you,
harm can't get through the door.
He ordered his angels
to guard you wherever you go.
If you stumble, they'll catch you;
their job is to keep you from falling." ~David

I kinda figure the room was full of angels...

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Trip to Africa in Restrospect

I had desperately wanted to go to Africa on a mission trip. I had
been asked to speak at a conference on the topic of Men of Integrity.
I am also a fan of the faith of George Muellar. I prayed God,
"increase my faith". I questioned if the faith of George Muellar was
uniquely designed for him or maybe God would bless me with like faith.
Little did I know, he had a plan.

God chose to not provide the money for the trip to Burkina Faso,
Africa and I was a disappointed. I knew there was great value in the
trip and wanted to do my part to help in this ministry. I was a bit
confused. Did I not have enough faith?

Interestingly, the day I would have returned from Africa is the day I
was released from Maverick County Jail. Pastor John and my friend
Jean suggested possibly God didn't provide the funds for travel to
protect me from getting detained in an African jail. Others suggested
the same thing. I'm inclined to agree and praise God for His
protection, even when I didn't know why..

So Pastor Darrell, I guess now we know the "why" of the rest of the
story... I look forward to hearing of your amazing adventure in
Burkina Faso.

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Cora is my love and my hero!

When I married Cora Ann Brandt 37 years ago and she became Cora Ann
Rhines, I planned on being her protector and provider. I liked the
idea of being responsible for her well being. I think she did too. I
never dreamed life would be tough and I would not be able to fix it.
Without God there is no life...

I love Cora. She has become my hero. When she got the call I was
locked up in Maverick County Jail, she immediately stepped up to the
plate and started swinging. She would do all she could to help her
man in trouble. She called God, pastors and friends for prayer and
immediately began working the system of jail and bail, a system she
knew nothing about.

In one of the few phone calls I was allowed to make, I said get
Federico to go with you. I trusted Mr. Fred to protect her in her
travels to Eagle Pass and know what to expect of the system once she
got there. In true God color, Federico was God in the flesh for
myself and Cora. God worked through him as encouragement for Cora and
we all got through the ordeal.

So the bar has been raised for God Spots. I never dreamed my chase
after God would open a door I would not naturally choose to go
through. But it is a door I went through with no regrets and no
questioning of God. I did tell God if He didn't provide a God Spot, I
couldn't make any sense out of the experience. God came through with
multiple Spots and I with many of those praying were blessed.

God bless you Cora Ann, friends and family.

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, October 12, 2009

Continuing Adventure in Maverick County Jail

Back to my adventure...

The first question that gets asked of every new inmate is just like
the movies. What are you in for? It's not what did you do. It's
what do they think you did? I had no idea what I did so the question
was a bit difficult to answer. I don't think they believed me.

The guy busted for hauling 13 pounds of cocaine was held in "high"
regard. Funny. Get it? High regard? Then there was the guy that
burglarized habitats. I was amused by the guy who said he was
arrested for being drunk and disorderly. He said he mostly drunk and
not so much disorderly. When they asked me, I was a bit embarrassed
cause I didn't know. First, I told them I didn't know. That didn't
work. Then, I told them maybe it was for an unpaid ticket. I probably
should have stuck with some story like ax murderer or something. It
would have been more believable.

I sat and talked with a guy about the concept of you being who are by
choice. Every day is a new day and first one of the rest of your
life. You get to choose. Will you do something stupid that gets you
tossed back in jail or will you do something smart that draws you
closer to Jesus. We both agreed it was usually easier to do something

We talked about speaking in tongues. One guy had spoke in tongues
before. I never had. So he "one upped" on that point.

We talked about the difficult life Paul lived. At one point in the
day, a guard left our cell door unlocked. It was weird how
unconsciously, everyone in the cell noted the door was slammed shut
but the key wasn't turned. It speaks a bit for our natural desire to
reclaim freedom. We left it unlocked for about 30 minutes, because no
one wanted to be the one to tell the guard he messed up. I wondered
if they left the door unlocked on purpose, just for the opportunity to
wear their Darth Vador hat and whack someone with a stick when they
stuck their head out.

I thought about Grace Point Immersion effort to listen to the entire
new testament of the Bible in 40 days. I wished I could recall more
Bible passages by memory. I think I will work on Bible memorization.
I would have enjoyed dwelling on different passages.

I shared John 3:16 with a cell mate. I thought about how much the
verse meant to me. It is a safe haven for me. It is a place I can
retreat and feel like I am in the Father's hand. I told him
repeatedly. Remember the first few words and bank on them when times
get tough. "For God so loved...".

I wondered if I was a bad person now that I was locked up in jail.
Would I come out feeling like a bad person. I concluded, "no". I was
not a bad person. I was the same person coming out of jail as the
person that went in jail. This is really key.

Circumstance does not create your identity. You create your identify
by the choices you make.

Thank you for your prayers.

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